Nfl Football Jokes
5 nfl football jokes and hilarious nfl football puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about nfl football that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Howlingly Hilarious Nfl Football Jokes for All Ages to Enjoy
What is a good nfl football joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
The Washington r**... finally decided to drop their offensive name.
Dan Snyder, owner of the NFL r**..., has announced that the team is dropping "Washington" from the team name, and it will henceforth be simply known as, "The r**...." It was reported that he finds the word "Washington" imparts a negative image of poor leadership, mismanagement, corruption, cheating, lying, and graft, and is not a fitting role-model for young fans of football.
Why doesn't the NFL give Iowa a professional football team?
Because then Minnesota would want one.
Did you watch the football game between the NFL vs. parolees?
It definitely had its pros and cons
What's the difference between an NFL player and football player?
When you pat an NFL player on the shoulder, they feel better. But the other gets hospitalized right away.
Q: What's the difference between an NFL player and an elevator?
A: The elevator can raise a child.
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