
Pic Jokes

31 pic jokes and hilarious pic puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about pic that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Make your whatsapp, myspace and SMS conversations more fun with these hilarious non-veg and feet pic jokes! From DP pics to awesome photography, you'll be the life of the party with this collection of pic jokes!

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Funniest Pic Short Jokes

Short pic jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The pic humour may include short photographer jokes also.

  1. Girls hate it when I suddenly send them photographs of parasites Turns out, no one wants unsolicited tick pics
  2. Why couldn't Anakin Skywalker upload his pics to email them to Padme? Because attachments are forbidden.
  3. My long distance girlfriend wanted to see the guacamole I made So I sent her a solicited dip pic
  4. When I was young my mom grounded me for having a file on pc with the name "boobies pics" I never understood why bird watching was wrong
  5. The shutter speed of the iPhone 6's camera is so high... can take a pic of a woman with her mouth shut
  6. Tried to snap pics of a ghost with my phone but they came out dark The spirit was willing but the flash was weak
  7. I found some pictures of little trolls that were taken a long time ago They're ol'-imp-pics
  8. Samsung's phones front cameras are like mothers They make you feel pretty, but deep inside you know there is a beauty filter being applied to your pics.
  9. My Tinder Inbox got flooded with messages from pretty girls after I changed my Profile Pic Who knew uploading Ted Bundy's Picture as a joke would attract so many girls!
  10. iPhone 8 will have a refined camera... It only sends Richard pics.

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Pic One Liners

Which pic one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with pic? I can suggest the ones about photographic and photograph.

  1. I put Jesus on my background pic and now my phone never dies Yup, he's my screen-savior
  2. What do you call dental X-rays? tooth pics
  3. How do ships flirt online? They send deck pics.
  4. What do girl dogs hate getting? Unsolicited stick pics
  5. They're re-making Gone in 60 Seconds It's a bio-pic about Kevin Spacey's reputation.
  6. What does a dentist send when sexting? A tooth pic
  7. You know how to pick up a zoologist? Send them dik-dik pics.
  8. What did the bullied microchip say? PIC on someone your own size!
  9. Woman wanted a pic of me with a banana for scale. Too bad the store was out of plantains.
  10. What did the Dentist tell the patient to go take at the X-Ray Department? Tooth Pics....
  11. What do you get when you give a kid a guitar and a pic? A rattle...eventually.
  12. What does a dentist call his x-rays? Tooth pics
  13. Why did the female snowman delete Tinder? She was getting too many snow cone pics.
  14. Hahahahaha... The Girl Enter In Car Their Cloth is veer Tight See you pic...
  15. Why was the dog a naughty boy? He was sending unsolicited stick pics.

Comical Puns & Laughs: Enjoy Fun, Witty Pic Jokes with Friends.

What funny jokes about pic you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean picture jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make pic pranks.

What color are your p**..., babe?

Boy: What color are your p**..., babe?
Girl: Why do you keep asking me s**... questions, don't you ever think about anything else?
Boy: Ok, do you think the republicans should support the congress with their decision to raise the debt ceiling ?
Girl:You know i am wearing your favourite purple lace p**.....You want a pic?

Religion is like a n**... pic

If it ends up on the internet you're entering a world of criticism 

Former figure skater Michelle Kwan was caught by paparazzi, who took an unfortunate down-blouse pic.

Nevertheless, it's a perfect example of both quality and Kwan t**....

My long distance gf asked me to send her a s**... pic

I sent her a pic of my hand. She said, "that is not s**...!" I said "yes it is, it gets me off every night!"

Comment found on an FB
pic of a new born baby

"Hey kid, Spoiler Alert: Life s**...."

Help me think of a joke/pun

My friend got rear ended (she's fine) on her way to a concert and posted a pic of her car. I wanna make a pun about how he ruined her plans, by rear ending her. Any help?

This guy said he'd only talk to me if I sent him a n**... pic

So I sent him a pick of my n**... wall and my hand giving him the bird.