
Old Internet Jokes

20 old internet jokes and hilarious old internet puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about old internet that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Old Internet Short Jokes

Short old internet jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The old internet humour may include short bad internet jokes also.

  1. I met up with my internet friend yesterday. We were both disappointed when we realised we were both middle aged men, and not 10-year-old girls.
  2. Remember the old times in the Internet? Where men are men, women are men, and
    the national security agents are young children.
  3. Seven year old brother hit me with this one Him: How do people look at the internet?
    Me: How?
    Him: With their google-y eyes
  4. I was talking to a 12 year old on the Internet when she told me she was an undercover cop I told her I was proud of her
    That's a really big job for a 12 year old
  5. If you ever bought or sold a human being... You might be an old person. Or you are an internet service provider conglomerate.
  6. The 3 most common lies on internet 1). I have read and agree to the terms of service
    2). Status offline
    3). yes i am 18 years old
  7. Mocking anti-vaxxers on the internet these days is like unvaccinated children It never gets old.
  8. The net neutrality debacle is making me nostalgic for the good old days of the internet... Back when the men were men, the women were men, and the children were FBI agents.
  9. So I'm chatting to this 14 year old on the Internet.. She is funny, flirty, s**... and intelligent and now she's telling me she's an undercover cop, how cool is that at her age!

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Old Internet One Liners

Which old internet one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with old internet? I can suggest the ones about internet and old timer.

  1. What do you call an upset 3 yr old on the Internet!? Twiggered
  2. How does a farmer access the internet? With Old Macdonald's free wifi.
  3. All these abbreviatons on the internet confuse me. Now ICYIM too old for this stuff!

The Funniest Old Internet Jokes for a Bone-Shaking Laugh

What funny jokes about old internet you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean old but gold jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make old internet pranks.

And the LORD said unto John, "Come forth and you will receive eternal life."

But John came fifth, and won a toaster.

Old but gold.

Stolen off the internet. Enjoy

being an old man I only remember one joke from my childhood and here it is. I hope that you enjoy it

why did the baker get an electric shock
he stood on a currant bun
ha ha
anyway this is the only joke I remember from when me and my friends were sprogs back in the day with no internet or anything like that
Rog. H

Connecting to the Internet. (WARNING:Old, Outdated)

Customer: I'm trying to connect to the Internet with your CD, but it just doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?
Tech sup: OK, you've got the CD in the CD drive, right?
Customer: Yeah....
Tech sup: And what sort of computer are you using?
Customer: Computer? Oh no, I haven't got a computer. It's in the CD player and all I get is weird noises. Listen.....

Three engineers

There are three engineers heading to their college reunion in a car; an electrical engineer, a chemical engineer and a Microsoft engineer. The car breaks down along the way for seemingly no reason.
The electrical engineer suggests testing the electronics of the car and attempt to find out if a fault might have occurred.
The chemical engineer, suggests that maybe the fuel is becoming emulsified and getting stopped up.
Then, the Microsoft engineer, comes up with a "Microsoft Solution": Close all the windows, get out, get back in, then open the windows again, then he's positive it will work!
Source: One of my old professors but, it's probably somewhere on the internet.

The little boy runs up to his father and asks him, "Dad, what's s**...'?"

His father was obviously more than a little taken aback up this question, but he figures to himself that if his 4 year old is old enough to ask it then he deserves a proper explanation.
So he seats him down next to him and gives him the whole deal - drawings, pictures from the Internet on his phone, etc.
Meanwhile, the son appears to be getting more and more confused. Finally, when the father thinks he's done, he stops and asks, "All right, my boy. Now, do you have any questions?"
The son shakes his head hesitantly, still a little taken aback by all that he's been told.
"Oh by the way," the father continues. "Where'd you hear the word from?"
The son replies, "Mom said that dinner would be ready in a coupla secs."