
Optimist Jokes

130 optimist jokes and hilarious optimist puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about optimist that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Discover the best optimist jokes, from uplifting puns to witty one-liners. Find out the difference between an optimist and a pessimist and laugh your way to a more positive outlook with our collection of upbeat proverbs and sayings!

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Funniest Optimist Short Jokes

Short optimist jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The optimist humour may include short pessimist jokes also.

  1. A PESSIMIST sees a dark tunnel An OPTIMIST sees light at the end of the tunnel
    A REALIST sees a freight train
    The TRAIN driver sees 3 idiots standing on the tracks
  2. My friend is really optimistic and is always telling me : "Cheer up, you could be in a deep hole filled with water..." I know he means well...
  3. A German joke from 1944 How do you tell an Optimist German from a Pessimist German? The Optimist studies English, while the Pessimist studies Russian.
  4. Deep. Pessimist sees nothing but dark in the tunnel.
    Optimist sees light in the end of the tunnel.
    Realist sees light from incoming train.
    Engine-driver sees three idiots standing on the track.
  5. An optimist says, the glass is half full. A pessimist says, the glass is half empty. An optometrist says, you both need glasses.
  6. Pessimist: The glass is half empty... Optimist: The glass is half full
    Journalist: You won't BELIEVE what's in this glass!
  7. The Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. The Optimist sees the light at the end of the tunnel.
    The Realist sees the approaching freight train.
    The Train Driver sees 3 idiots about to get run over...
  8. Optimist: "This glass is half-full." Pessimist: "This glass is half-empty." EA Employee: "Download the next half for $9.99!"
  9. pessimist vs optimist (x-post from funny) The pessimist says, 'It can't get any worse!' And the optimist replies, 'Oh yes it can!
  10. A pessimist thinks the glass is half empty, an optimist thinks it is half full... An engineer thinks the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

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Optimist One Liners

Which optimist one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with optimist? I can suggest the ones about hopeful and positive thinking.

  1. Pessimist: Oh, this can't get any worse! Optimist: Yes, it can!
  2. A cannibal ate an optimist once He couldn't quite keep him down.
  3. Pessimist: "My life could not get any worse" Optimist: "Oh sure it can"
  4. What do you get when you mix a gullible and an optimistic person Read it again
  5. What did the optimist say as he jumped off the building? So far, so good.
  6. Why are all optimists blind? They're constantly looking at the bright side of life.
  7. Today I woke up an optimist... He thanked me for waking him up
  8. Optimist: Glass half full Pessimist : Glass half empty
    Engineer: Glass is too tall.
  9. Pessimist: "Things just can't get any worse!" Optimist: "Of course they can!"
  10. What do you call an accordion player with a beeper? An optimistic optimist.
  11. What do you call a fat woman who carries pepper spray? Optimistic.
  12. In the dark alley, Johnny the Optimist was being beat up Half to life.
  13. What blood type do optimists usually have? B positive
  14. What is an optimist's blood group? B positive.
  15. What blood type does an optimist have? B+

Optimist Pessimist Jokes

Here is a list of funny optimist pessimist jokes and even better optimist pessimist puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • What's the difference between a pessimist and an optimist? A pessimist says "things can't get any worse"
    And optimist says "sure they can!"
  • How do you tell an optimistic tree from a pessimistic tree? If it's negative, its roots are imaginary.
  • A pessimist and an optimist are watching one of the 2016 debates... The pessimist says "It can't get any worse" and the optimist says "Oh yes it can!"
  • In Soviet Russia, pessimist says "things couldn't possibly possibly get any worse"... Russian optimist says "Yes they can!!!"
  • Dear Optimist, Pessimist, and Realist, While you were arguing over that glass of water, I drank it.
  • Once upon a time in a bar far far away.... The "Pessimist" saw cups half EMPTY
    The "Optimist" saw the cups half FULL
    *The woman slapped them both for staring !*
  • An optimist and a pessimist are both having a terrible day. The pessimist complains, this day is horrible, it couldn't get any worse.
    The optimist hears this and replies, Oh yes it can.
  • An optimist says the glass is half full, a pessimist says the glass is half empty... ... an engineer just points out that the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
  • Engineers' view about a glass of water! To the optimist, the glass is half-full.
    To the pessimist, the glass is half-empty.
    To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
  • A pessimist sees a dark tunnel. An optimist sees the light at the end of the tunnel. A realist sees a freight train. The train driver sees 3 idiots standing in the way of his train.

Optimist Vs Pessimist Jokes

Here is a list of funny optimist vs pessimist jokes and even better optimist vs pessimist puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Have I told you about the Russian optimist vs the pessimist? The pessimist says, " Things could not get worse."
    The optimist says, " Oh yes they can."
Optimist joke, Have I told you about the Russian optimist vs the pessimist?

Optimist joke, Have I told you about the Russian optimist vs the pessimist?

Entertaining Optimist Jokes to Laugh Out Loud Fun with Everyone

What funny jokes about optimist you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean hope jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make optimist pranks.

A pessimist is always alone.

An optimist is always two away from a t**....

Mom takes her sick daughter to the doctor.

The doctor asks the girl, "How old are you?"
Girl: "I will be 7 in two days."
Doctor: "Aww, look how optimistic we are."
Totally unrelated joke
Son: "Dad, can I cross the street when the red light for pedestrians is on?"
Dad: "Yes, but make sure your arms are up in the air over your head."
Son: "Why is that?"
Dad: "Because it will be easier to t**... shirt in the morgue".

see the light

The pessimist sees no light in the tunnel.
The optimist see the light at the end of the tunnel.
The realist sees that the light is a train.
The train driver sees only three fools on the track.

The difference perspective has on optimism and pessimism

After downing half of his glass of milk, my ten year old son declared, "*I am an optimist: 'The glass is half empty!'*..."
"*Looking at the glass as half empty is a sign of pessimism son,*" I said.
He smiled and corrected me: "*Not if you don't like what's in it!*"

I got my wife tickets on a cruise ship.

It's no Titanic, but I'm optimistic.


I'm not a pessimist, I'm an optimist. I just don't have a whole lot to work with.

4 different views of a tunnel

PESSIMIST: Dark tunnel. OPTIMIST: Light at the end of the tunnel.
REALIST: A train.
TRAIN OPERATOR: 3 idiots standing on the tracks.

I told my friend, "My dad's a glass half-full kind of guy."

He said, "Oh! He's an optimist?"
"No he has Parkinson's Disease."

The Middle East reminds me of that old joke about the optimist and the pessimist

The pessimist says "everything's terrible, it can't get any worse." the optimist says "oh yes it can."

A pessimist and and an optimist fall off the top of a 100 story building......

The pessimist was heard screaming and cursing as he past the 20th floor. As the optimist fell past he quietly whispered "so far, so good"!

I'm an optimistic pessimist...

I see the glass as half empty, but there are free refills

They say an optimist will see a glass as half full, while a pessimist will see it as half empty.

Speaking as an alcoholic it's panic stations either way for me.


Pesimist only sees the darkness in the tunnel.
Optimist sees a light at the end of the tunnel.
Realist sees that that light is in fact a train.
The train conductor sees 3 fools on the railroad track.


To the optimist, the glass is half full.
To the pessimist, the glass is half empty.
To the engineer, some idiots used a glass that's twice as big than necessary.

What do you call a Transformer who always sees the glass as half full?

Optimist Prime

An optimist believes we live in the best of all possible worlds.

A pessimist fears that this is true.

The pessimist in me says 'the glass is half empty'...

The optimist in me says 'at least it's whiskey'.

What do you call an obese woman with a r**... whistle?


A pessimist, an optimist and a realist talk about what they see...

The pessimist says: "I see a dark tunnel."
The optimist says: "I see light at the end of the tunnel."
The realist says: "I think I see a train!"
The train driver screams: "Three morons on the rails!"

How many optimists does it take to change a light bulb?

Who says it's dark?

Progressives are enraged, conservatives are cautiously optimistic, but no group is more excited than the Imagineers of Disney.

For the first time in the history of the Hall of Presidents, they have a shot at making an audioanimatronic more realistic than the original.

"Whenever one door closes, another opens."

"Wow, you must be very optimistic about life."

"No, I live in a haunted house."

What do you call a fat girl with a r**... whistle?


Optimist: "This glass is half full"

Pessimist: "This glass is half empty"
Feminist: "This glass is r**... me"

The pessimist sees a dark tunnel...

The optimist sees a light at the end of the tunnel
The realist sees two lights at the end of the tunnel
... and the engineer can see three idiots standing on the rails.

Why is Humpty Dumpty so optimistic about the upcoming Winter?

Because he had a great Fall!

The pessimist only sees darkness into the tunnel...

The optimist sees the light at the end of the tunnel
The realist sees a light approaching into the tunnel
The train driver sees 3 arseholes walking over the railway

An optimist sees the light in the tunnel

An optimist sees the light in the tunnel.
A pessimist sees the darkness in the tunnel.
A realist sees the train in the tunnel and the conductor sees 3 idiots on the rails.

If your a optimist the cup is half full, if you are a pessimist the cup is half empty.

If your a feminist, the cup is being r**...

I'm a pessimist and an optimist,

So when I see a glass half empty I pour it into a smaller glass.

Soviet pessimists and optimists

Soviet pessimist say "Ilya, things couldn't possibly get any worse"
Soviet optimist, with a big grin, says "Yes they can Sasha"

My German grandfather told me this joke from 1944 before he passed on this morning

How do you tell an Optimist German from a Pessimist German? The Optimist studies English, while the Pessimist studies Russian.

I came up with my New Year's resolution. I will be more of an optimist

But I know that won't happen. Something will go wrong, and I'll fail.

As an optimist, I don't think I have a drinking problem.

I have a drinking opportunity.

Trump, Obama, Clinton, and Bush decided to have a sprinting race

Trump, Obama, Clinton, and Bush decided to have a sprinting race to see who's the fastest
Trump went first and he ran from the start to the finish line in 23:34 minutes
Clinton went second and got 15:28 minutes
Obama went after and did 10 minutes, thinking he may have won, Obama is fairly optimistic
Until Bush did 9:11

For the question "Is the glass half empty or half full?" someone was the first person to say the glass is half full. While their name is forever lost, historians, theoligans and philosophers shall refer to them as...

Optimist Prime.

The optimist says, "The glass is half full." The pessimist says, "The glass is half empty."

The rationalist says, "This glass is twice as big as it needs to be."

Jewish man calls his mom. "Mama, I have good news and bad news..."

Mother, ever the optimist: "Give me the bad news."
Man: "I can't live a lie anymore. I'm gay."
Mother, a traditional conservative woman, after the wailing and the gnashing of teeth that was expected of her by her son, regains her composure and asks: "Well, what's the good news?"
Man: "So I met this nice Jewish doctor..."

I have a 100-piece jigsaw puzzle that's missing three pieces.

The pessimist said, "Three pieces are missing."
The optimist said, "Ninety-seven pieces are here."
EA said, "It's a full puzzle with three DLCs yet to be purchased."

A pessimist sees the glass half empty; an optimist see the glass half full.

Dave: (reading) a pessimist sees the glass half empty; an optimist see the glass half full.
Wife: [returning from the kids room] why is half my soda gone?
Dave: because you're a pessimist.

The pessimist says It can't get any worse . The optimist says

Of course it can!

A pessimist says the glass is half empty. An optimist says the glass is half full.

The engineer says the glass is too big.

You ever been to an optimistic optometrist?

They'll tell you that your glasses are half full.

How many optimists does it take to change a lightbulb.

None. They just find light in the darkness.


The optimist says "The glass is half full."
The pessimist says "The glass is half empty."
The engineer says "The vessel contains twice the required space for the volume present."

I'm a glass-is-half-full kind of guy

unless that glass contains u**..., in which case I find it difficult to remain optimistic.

An Optimist and Pessimist wall into a Bar

The optimist orders a drink while the pessimist puts ice on the bruise

Optimist: the glass is half full

**Pessimist:** the glass is half empty
**2020:** that's pee isn't it?

I went back in time to become the first person to say the glass was half full.

You can refer to me as "optimist prime."

A pessimist sees only the tunnel. An optimist sees a light at the end of the tunnel. A realist thinks the light is probably inside the tunnel.

A train driver sees three idiots standing in the middle of the track

A guy was in the doctor's office and the doctor asked him "Do you want to hear the good news or the bad news?"

The guy being optimistic said "I want to hear the good news first."
The doctor said "You have less than 24 hours to live"
The guy said "How is that good news? Tell me the bad news???"
The doctor said "I tried to tell you yesterday"...

A pessimist, optimist, and realist are standing in a tunnel.

The pessimist thinks about the darkness surrounding them. The optimist thinks about the light they will reach at the end. The realist thinks about freight trains that might be near.
And the train conductor thinks about what might happen if these 3 idiots don't move

So my friend got annoyed that I kept singing Pompeii by Bastille, so they told me to stop.

How am I gonna be an optimist about this?

I hate optimists.

They'll jump out of a plane expecting sunshine and rainbows to cushion their fall. Meanwhile, I'll look both ways before crossing the street and get hit by the optimist.

Optimist joke, I hate optimists.

jokes about optimist