
Peak Jokes

76 peak jokes and hilarious peak puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about peak that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Check out this list of funny jokes about mountain peaks and the adventure of scaling them. From famous places like Pikes Peak and the Peak District to lesser known summits, these clever jokes will make you laugh and appreciate the adventure of conquering a peak!

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Funniest Peak Short Jokes

Short peak jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The peak humour may include short peek jokes also.

  1. My wife gets upset when I steal her kitchen utensils... But it's a whisk I'm willing to take.
  2. George R R Martin, dead after reaching peak popularity Just like one of his characters.
    (If this trash of a post hit the front page, the title could really mess with some GoT fans, I'm just saying)
  3. Why do they sell shoes in pairs? Because they're sole-mates.
    (I made this joke up about a week ago and figured I'd tell it on non-peak hours so I don't get upvoted enough to quit my day job)...
  4. Why did the snowman apply for a job on the winter solstice? It wanted to work during its peak season.
  5. TIL the Earth produces global electromagnetic resonance with the highest peak frequency of 33.8Hz, slightly lower than a C#1 note with a frequency of 34.65Hz. I guess you can say the earth is flat.
  6. What mountaintop is infamous for making climbers disappear? \- Peak Aboo.
    And which one gives them a flu?
    \- Peak Achoo.
  7. I like my women like I like America Bold, opionated, just past their peak and starting to realize they need to settle for less
  8. I recently joined a support group for people who peaked in high school. It's called Crossfit
  9. Gesundheit What are you called when you reach the highest power level sneeze ever?
    You're a Peak-Achoo.

    I'll see myself out...
  10. Mt. Everest has lost its record status ... ... now that a British astronaut is Earth's highest Peake.

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Peak One Liners

Which peak one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with peak? I can suggest the ones about avail and reach.

  1. Why do you never play hide & seek with mountains? Mountains peak.
  2. I cut the top off of Mt. Everest. I only wanted to take a peak.
  3. Why did the winter solstice visit the gym? It wanted to stay in "peak" condition.
  4. George R. R. Martin found dead after reaching peak popularity. Just like his characters.
  5. What do you call it when you tell a joke on top of a mountain? Peak comedy.
  6. How do mountains see? They peak.
  7. I am fascinated by mountains. They peak my interest.
  8. How do you call the peak of indifference? What Everest.
  9. What do mountains do when they want to look at something? They take a peak.
  10. When a comedian looks down on everyone That's peak comedy.
  11. How does the Pope stay in peak physical condition? Crossfit
  12. I peaked too soon in high school. I'm still sending her child support.
  13. Do you guys like jokes about mountains? They really peak my interest
  14. I just made a good mountain joke I think it was peak humor
  15. Oh, you want to climb to the top of Mount Everest? Did it PEAK your interest?

Peak No Jokes

Here is a list of funny peak no jokes and even better peak no puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • I'm new to the stock market and I've been getting really good at pinpointing the peak of penny stocks. I'll explain. That's when I tend to buy them.
  • My friends say I'm a lot like an Iphone I peaked in 2008 and I'm not compatible with anyone else.
  • Went to my doctor today for a check up and afterwards he told me my prostate was in peak physical condition.... I thought it was a strange thing for a dermatologist to say but hey good to know
  • An electric pokemon just sneezed its biggest sneeze ever Some would call that its 'Peak Achoo'
  • A friend of mine told me how to get maximum returns on my investments That really peaked my interest!
  • Halfway through his birth, I realize that my son was at his peak trading value... At that point, he was new, in box
  • Why did the nurse cuddle with her locked-in syndrome patients right after their sponge bath? Because she likes her vegetables at the peak of freshness
  • Took a peak at one of my Christmas presents. A bag of rice? Thanks a lot Uncle Ben.
  • What's worse than peaking in high school? Climaxing to middle schoolers.
  • Annoying Orange has 5 million subscribers, but has long since reached its peak. Now he's president of the United States.

Mountain Peak Jokes

Here is a list of funny mountain peak jokes and even better mountain peak puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • My buddy and I started a mountaineering business 6 months ago, and things haven't been going so well. We may have peaked early.
  • A mountain climber's dog falls off a cliff just before reaching the peak. He says... "Dog gone."
  • Why should you never get undressed in front of a mountain ? Because they're always peaking
  • What did the mountain say to the mysteriously foggy valley? "Alright, you've really peaked my interest"
  • I have a large pile of empty pop cans in my garage... It's a mountain, soda's peak.
  • A man climbed to the peak of a mountain... it was all downhill from there
  • Mountains... They peaked years ago
  • Why did the rock climber start l**... the grass on the peak? He wanted some Mountain Dew.
Peak joke, Why did the rock climber start l**... the grass on the peak?

Highest Peak Jokes

Here is a list of funny highest peak jokes and even better highest peak puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • An angry man is coming home and shouts to his wife, "I know everything!"
    His wife reacts right away, "Is that so? Then tell me please. Who is the fifth highest peak in the world?"

Peak Mount Jokes

Here is a list of funny peak mount jokes and even better peak mount puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Why do so many die on Mount Everest? Many never reached peak performance.
  • A Pokemon GO player climbed to the summit of mount Everest... ...convinced that he would could catch a rare Pokemon. All he caught was a cold. It stared with a peak achoo.
  • Finally reached the top of Mount Everest in 15 days That's my Peak Performance!
Peak joke, Finally reached the top of Mount Everest in 15 days

Hilarious Fun Peak Jokes to Bring Joy & Laughter with Friends

What funny jokes about peak you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean spot jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make peak pranks.

Driving through a blizzard with my dad

At the peak of the snow and ice he got out of the car and put two frozen snakes on the windshield. I asked him what he supposed that would do to help and he said "what's wrong son, Never heard of wind chilled vipers?"

Tour guide in the mountain

A guide was leading a group of people on a hike through some mountains. He pointed at a fairly majestic looking peak and said "This one is most popular with mountain climbers. Most days you have a few teams doing a climb. The ascent, depending on your skill level can take between two and five hours. The descent, again depending on your skill level, takes anywhere between 4 hours and 30 seconds."

Hey. I can't help but peak at chu.

It's making my bulbs all sore.

Chairman Mao was a keen rock climber who managed to scale all the top ten peaks of China. He commemorated his achievement by getting his ears pierced and adding 10 pieces of jewellery to represent each peak.

he was....(ahem)....MaoTenEarring.

In 1939, an unusual farm animal named Gertrude became the first cow to climb to the peak of Everest carrying gear for the climbers, setting a world record that still stands unbroken.

Since then, the steaks have never been higher.

There was this former soccer star...

who quit at the peak of his career. When a reporter asked him why, he replied It was Messi business.

A communist joke often told by Ronald Reagan

Two Russian friends were taking a walk downtown during the height of the Soviet Union. The one looks around at his country and says "is this it? Have we achieved peak Communism?"
The other responds "oh, no my friend, it gets much worse."

How I learned to mind my own business???

One day I was walking near a mental institution. Everyone in the courtyard was yelling: 13 13 13 !!!
The fence was to high to see anything, but I found a hole so I got close to peak through it.. A crazy guy poked me in the eye and everyone started yelling: 14 14 14!!!

British scientists have created a new high-tech material that reaches peak performance around 5pm

They called it Tea-timeium.

TIL that narcissistic behavior tends to peak in mid-September.

Pride goeth before a fall.

A surgeon offers a patient his choice of two hearts for transplant.

The 1st heart belonged to a 22 year old Olympian in peak physical condition who died tragically.
The 2nd heart belonged to an 80 year old obese sedentary politician.
Without thinking twice, the patient chooses the 2nd heart.
Shocked by his choice, the surgeon asks Why did you choose that heart?
The patient responds Because I know that heart has never been used.

Peak joke, What do you call it when you tell a joke on top of a mountain?

jokes about peak