Oops All Jokes
141 oops all jokes and hilarious oops all puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about oops all that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Oops All Short Jokes
Short oops all jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The oops all humour may include short oops jokes also.
- I'm giving up drinking, for a month. *(oops, incorrect punctuation)*
I'm giving up. Drinking for a month. - TIL in 1974 Russians accidentally blew up their own submarine, thinking it was an enemy Oops, wrong sub
- I really think hillary clinton will be the first f president Oops. I meant female but the emale got deleted
- I kept pulling the string from my Christmas hat and now its half the size Oops, wrong thread
- According to my sewing instructor, I'm easily the worse student She's ever had.. Oops... sorry, wrong thread.
- AMA: I am a submarine naval commander discharged for friendly fire in an underwater sea battle Oops, wrong sub.
- TIL that the U.S. almost declared war against Russia by thinking that an allied underwater warship on their radar belonged to Russia... Oops...wrong sub
- BREAKING - The Russian Navy has released a statement after accidentally sinking one of it's own submarines Oops, wrong sub.
- To the guy that's bad at building fences... Oops, wrong place for this post.
Figured i'd put it in the right place and re-post it for you. - Oops.. My ex got into a bad accident recently. I told the doctors the wrong blood type. Now she will really know what rejection feels like.
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Oops All One Liners
Which oops all one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with oops all? I can suggest the ones about whoops and wow all races.
- I'm having a lot of difficulty with knitting Oops, wrong thread.
- What's the most terrifying word in nuclear physics ? Oops.
- A bar walks into Albert Einstein. Oops, wrong frame of reference.
- TIFU by eating my coworkers sandwich instead of mine. oops wrong sub.
- I got asked out by 15 different women today Oops, wrong restroom...
- The Beatles all walk into an orange underwater vehicle Oops, wrong sub
- TIFU By Eating My Boss's Sandwich Oops wrong sub.
- Today i made a mistake while sewing. Oops, wrong thread.
- im giving up alcohol for a month Oops, I meant "I'm giving up; alcohol for a month!"
- People call me the most disoriented U-boat captain of the 20th century... Oops wrong sub.
- So I married way too young... Oops, she spells it Wei Tu Yung
- What did the gay guy say while parking? Wow, I'm not straight at all...
- Take her down to 3000 feet below sea level... ...oops, wrong sub.
- The results of the election are in! Oops, sorry, that info is only for us Russians.
- People tell me that I'm a bad knitter oops, wrong thread
Oops All Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about oops all you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean alas jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make oops all pranks.
I always give 110%. Oops. Left out the decimal point. I always give 1.10%.
what did the man say when he couldn't get frea with his dog?
oops, forgot the k**...
So on the morning of 9/11 then Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf rang up Bush
Musharraf - "Mr President, I would like to express my condolences to you. It is a real tragedy. So many people, such great buildings... I would like to assure that we had nothing in connection with that..
Bush - "What buildings? What people?"
Musharraf - "Oh, what time is it in America now?"
Bush - "It's eight in the morning."
Musharraf - "Oops... Will call back in an hour."
Pronounced 'Dead' on arrival ... oops!
The soon to be new parents known as Mr. & Mrs. D. were so excited, as they were just about to give birth to their brand new daughter, whom they'd already decided to name Dea D..
Just a few minutes later, a healthy baby girl popped out but was unfortunately pronounced 'Dead' on arrival by the attending nurse who apparently had significant issues with letter spacing on medical charts.
The thing about poops
Starts with p, ends with oops
TIFU by hiring a registered s**... offender as a replacement teacher
Oops wrong sub.
I'm a vegetarian. Subway gave me a Chicken Club.
Oops, wrong sub.
I had the choice of big or small speakers for my car, but when I picked the bigger one, it didn't fit.
Oops, wrong sub.
For this Valentines day, I'll be inundated.
Oops. I mean I'll be in, undated.
Please Help! I've got a medical condition where I can't discern between the letter "b" and the letters "th".
Oops, wrong bread.
While having an all-out war with underwater warships, I accidentally hit one of my teammates.
Oops wrong sub.
TIFU by getting meatball marinara instead of steak and cheese...
Oops, wrong sub
TIFU by starting a World War after accidently shooting a British submarine.
Oops, wrong sub.
TIFU by mixing up by wifes sandwich order at Jimmy Johns
Oops... Wrong sub.
I'll see myself out.
Yeah, you like getting choked don't you!?
oops wrong sub...
TIFU by getting my wife the wrong Subway sandwich
Oops wrong sub
Kim Jong-Un has promised a new clear future for North Korea.
Oops! Spelt ***nuclear*** wrong.
I accidentally flogged another d**...'s client.
Oops, wrong sub.
I brought my gimp home from the club yesterday and took off his mask...
Oops, wrong sub!
MRW a replacement professor enters the wrong class
Oops, wrong sub.
TIL that a Russian submarine was accidentally destroyed by a Russian warship that mistook it for an enemy submarine.
Oops, wrong sub!
What's the worst thing your wife can text you after she sends you n**...?
"Oops, wrong person."
What do you get when you take the pee out of poops
TIFU by getting on the wrong submarine
Oops, wrong sub.
TIFU by making my husband the wrong sandwich
Oops, wrong sub!
TIFU by going to Subway instead of Quiznos
Oops, wrong sub
[US] Mexican Submarine Destroyed in the Gulf of Mexico
Oops wrong sub
LPT: If you're considering trying b**... with your SO, don't start at a costume party.
Oops wrong sub
What's the name of the Iraqi basketball team?
Alley-oop Akbar
TIFU at Subway - accidentally sent someone to the ER
Oops, wrong sub
I signed a petition to end women's suffering yesterday.
Oops. Sorry: autocorrect.
I'll have an Italian BMT on Cheddar bread with everything but lettuce. A squirt of mayo and yellow mustard too please.
Oops. Wrong sub.
Today I spanked the wrong woman at b**... party
Oops, wrong sub
TIFU by taking someone else's sandwich at the deli today
Oops... wrong sub
TIFU by teaching the wrong class as a replacement teacher.
Oops, wrong sub.
LPT Don't order the wrong thing for your wife at subway
Oops wrong sub
TIFU by eating my roommates lunch
Oops, wrong sub
j**... was in hospital
He was recovering from his surgery. A nurse asks him how he is.
I'm OK, but I didn't like the four-letter-word the doctor used during the surgery, he answered.
What did he say? asked the nurse.
What did Jesus say to the man with leprocy?
The s**... is made up of Glucose........
MBBS Professor:
The s**... is made up of Glucose, the same material Sugar is made of.
A Girl raised her hand:
"Then why doesn't it
taste like Sugar?"
Suddenly silence in hall.
Then Professor's reply was also a Medical master piece:
My dear, Thats because, the taste buds are located on the tip of your Tongue and not at the end of your t**...
Killer .
Hillary Clinton is going to be the first f president...
... Oops, I meant to say female but someone deleted the emale
TIL about the Marinas Incident, where an American Destroyer accidentally sank an American Submarine.
Oops, wrong sub.
TIFU by accidentally cheating on my wife at a b**... costume party
Oops wrong sub
I was supposed to knit blue mittens for the Children's Cancer Foundation, but I had accidentally knitted all red mittens...
Oops, wrong thread.
TIFU by installing the incorrect speaker parts in my car
Oops, wrong sub!
TIFU from my dyslexia leading me on the wrong transit.
Oops, wrong bus.
TIFU by eating the sandwich meant for my vegan cousin at Christmas dinner
Oops wrong sub
TIFU by getting my girlfriend's order wrong at Subway
Oops, wrong sub
My wife is angry because I brought home a B.L.T. instead of a roast beef sandwich.
Oops, wrong sub.
TIFU by accidentally giving my vegetarian girlfriend my Italian Sandwich from quizno's instead of her Veggie Delight Sandwich.
Oops wrong sub.
Memo for our next sewing club meeting!
Oops wrong thread!
I can never figure out where I belong in the navy...
Oops, wrong sub!
TIFU by giving a guy the wrong sandwich
Oops, wrong sub
TIL that Funimation has an unreleased Dragon Ball Z episode where they just improved the whole script.
Oops. Wrong dub.
(Real oops. Meant to type improvised)
So my dyslexia makes it hard for me to take public transportation and...
...oops. Sorry. Wrong bus.
Told an inmate to have a safe drive home.
I'm a corrections officer, getting ready to head out at shift change:
Inmate: "drive home safe"
Me: "yeah you too..."
Me: (thinking "oops, ouch")
Coworker: "Muahahaha"
Inmate: (hops into his imaginary car and shuffles to his cell making f**... engine noises, screeches the brakes, steps out of his car and into his cell. Pokes his head out) "Made it home safe dad"
Me and my coworker burst out laughing
Is this the bus for dyslexic kids?
Oops, wrong sub.
Ever seen a Canadian standoff?
It's like a Mexican standoff, but instead of 2 guys with guns it's two guys who keep trying to let the other go through a narrow door way. "Oop, sorry. Oop, sorry"
TIL that knitting ex champion Teresa Keller lost her title in 2011 just because she was kitting with a slightly different color.
Oops wrong thread.
What did Britney Spears say when she got a letter from the IRS?
"Oops, audited again"
How does a dyslexic travel to work?
oops wrong bus.
TFW your surgeon is performing circumcision and you wonder when will it be over
"Oops.. Won't be long now"
Three men walk in to a bar. One of them is wearing a hat
Your current data plan doesnt cover this feature. Click here to upgrade.
A guy at a restaurant pays for his meal after eating.
Waiter: sir, you forgot to pay for your steak.
Guy: oops ..... my mis-steak.
Waiter: please leave the restaurant.
My jeans are blue but the string I bought is red...
Oops. Wrong thread...