Passing Exam Jokes
89 passing exam jokes and hilarious passing exam puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about passing exam that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Passing Exam Short Jokes
Short passing exam jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The passing exam humour may include short passing driving test jokes also.
- I have an archaeology exam tomorrow And it doesn't matter if I pass or fail because either way...
My future's in ruins. - Totally sick of idiots letting firework off early, it's still October for goodness sake!!! Dog is going mad and keeps knocking the Christmas tree over!
- I have a math exam My mom said she will give me 200$ if I pass.
My dad said he will give me 500$ if I pass.
I'm gonna get 1000$ after passing that easy exam,Wish me luck. - If you want to pass your calculus exam, don't sit in between two identical twins. It's very hard to differentiate between them.
- Since I have a lot of exams next week... I decided to buy a Seahawks jersey. That way, I'm sure to pass even if I shouldn't
- I passed my Algebra test today but failed my Biology exam. The aftermath was really difficult.
- My mom told me she'd give me $200 if I passed my math exam and my dad told me he'd give me $500 Looks like I'm getting $1000 today Reddit!
- Since passing my art exam, I've become very patronizing. If you don't know what that means, I'll draw you a picture.
- With great power... Comes great Current squared Resistance.
Yeah, I need these mnemonics to pass tomorrow's electronics exam. - So I was in math class when the teacher asked me what comes after 69. I said 70. I know you were expecting a joke, but I want to pass my exams.
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Passing Exam One Liners
Which passing exam one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with passing exam? I can suggest the ones about passing and studying exams.
- I passed my cheerleading exam... I went in and said "Give me an A!" and they did.
- How do you pass the Isis entrance exam? I don't know about you, I bombed it.
- I passed my physical exam! But I only got a C in Hepatitis.
- I did some acid before I took my vision exam. It went great, I passed with flying colors.
- I passed all my exams Sounds better than I never turned up for them
- Why don't fish pass their exams? Because they work below C-Level.
- How did the pastry chef do on the donut-making exam? She passed with frying crullers.
- What do you call a priest who passes the bar exam? father in law
- I was afraid I might fail my fireworks exam But I passed with flying colors
- It seems I passed my mummy embalming exam... It was a no brainer!
- Why did everyone pass the final confectioner exam? It was a piece of cake
- How to pass an exam? Just answer "customer "
Because customer is always right!!! - why do magicians pass every exam ? because of trick questions!
- How did the blind man pass the eye exam? He just kept walking
- I failed my bar exam It turns out you need to know what you're drinking in order to pass.
Passing Exam Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about passing exam you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean school exam jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make passing exam pranks.
Doctor Doctor, I keep thinking I'm a robot that has to take an exam to become human.
Doctor: Don't worry, it'll pass.
New Young Lawyer
A young lawyer passes the Bar Exam & decided to get his first tailor-made suit. So he went to the finest tailor in town and got measured for a suit. A week later he went in for his first fitting. He put on the suit and he looked fabulous, he felt that in this suit he will come across as very professional.
As he was preening himself in front of the mirror he reached down to put his hands in the pockets and to his surprise he noticed that there were no pockets. He mentioned this to the tailor who asked him, "Didn't you tell me you were a lawyer?"
The young man answered, "Yes, I did."
To this the tailor said, "Who ever heard of a lawyer with his hands in his own pockets?"
A chemistry professor is giving his final exam...
... he says on the friday before the final, "If you miss the final you have to have a great excuse for missing the final next monday." Two students decide to study together all weekend so all friday night they study, all saturday morning and night they study, then they study all sunday morning and decide, "We've been studing all that we can study, let's go out and relax for a while." They drive 150 miles to the next town, they get drunk and pass out later sunday night. They woke up late monday morning and realized they missed their test. They drive back and tell the profesor, "We had a flat tire and couldn't get it fix and that is why we are late." The profesor agrees that having a flat tire is a legitimate excuse. He then proceeds to put them in two seperate rooms and hands them the new test they have to retake. First question: (5 points out of 100) What is the chemical compound for sugar? "That's an easy question" the one student says. He goes and answers the question. Second question: (95 points out of 100) Which tire was flat?
I remembered this joke while studying for exams.
God and st peter decide to do their rounds around a college campus. While looking around the dorms, they see a group of students earnestly studying for their final exams the next day. God looks at St Peter and tells him to fail each one of them. St. Peter is a little bewildered, but he dares not doubt the judgement of God. Moments later, they pass by a dorm full of drunk students, partying before their final the next day. God takes a look at them and says "Make sure these students all get an A+ tomorrow". St Peter cannot sit quietly anymore and finally asks why.
"Why?!" God shouts at St Peter, "These students clearly have faith in me!"
I ate my exam paper
and then I passed it
A good, short oldie to end your Monday
A professor is working in his office during his open hours. It's only a week away from the final exam, so he thinks nothing when one his students comes in. That is, until he sees she's in a short skirt, a low cut top, and closes the door behind her.
She quickly takes a seat and leans over the desk, saying, "Professor, I *really* need to pass this class. If I pass this exam, I'll pass the class, so I really need your help. It's very important to me. I mean, I would do *anything* to pass this exam."
She reaches out and touches the professor's hand lightly. The professor raises an eyebrow and glances at the closed door. He clears his t**... and leans in.
"Anything?" he asks.
"Anything," she nods.
He takes in a deep breath and then asks, "Would you . . . study?"
Why I Un-Installed League of Legends.
To pass my exams, What did you expect?
I didn't become a lawyer because I couldn't pass the bar
or any bar for that matter, without stopping in. I ended up too drunk to take that exam.
My professor, Mark, jacked off on my genetics exam.
I didn't pass, but I got partial Marks.
So a Student walks into a cafeteria where the professors eat...
He goes and sits at their table with them and begins eating his lunch. One professor is not amused and asks the young man: "have you ever seen birds feast alongside cows?"
The student says: "Oh I understand, I guess I should fly away now"
The professor gets angry and decides to plot a plan to fail him on the next exam. So after the exam the professor asks: "I shall ask you a question, and if your answer is reasonable I will award you a high grade, if not, you shall not pass(hehe)"
The student agrees and so the professor asks: "If you had to choose only one between the following, which would you choose? great Wealth or great Knowledge and wisdom?"
The student responds: "Great wealth"
The professor says: "well I would have chosen great Knowledge and wisdom!"
The student then says: "of course, we have both chosen the one thing we lack most"
I'm going to wear a Seahawks jersey to my next exam so I know that i'll pass.
I passed my dentistry exam...
Written paper A+, o**... B.
A rainbow took an exam...
It passed with flying colours.
How to pass a very difficult exam?
Change your name to time, time always passes no matter what
A student comes to a young professor's office hours...
She glances down the hall, closes his door, and kneels pleadingly. "I would do anything to pass this exam." She leans closer to him, flips back her hair, gazes meaningfully into his eyes. "I mean..." she whispers, "I would do... anything."
He returns her gaze. "Anything?"
His voice softens. "Anything??"
"Absolutely anything."
His voice turns to a whisper. "Would you... study?"
Why did the dog become a lawyer but the cat couldn't?
The cat couldn't pass the "bark exam"
Texas Sheriffs Deputy Exam
A man in Texas looking to join the Frio County Sheriffs Dept. was being interviewed. The Sergeant doing the interview says, "Your qualifications look good, but there's an attitude suitability test you must pass before you can be accepted."
Then, sliding a Smith and Wesson 45 p**... across the desk, he says to the man, "Take this p**...; go out and shoot six i**... aliens, six m**... dealers, six Muslim extremists, six 'Progressive Liberal' democrats, and a rabbit."
"Why the rabbit?" the man asked.
"That's the attitude we're looking for." said the Sergeant, "When can you start?"
How do you become a snack lawyer?
By passing the bar exam.
New Lawyer
After successfully passing the bar exam, a man opened his own law office. He was sitting idle at his desk when his secretary announced that a Mr. Jones had arrived to see him. "Show him right in!" our lawyer replied. As Mr. Jones was being ushered in our lawyer had an idea. He quickly picks up the phone and shouts into it " ...and you tell them that we won't accept less then fifty thousand dollars, and don't even call me until you agree to that amount!" Slamming the phone down he stood up and greeted Mr. Jones; "Good Morning, Mr. Jones, what can I do for you?"
"I'm from the phone company," Mr. Jones replied, "I'm here to connect your phone."
If I got 50 cents for every math exam I passed
I would be making money in a very strange way.
In law school...
Professor: What is fraud?
Student: If you don't let me pass the exam, you've committed fraud.
Professor: (surprised) how so?
Student: According to the law, those who take advantage of others' ignorance to cause them losses are committing fraud.
What do you call a nun who just passed her bar exam?
A sister-in-law
I need to pass my exams
So I decided to join the Falcons. They pass even when they shouldn't.
An older woman was awaiting the results of a medical exam when her doctor informed her of some upsetting news. "I'm afraid you've got stage 4 cancer."
"Oh my god!" she shrieked.
"That's not all. To make matters worse, you have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease." he said.
She took a moment to process the news. After a few moments passed, relieved, she says "Well thank god I don't have cancer."
A college student could not take his seminar final exam because of a f**....
"No problem," the teacher told him. "Make it up the following week." That week came, and again he couldn't take the test due to another f**....
"You'll have to take the test early next week," the professor insisted. "I can't keep postponing it."
"I'll take the test next week if no one dies," the undergrad replied.
By now I the instructor was suspicious. "How can you have so many people you know pass away in three weeks?"
"I don't know any of these people," the student exclaimed. "But I'm the only gravedigger in town."
Why don't fish pass there exams?
Because they are below average
If I get the script of Interstellar
And a month to study, I can pass any exam any day.
I always collected my old farts in a jar
and took them with me whenever I had an exam. It's how I passed my classes.
I'm thinking of taking an interest in Racist Law
Someone told me I should pass the Roseanne Barr exams.
I just passed my homeopathy exam, but it wasn't easy...
Couldn't concentrate
The other day I failed my grade 10 English exam for the third year in a row
My friend called it quite a feat.
I smugly corrected him and said, "the singular is actually 'a foot.'"
How did that d**... even pass??
The entrance exam for medical college had just one question
if a young woman faints ,the first thing you need to do is to feel her PU_S_ .
Those who answered PULSE , passed and the rest are reading this joke
Three Homemade Jokes (Puns) ENJOY
Two worms are going through a pantry. They go through some apples, pears, and other things. After a while, they get STUCK, in something hard and green. One says to the other, "Man, we really got ourselves into a pickle."
An archaeologist is going through an underground cave and comes across a woman, frozen, and preserved in time. He instantly fell in love with her. However, after a while of trying the relationship, he realized it wouldn't work out. He just couldn't break the ice.
Did you hear about the boy who ate his exam? Three hours later and he still hadn't passed his test.
The Last Exam
(Sorry for terrible formatting and grammar)
A Philosophy teacher was handing out empty papers for the last exam of the year. The students had one simple task to complete,
They had to convince their teacher that the chair he had placed on the middle of the classroom didn't exist.
After 40 minutes, students returned their answer sheets. All of them had complex sentences and long paragraphs except one.
It had a single sentence.
What chair?
He was the only one to pass the exam.
when my dad and his friends were in 9th grade...
...there was a guy called Peter in their class. Unfortunately he couldn't pass the final exams and had to stay in the same class for another year. then onwards they called him repeater.
I just passed my mixology exam.
Despite missing most of the lessons, I somehow muddled through.
I passed my written exam to become a doctor!
They won't let me become a doctor
How did the auto mechanic pass his class on government?
He had all the right answers hon da' civics exam!
Why do obese people always pass their exams?
Because they're too big to fail.
How do you pass your driving theory exam?
2)Have a beer before the exam
3)Offer the examiner a cigarette
Question in Med school exam - Answer the following Question. When a young girl faints, you immediately touch and check her p - - s -
Only the people who answered
P U L S E,
passed the exam
I just passed my ethics exam...
Of course I cheated
I don't know if i can post this here but i need to pass my math exam and my teacher passes everyone who writes a joke to make him laugh. I need the best math jokes.
Anyway here's a joke:
What do you get if you add two apples and three apples?
A middle school math problem!
And what do you gett if you search for your ex and don't know why?
A college math problem!
A woman visited her doctor for her annual exam. The doctor asked, Are you and your husband s**... active? Yes, we have verbal s**... everyday. the woman answered. Verbal s**...? I think you mean o**... s**...! the doctor laughed. No, I mean verbal s**.... the woman persisted.
Every morning my husband and I pass each other in the hall and say, 'Fuck you!'"
A man goes to the doctor with a terrible problem
Doctor, I think I have a problem with my farts. I can pass really loud gas, but no smell would come out of them.
That sounds serious. Can you try letting one out now?
So the man farts, and true to his word, it's so loud that the exam room's windows even vibrate.
Just as I feared. We must operate immediately.
My b**...?
No, your nose, you idiot!
Old habits are hard to break.
A woman gynecologist decides she wants to become a mechanic. She enrolls in a technical college and becomes an A student.
Before she can graduate she must pass the final exam, which is dismantling a car engine & rebuilding correctly. When she receives the results of her exam she sees the instructor gave her 150 points. Fearing there must be some error she goes to ask her instructor.
"If 100 is a perfect score, how is it I scored 50 points over?"
The instructor explains, "Well you scored 50 points for taking the engine apart correctly."
"And 50 points for putting it all back together correctly."
"You got the extra 50 points for doing all of it through the muffler!"
Made My Own Grand kids
With a patient in my medical exam room:
Me: How old are your kids?
Patient: Forty-four and 39 from my wife who passed away, and from my second wife, 15 and 13.
Me: That's quite the age difference!
Patient: Well, the older ones didn't give me any grandkids, so I made my own.
A father, finally exasperated looking at his son's failed test scores, shouted: " Son, if you fail your exams one more time today, don't you EVER call me your father again!!"
"Yes, father.", the son replied meekly.
After the exams, the son came home.
"How were the exams, son? Do you think you managed to pass this time?"
Scene: With a patient in my medical exam room
Me: How old are your kids?
Patient: Forty-four and 39 from my wife who passed away, and from my second wife, 15 and 13.
Me: That's quite the age difference!
Patient: Well, the older ones didn't give me any grandkids, so I made my own