
Osama Bin Laden Jokes

71 osama bin laden jokes and hilarious osama bin laden puns to laugh out loud. Read celebrity jokes about osama bin laden that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Osama Bin Laden Short Jokes

Short osama bin laden jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The osama bin laden humour may include short osama bin jokes also.

  1. o**... Bin Laden, Josef Stalin and h**... are robbing a bank, who do the cops shoot first? A black guy
  2. It's nearly 6 years since US Navy SEALs took out o**... Bin Laden in Pakistan. Talk Abbottabad place to hide.
  3. What do Trump and o**... Bin Laden have in common? They both hide underground from the American people. #bunkerboy
  4. If I was in a room with h**..., o**... bin laden and stalin, I would ask you to write a letter to my mother about my mental illness
  5. The CIA found evidence that o**... Bin Laden had downloaded a lot of videos about how to crochet Turns out he was trying to replace all those lost afghans
  6. As the navy seals burst into o**... bin ladens room in his pakistani compound, his last dying words forever wrung in the ears of the seals... "It was just a prank bro"
  7. Did you hear they came out with a drink called the o**... Bin Laden? It's two shots and a splash of water.
  8. We now finally have proof that o**... Bin Laden is dead He just registered to vote in Chicago
  9. Do you remember how everyone was trying to kill o**... Bin Laden?
    Well, since all of our presidents seem to get shot, why we just didn't make Bin Laden president.
  10. If I was in a room with two bullets, h**..., o**... bin laden, and any person that sleeps fully clothed I'd walk away, because h**... and Bin Laden are both dead and I don't have a gun.

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Osama Bin Laden One Liners

Which osama bin laden one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with osama bin laden? I can suggest the ones about bin laden and bin laden and bush.

  1. What do you get when you cross h**... with o**... bin laden? Nein 11
  2. What was o**... bin Laden's biggest regret as a parent? kids blow up so fast
  3. What's o**... Bin Laden's favourite dessert? Big Apple crumble.
  4. What has more brains than o**... Bin Laden? The wall behind him
  5. Why did o**... Bin Laden kill his wife? When she spread her legs he saw bush.
  6. I'd make an o**... bin laden joke But it's a bit of a shot in the dark
  7. Who was o**... bin Laden's favorite team? The New York Jets.
  8. What would you call o**... bin Laden if he became a pirate? Sandy Hook.
  9. What animal was o**... bin-Laden afraid of? SEALs
  10. o**... bin Laden rated America. He gave us a 9/11.
  11. What is o**... Bin Laden's favorite sports team? The New York Jets
  12. o**...=c**... What do o**... Bin Laden and c**... have in common?
    They both irritate Bush.
  13. What was o**... Bin Laden's favorite drink? A double Manhattan on the rocks.
  14. What's o**... bin Laden's favorite movie? Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.
  15. How big was o**... bin Laden's hard drive? One terrorbyte.

Osama Bin Laden joke, How big was o**... bin Laden's hard drive?

Cheerful Fun Osama Bin Laden Jokes for Lovely Laughter

What funny jokes about osama bin laden you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean al qaeda jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make osama bin laden pranks.

Q: What did o**... Bin Laden's ghost say to Mitt Romney? A: "Don't be sad, Obama's foreign policy killed me too"

Have you heard about the o**... Bin Laden celebratory drink? It's two shots and a splash of water!

Why doesn't o**... bin Laden have s**... with his five wives?
Because every time he spreads their legs he sees Bush.

o**... Bin Laden is hiding from Chuck Norris.

The only reason o**... Bin Laden is dead is because they finally let Chuck Norris into Pakistan...

Chuck Norris can find o**... Bin Laden!

Q: What do you call Bin Laden when he lost his virginity?
A: o**... Bin Laiden.

Has enough time passed in our country that we honestly and openly talk about the good things o**... Bin Laden did for us?

You don't think he did anything good? You're wrong.
How about the fact that when you take your wife or gf to the airport, you no longer have to walk her all the way to the gate?

What was going through o**... Bin Laden's head just before he died

A bullet.

what did o**... bin laden do for vacation?

o**... bin laden

*ji had it coming.*
- Jimmy Carr "Big Fat Quiz 2011"

o**... Bin Laden sends George W. Bush a coded message

o**... Bin Laden sends George W. Bush a coded message to let him know he is still alive:-
"370H SSV 0773H." Bush is baffled. Condi Rice and her aides and even the FBI and CIA
can't decipher it. So they ask Britain's MI6 for help. Within a minute MI6 replies:-
"Er, tell the President he's holding the message upside down."

What is o**... bin Laden's favourite way to dine?

Aaaalllllaaaahhhhh carte.

How did o**... Bin Laden feed his kids (OC)

Here comes the aeroplane...

o**... Bin Laden's son comes home from school crying...

He asks him: "What's wrong son, what happened?"
"The teacher asked the class what the tallest building in New York is, and I got the answer wrong."
"Why, what did you answer?"
"The Empire State Building."
"Don't worry son, daddy will take care of it."

9/11, Perfect day to make an insensitive repost

o**... bin Laden's son came home from school crying. o**... asked, "why are you crying my son".
His son replied, "today our teacher asked us what the tallest building in America is. I said it's the Empire State Building and the whole class laughed at me."
"Don't worry son, I'll handle this."

Would would win a chess game between George Bush and o**... Bin Laden?

o**.... Why? Because George already lost two towers.

What do Princess Kate and o**... bin Laden have in common?

They both had their back doors blown out by a guy in the navy.

Who's the greatest hide and go seek champion of all time?

o**... Bin Laden

o**... bin laden's son came back home from school one day in tears.

o**... asked: "What's wrong?"
His son said: "Our teacher asked me what the tallest building in new york is, and I got it wrong."
o**... replied: "What did you say?"
His son: "The empire state building."
o**...: "Don't worry son, i'll take care of it."

Who will win in a game of chess - Bush or o**... Bin Laden?

Bin Laden because Bush is missing two towers.

o**... Bin Laden has been having trouble thinking lately

His brain is pretty scattered right now

Did you know o**... Bin Laden was found and killed in Pakistan?

Talk Abottabad place to hide!

Which was the first song about o**... Bin Laden?

Master Blaster

Name, Occupation.

Donald Trump, President.
Stormy Daniels, Pornstar.
o**... bin Laden, ex-t**....
Convicted r**..., Brock Turner.
Joel Osteen - Televangelist

A man in France was arrested today for using his car to run down a pedestrian he thought was o**... bin Laden.

Even though it was a mistake, it still ranks as France's biggest military victory.

What would be the first words of Kavanaugh and o**... Bin Ladens child?

Allahu-Alike Beer

Alex Jones dies and meets Jesus at the pearly gates.

As they are waiting to see if God will allow Alex into heaven, Jesus says:
"Alex, while we wait you can ask me any question and I will answer it".
So Alex asks him, "who planned 9/11?"
And Jesus responds "o**... Bin Laden"
Alex goes " wow, this goes higher up than I thought."

The US Government is having trouble finding o**...'s son.

He's bin laden low

Which animal killed o**... bin Laden?


What is o**... bin Laden favourite song?

It's Raining Men

Osama Bin Laden joke, What animal was o**... bin-Laden afraid of?

jokes about osama bin laden