
Paedophiles Jokes

46 paedophiles jokes and hilarious paedophiles puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about paedophiles that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Paedophiles Short Jokes

Short paedophiles jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The paedophiles humour may include short molesters jokes also.

  1. What do paedophiles and tortoises have in common? What do paedophiles and tortoise have in common?
    They both want to get there before the hair
  2. Two paedophiles are waiting at a bus stop when an 8 year old girl walks past... One says to the other, "I bet she was a looker in her day."
  3. You can say what you like about Paedophiles... least they drive slowly in a school area.
  4. Say what you want about paedophiles... least they drive slowly through school zones.
  5. A policeman stopped two priest driving down the road. Policeman says we are looking for a couple of paedophiles, the two priest look at each other and says to the policeman.. Ok we will do it....
  6. A new report states that paedophiles need re-educating. What a great idea, paedophiles going back to school.
  7. Kids these days have it real easy. There weren't as many paedophiles in my day. I had to buy my own candy.
  8. A report has concluded that paedophiles should be re-educated. What a great idea, let's send paedophiles back to school.
  9. Paedophiles are not allowed to win any races. They always have to come in a little behind.
  10. Two paedophiles are sunbathing on a beach... One says to the other, "Hey you, get out of my sun!"

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Paedophiles One Liners

Which paedophiles one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with paedophiles? I can suggest the ones about perverts and criminals.

  1. Why do Paedophiles never win races? They like to come in a little behind...
  2. What kind of shoes do paedophiles wear? White vans
  3. If you're scared of Paedophiles.... ....then grow up
  4. Why are Blackjack players like paedophiles? They aim for 21 but hit on anything below 12
  5. what shoes do paedophiles wear? White vans
  6. You know why paedophiles don't play Skyrim? No lollygagging.
  7. What do you call a dating app for paedophiles Kinder tinder
  8. 2 paedophiles on a beach. One says to the other.... "Can you get out of my son please?"
  9. What dating app do paedophiles use? Tindergarten
  10. I heard there is a new dating app for paedophiles Kinder is due to be released shortly!
  11. Paedophiles Pedophiles are really only a minor concern
  12. you know who makes the best cocoa? paedophiles
  13. Why was the paedophilic sword-fighter arrested? He was a child rapierist.
  14. Why do paedophiles teach Physical Ed? Well... it's a touchy subject.
  15. Did you hear about the supplement that hates paedophiles? He's Proteen.

Paedophiles joke, Did you hear about the supplement that hates paedophiles?

Hilarious Fun Paedophiles Jokes to Bring Joy & Laughter with Friends

What funny jokes about paedophiles you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean small children jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make paedophiles pranks.

What do you get if you cross a pirate and a p**...?

Arrr Kelly!

I'm 36, and last night when I was out with my 19 year old girlfriend someone yelled "p**...!"

That really ruined our 10 year anniversary.

A priest, a p**... and a r**... walk into a bar

And that was just the first guy

They say 1 in 12 people live next door to a p**...

I don't, I live next door to 2 stunning 12 year olds

A r**..., p**... and priest enter a bar.

He orders a beer.

How do you spot a Jewish p**... in Thailand?

He brings his own kids.

Billy was sleeping in his room

Billy was sleeping in his room when suddenly a flash of light appeared. A man was then standing in Billy's room. Billy was amazed.
Billy asked ''Who are you?''
The man responded with "I'm you from the future"
Billy was amazed to be able to meet his future self.
He asked his older self "What will I be when I grow up?"
The older Billy locked the door and said "A p**..."

How big is a p**...'s closet?

It's pretty spacey

What did the Jewish p**... say to the young boy?

Hey kid, wanna buy some candy?

What do you call a disabled p**...?

A creepy crawler

What did one p**... say to the other?

Swap you two fives for a ten

So a p**... walks into a bar

And the bartender says "Sorry, we don't serve kids"

A Priest, an alcoholic and a p**..., walk in to a bar.

He buys a drink.

They say one in ten people live next door to a p**......

Not me.... i live next to two gorgeous 8 year olds.

My friend's call me a p**... just because my girlfriend "looks thirteen".

Jokes on them, though. She's actually twelve.

A priest, a homosexual, and a p**... walk into a bar......

And then a second guy walks in

Edited from my mistake earlier today: what do paedophiles and n**... have in common?

They can both s**... a Vietnamese orphan in under 30 seconds.

What's the worst part of being a p**...?

It's hard to fit in.

I was clearing out my loft today when I found a catalogued list of paedophiles

Naturally I was baffled to find such a thing in my loft, so I did a double take, and realised it was a TV guide from 1973.

What's a p**...'s favourite musical scale?

A minor

Josh tells his friend Steve, 'did you know 2 out of every 3 people live next to a p**...?'

Steve replies 'not me, I live next to two smoking hot 10 years olds'

My wife called me a p**... yesterday

Quite a long word for a 9 year old.

Paedophiles joke, My wife called me a p**... yesterday