
Oncologist Jokes

28 oncologist jokes and hilarious oncologist puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about oncologist that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

This article will provide a gaggle of jokes related to radiation oncologists and gynecologists. Whether your cancer is inoperable or not, these oncologist jokes will bring a healthy dose of laughter. Read on to discover your new favorite oncologist joke!

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Funniest Oncologist Short Jokes

Short oncologist jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The oncologist humour may include short gynecologist jokes also.

  1. What kind of doctor is always on call? An oncologist!
    I made this one up last night but I'm sure someone has thought of it before.
  2. There should be a specific type of doctor for being on call. They'd be called cancer-ogists
  3. My psychologist said that I've had a massive personal growth... He also told me I had two weeks to live. Did I say my psychologist? I meant my oncologist.
  4. Wanted: Oncologist with great sense of tumor.
  5. What kind of doctor never leaves the hospital? An Oncologist
  6. What type of doctors are always on the phones? Oncologists.
  7. What do you call a medical doctor on standby? An oncologist

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Oncologist One Liners

Which oncologist one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with oncologist? I can suggest the ones about dermatologist and doctor specialist.

  1. What kind of doctor is always on call? An oncologist.
  2. What do you call a doctor who is on call 24/7? An oncologist.
  3. My uncle, as an oncologist.... ... has a great sense of tumor.
  4. Why do oncologists never get a break? Because they're always _oncol_
  5. What type of doctor must carry a phone/pager with them at all times? An Oncologist.
  6. Why do incompetent German oncologists never laugh? They have no sense of tumor.
  7. What do you called an overworked doctor? An Oncologist
  8. Why do they nail coffins shut? To stop oncologists from ordering another round of chemo
  9. What kind of cancer does an amnesiac oncologist diagnose? Adenocarcinoma
  10. My oncologist is a real joker. He has this great sense of tumor.
  11. My oncologist is so dull. He has no sense of tumor.
  12. what does an oncologist and an excel user have in common? they both kill cells
  13. What type of doctor never stops working? An oncologist.
  14. What does the oncologist call women's breast, on Halloween. Boooooobies.
  15. What type of Dr. Has the worst hours? An Oncologist (On-Call-ogist)

Oncologist joke, What type of Dr. Has the worst hours?

Happy Oncologist Jokes for a Lighthearted Night with Friends

What funny jokes about oncologist you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean physician jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make oncologist pranks.

"Right, I've been thinking." I said to the oncologist. "I'm not keen on radiotherapy or chemotherapy. At this stage I think it would be best to just let the disease take its natural course."

My wife's eyes filled with tears, "We should've discussed this together."
"My minds made up." I insisted.
"I think your wife is right." Said the consultant. "After all, she is the one with cancer."

What do you call a buff guy who predicts the weather and can treat a UTI?

A meaty urologist.

BONUS (courtesy of my girlfriend)

What do call someone who's available 24/7 and treats cancer?
An always oncologist.

Oncologist joke, My oncologist is a real joker.