Old Classic Jokes
24 old classic jokes and hilarious old classic puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about old classic that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Old Classic Short Jokes
Short old classic jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The old classic humour may include short good classics jokes also.
- I'm getting sick of all these reboots of old classics Cold War (2022) is not as good as the original.
- Why do bunnies walk funny without shoes? (OJ) Because of the bear feet!
My own joke, for my 8 yr old, with the classic punchline. - Shopping with dad... At the supermarket buying milk.
Cashier: "Would you like the milk in a bag?"
Old man: "Nah mate, just leave it in the carton"
Haha, classic dad joke! - I like old school music Classics such as "The wheels on the bus" and "Hot cross buns" from music class
- Kevin Spacey has now announced a new partnership with Atari, rebooting an old classic They're calling it "Spacey Invaders".
- A dark modern remake of an old classic "My brother died in Afghanistan."
"Oh that's so sad, I'm sorry for your loss! How did he die?"
"He blew himself up in a crowded market." - Classic church joke An old couple was sitting in church when the wife says, "I just let out a silent f**.... What should I do?" Her husband responded, "Change the batteries in your hearing aids."
- I ran across an old copy of the Amputee's Song Book the other day. It includes such classics as If you're happy and you know it……s**...!
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Old Classic One Liners
Which old classic one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with old classic? I can suggest the ones about old school and classic.
- Why did Batman rush to the Bat Cave? He had to go to the bat Room.
[an old classic] - My friend was in an old movie about guns It is now a Colt Classic
- A friend of mine told me a classic joke about chemist studying gold It was old but Au
- Have you seen that old movie about the k**...? I hear it's a real cult classic.
Playful Old Classic Jokes to Add Joy and Laughter to Your Group
What funny jokes about old classic you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean good old fashioned jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make old classic pranks.
[Classic Old Joke] The son of an Arab oil tycoon joined a university in Berlin, after a month he sent an email to his dad.
'Dear Dad,
Germany is fine and the college is great. But I feel embarrassed to drive my gold plated Lamborghini to college when most of the students and even professors arrive by train'
Few hours later, he gets an email from his dad.
'Dear son ,
I just transferred $200 million to your bank account. Stop embarassing our family and buy a train for yourself'.
"How was your blind date?"
A college student asked her 21 year old roommate.
"Terrible!" The roommate answered. "He showed up in his 1932 Rolls Royce."
"Wow! That's a very expensive classic car. What's so bad about that?"
"He was the original owner."
Trying to find an old "man/woman" joke from 1997 newsgroup
Back in the late 90's, I saw a joke about a man and a woman. They decided they would take turns, writing a book together.
The woman starts out writing this love story, then, the man turns it into a war story and they end up in a huge fight. If anyone has this classic, or a link to it, I would really appreciate if you could share it.
A reporter interviews a 2000-year-old man
Reporter: is it true you had over nine hundred wives in your life?
2000 y/o Man: Indeed
Reporter: out of all your wives, which one was your favorite?
2000 y/o Man: Hmmm… Shirley. Definitely Shirley.
Reporter: And what made Shirley so special?
2000 y/o Man: Her friend Tammy.
(A classic Mel Brooks/Carl Reiner joke)
Since its may the 4th, I decided to watch the classic Star Wars trilogy with my girlfriend.
First time she ever saw Chewbacca, and she thought he was an Ewok... ... ...
Classic wookie mistake.
(Oldie, but never gets olde)
Another movie reboot
Pam and Doug were walking past a movie theatre when Doug pointed and said hey look they're remaking that old PG-13 classic, but it looks like this time they're giving it an R!
Pam looked over and, sure enough, there was a big poster for Planet Of The Rapes
Classic Music Joke for the ages
A chef was cooking some fresh beets on a REALLY dilapidated, old stove. The stove was hardly putting out any heat at all and he got so frustrated, he kicked the sorry appliance all the way
across the kitchen, shouting as he went.......... ROLL OVER BEET OVEN!!!
Can you help out my friend?
A friend of mine has two tickets for the England v. Sweden football match this Saturday. He has already paid £800 for flights and accommodation. However, he was devastated the other day when he realised it clashes with his wedding and he won't be able to attend after all.
Would anyone be interested in taking his place? It all gets underway in West London at 3pm on Saturday July 7th. The bride's name is Lucy, 30 years old, weighs about 60kg. She is financially independent and an excellent cook, and her other interests include tennis and classical music.