
Ovulating Jokes

10 ovulating jokes and hilarious ovulating puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about ovulating that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Ovulating Funny Jokes to Tell Your Friends and Kids.

What is a good ovulating joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

What is it called when a Jewish woman ovulates?

An Eggsodus.

What happened to the girl that had her period while giving a speech?

She got a standing ovulation

Why do most women want to have s**... during ovulation?

Because the s**... is eggceptional.

Did you hear about the screening of that documentary movie on Menstrual cycle?

The audience gave it a standing ovulation.

What do you call a resounding period?

A standing ovulation.

Two sperms are racing to reach the ovule.

After a minute, one asks the other, "Hey, how much longer until we reach the ovaries?" The other answers, "Keep swimming, fool! We haven't even passed the tonsils yet!"

I was tell jokes at the fertility clinic with my wife today.

I got a standing ovulation.

What did the worlds best public speaker get when she gave a riveting speech while on her period?

A standing ovulation.

Why do musicians love performing in front of crowds of women?

They always give standing ovulations.

How do the female members of the Human League Ovulate?

They use their Philoaklian tubes

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