
Overhears Jokes

16 overhears jokes and hilarious overhears puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about overhears that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Overhears Short Jokes

Short overhears jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The overhears humour may include short overheard jokes also.

  1. My sister said she doesn't like when I overhear her talking to other people But she hasn't told me yet, so I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that.
  2. Overhearing my ex... I once overheard my ex tell her best friend that I was a stalker.
    Nearly made me mad enough to come out of her closet
    and give her a piece of my mind.
  3. A patient overhears the doctor yelling, "Measles, mumps, rubella, polio, Covid..." He asks the nurse what's going on. The nurse replies, "Oh, he just likes to call the shots around here."
  4. One nice thing about the Trump White House is how polite everyone is... You can overhear the staffers saying "pardon me..."
  5. A stick of butter is at a party. He overhears a conversation in which someone is giving incorrect facts to prove their point. He steps in, and says Actually... Clarified butter.
  6. A child overhears their parents saying his game would cost an arm and a leg! The child really wants that new game, he would do anything for it *Ambulance siren sounds in the background*
  7. "My makeup artist is terrible," I told my buddy. "Hey," said my makeup artist, overhearing me. "Don't make me look bad."
    I said, "No...don't make ME look bad."
  8. [true story] My step dad's name is John Sung, and he named his son, Samuel. One day Samuel overhears his dad say, "I like Samsung over Apple. Apple's so overrated."
    And he thinks, "Thanks, Dad."
  9. I think my doctor works part time at an airport Every time he leaves the room after our check up I overhear him say something about a terminal?

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Cheerful Overhears Jokes for Unforgettable Laughter with Friends!

What funny jokes about overhears you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean whispers jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make overhears pranks.

A cop walks over to a bruised and beaten man outside of a pub.

He asks the man what happened and the man tells him this; "So I walk into the pub and sit down and as im waiting for my drink I overhear two large women talking with a strange accent. So I ask them 'Are you two ladies from Ireland?' One of them scoffs and tells me "it's Wales d**...." So I ask again 'are you two whales from Ireland?' And thats about all I can remember."

As a Canadian, the Presidential Debate feels like...

As a Canadian, the Presidential Debate feels like overhearing your downstairs neighbours debating about whether or not to set the building on fire.

A guy overhears two women at the bar talking with an accent

He walks up to them and asks Excuse me, I couldn't help but hear you speak, are you two ladies from Scotland perhaps? .
The women turn toward him and one of them rudely replies it's Wales, d**...! .
He says Excuse me, are you two whales from Scotland?

Trump and his family are traveling in a plane.

Trump decides to drop a 100 dollar note from the plane. His wife asks what he is doing. His reply is I want to make an American happy
His wife replies back Why don't you drop ten 10 dollar notes and make ten Americans happy?
Their daughter gives a suggestion Why don't you drop hundred 1 dollar notes and make hundred Americans happy?
The pilot overhears their conversation and gives his own suggestion on the matter.
Why don't you three drop yourselves from the plane and make all Americans happy?

A drunk man approaches two overweight women after overhearing their conversation...

and says to them:
"Hey! I recognize that accent! Which part of England are you two lovely women from?"
Annoyed at the man's ignorance, they exclaim: "It's Wales!"
"Oh I'm so sorry! Which part of England are you two lovely *whales* from?"

Two Jews die and wait outside the pearly gates.

While waiting they realise that they both survived the same concentration camp.
After some chatting, one says to the other: "remember that time when the guard pushed you onto the electric fence and you almost died?" A second of silence passes and suddenly they both start laughing hysterically.
Upon calming down the other Jew asks his new friend: "remember when that dog chased you for so long that you ended up exhausted and almost died of hunger?" Another second of silence passes and again, they both start laughing like crazy.
God, overhearing the conversation, approaches the old Jewish couple and asks them what's so funny about any of these events.
They both look up and say: "Oh you wouldn't understand, you just had to be there".

A group of blonde girls overhear a guy saying that all blondes are dumb

So one of the girls says: "no we're not, we'll prove it!"
The guy: "Ok what's 3 + 2?"
One of the blondes: "7"
After a short silence the rest of the blondes start asking for a second chance.
The guy: "ok you get a second chance, what's 2+4?"
One of the blondes: "6"
After a short silence the rest of the blondes start asking for a second chance.

A nun hears overhears a bunch of construction workers swearing and decides to head over there for lunch one day...

The nun sits down at the lunch table with her little sack lunch and turns to a group of workers and says:
"Have any of you ever heard of Jesus Christ?"
One worker stands up and yells to everyone on the site: "Hey! Has anyone here ever heard of Jesus Christ?"
Another worker shouts back: "Why?"
The first worker says: "Because his mom's here with his lunch!"

At a medical conference

Two African doctors were in an intense debate. The first said "It's wooooooooooooooommmbbbbb". The second said "no, it's woooooooooooooooommmbbaaaa." A British doctor overhears them and decides to help: "I think the word you are looking for is 'womb.'"
They both turn to him and say "Clearly, you've never heard a hippopotamus f**... underwater!"

A man comes across some rather large women...

He overhears them speaking with an interesting accent:
Man: "Excuse me, are you ladies from Scotland?"
Ladies: "No, Wales."
Man: "Oh, I'm sorry, are you whales from Scotland?"

Donald Trump & Ted Cruz are sitting in a bar...

Donald says to Ted
"What we need to do is kill 140 million Muslims & one smoking hot blonde woman."
Overhearing this the bartender asks why they need to kill a hot blonde woman.
Donald says to Ted, "See I told you no one would care about the Muslims"

Doing it the Jewish way

A man goes to the door of a cathouse and asks the madam if any of the girls know how to do it the Jewish way. The madam thinks he is joking and slams the door in his face. This happens several times, until finally a girl overhears him, askin the madam, says, "Wait a minute, I've never tried it the Jewish way. I'll do it for nothing." The man says "See, you're catching on already!"

Two monks werewere discussing humility.

"I have been praying and fasting, meditating and studying religion for 20 years. I have finally reached the level of humility. I am truly a nothing." said one monk.
The other monk nodded gravely. "I too have spent my life devoted to serving God. I am also a nothing."
At that moment a janitor passed, holding his mop. Overhearing the conversation, and feeling quite spiritual, he interrupted. "You know what, i am also a nothing."
The monks looked away in disgust. "Who the h**... does he think he is to be a nothing???"