Neutron Jokes
76 neutron jokes and hilarious neutron puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about neutron that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Not sure what to expect from neutron jokes? Look no further! Here you will find a collection of the best, science-based neutron jokes from leptons to quarks, protons to ions, and more. Whether you are a chemistry enthusiast or a Jimmy Neutron fan, there is something here for everyone!
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Funniest Neutron Short Jokes
Short neutron jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The neutron humour may include short neutrino jokes also.
- A Neutron walks into a bar and asks the bartender for the price of a drink The bartender responds: "For you, no charge"
- A neutron enters a bar Neutron: "How much for a beer"
Bartender: "Oh it's free. No charge for you." - The heaviest things in the universe 3 - Neutron stars
2 - Black holes
1 - The collective weight of the people who thought this was a yo momma joke - What did the Neutron say to the Proton in the nucleus? "Thanks for letting me live here free of charge!"
- A neutron walked into a bar and asked the bartender. "how much for a beer?' The bartender said: "for you, no charge."
- A neutron went into a bar and ordered a beer, The bartender upon seeing him said "this one is free of charge".
- A neutron walks into a bar... He says to the bartender, "How much for a beer?"
Ther bartender replies, "For you, free of charge!" - A neutron walked into a bar and asked how much a drink costs The bartender replied, For you, no charge.
- A neutron walks into a bar He asks the bartender: How much for a beer?
The bartender looks at him and says: For you, no charge - Scientists say the universe is full of protons, neutrons and electrons. But they forgot to mention morons.
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Neutron One Liners
Which neutron one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with neutron? I can suggest the ones about photon and nuclear.
- Did you hear about the neutron that was arrested yesterday? He wasn't charged tho
- A neutron walks into a bar. The bartender hands him a drink, and says, "No charge."
- What's denser than a neutron star? A Flat Earther
- Special shop sale: electrons: 10 cents
protons: 10 cents
neutrons: free of charge - 55 protons, 78 neutrons, 55 electrons, 6 croutons. Cesium salad.
- Science/nre joke What particles in a reactor are the happiest?
Delayed neutrons. - Protons, neutrons and electrons Are the little things that matter.
- A neutron flies into a bar The bartender says,
"No charge." - A neutron walks into a bar and orders a drink Bartender says, "No charge"
- Why isn't there a neutron mod in the Skyrim Steam Workshop? Because there'd be no charge.
- Waiter, there's a neutron in my soup. That'll be no extra charge sir.
- Today a friend of mine died of radiation Guess he couldn't handle the neutron style
- What do creationists and neutron stars have in common? Density
- I like my men like I like my neutron stars Hot, dense, and degenerate.
- what kind of cookies do atoms eat? Fig neutrons
Neutron Proton Jokes
Here is a list of funny neutron proton jokes and even better neutron proton puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- A guy wants to build a nuke. He goes to a supplier and asks... "How much are the protons?"
"A dime a dozen, and the neutrons are free of charge." - A proton and a neutron are walking down the street. The proton says, "Wait, I dropped an electron. Help me look for it."
The neutron says "Are you sure?"
The proton replies "I'm positive." - What is satan's favourite chemical? Carbon. because it has 6 protons 6 neutrons and 6 electrons
- A proton and a neutron walked into a bar. 'Oh no' the proton said, 'I left my wallet in my house'
'Are you sure?' The neutron said.
'I'm positive' said the proton. - I took two protons and two neutrons to my friend's birthday That's what makes a party cool
- The world is made of Protons, Electrons, and Neutrons... What about morons?
- The Universe is made of Electrons, Protons, Neutrons and.. Morons.
- Ever notice how at subatomic levels, everything starts rhyming? You've got muons and gluons, protons and neutrons, but that higgs boson, what a radical.
- how do protons and neutrons stick together? they gluon
- Jimmy Neutron (Split Personalities) Jimmy Electron, Jimmy Proton and Carl w**...
Neutron Star Jokes
Here is a list of funny neutron star jokes and even better neutron star puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- What's the difference between your mom and a neutron star? Around 75 pounds.
Your mom is heavier.

Jimmy Neutron Jokes
Here is a list of funny jimmy neutron jokes and even better jimmy neutron puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- I've always identified with Professor Calamitous from Jimmy Neutron... But I never bothered to figure out why.
- What happens if you mix Jimmy Neutron with Kurt Cobain? Brain Blast
- What dose Jimmy Neutron day when he is about to nut? Gotta Blast

Fun-Filled Neutron Jokes to Make You and Your Friends Chuckle & Giggle
What funny jokes about neutron you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean nitrogen jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make neutron pranks.
So an atom walks into a bar...
He says, "Hey bartender, I think I lost an electron." The bartender asks him if he's sure, and he says , "Yeah, I'm positive."
A neutron walks into a bar and asks the bartender how much for a beer. The bartender says, "For you, no charge."
A photon walks into a bar. He sees his friend on the other side of the room, so he waves.
A proton, an electron, & a neutron walk into a bar...
...the proton orders a shot, drinks it, then takes out his wallet and pays the bartender.
the electron orders a shot, drinks it, then takes out his wallet and pays the bartender.
the neutron orders a shot, drinks it, then takes out his wallet.. the bartender stops him and says, "wait...for you, no charge..."
thank you, I'm here all week...
A neutron walks into a bar
A neutron walks into a bar and orders a drink. When the neutron gets his drink, he asks, "Bartender, how much do I owe you?"
The bartender replies, "For you, neutron, no charge."
Free Meal
So when the neutron finished his meal at the restaurant, he was surprised to learn it was free. "Are you sure" he asked the waiter. "Trust me," the waiter said. "Theres no charge."
A neutron walks into a bar
He orders a drink and the bartender passes him one.
The neutron goes to reach for his wallet, but the bartender stops him.
"For you, no charge"
A Neutron Walks Into a Bar
And says "Oh my God I think I just lost an electron!" The bartender asks "are you positive?"
A neutron walks into a bar
He asks the bartender, "How much for a beer?"
The bartender offers him a warm smile and says, "For you, no charge".
Isaac neutron died a v**...
I guess you could say he wasn't very attractive
What if a neutron enters a bar?
A neutron enters a bar and orders a drink.
The Bartender hands over the drink and says for you, no charges.
A proton, electron and a neuton get into a bar fight.
The bartender calls cops and they show up to arrest everyone. The cops cuff the proton and electron but they let the neutron go because nobody could press charges.
An edited version of a joke that's been already posted.
A proton, a neutron, and an electron got into a bar fight.
The bartender called the police, but when the officers arrived, they only arrested the proton. Confused, the bartender asked, why did you only arrest the proton?
To which one of the officers replied, well you see, the electron kept running around the proton like a madman, so we couldn't know its exact location. And no one can press charges on the neutron.
A neutron walks into a bar and orders a drink.
The neutron asks the bartender, "How much do I owe you?" The bartender replies, "For you, neutron, no charge."
So a neutron walks into a bar
The neutron asks the bartender how much for a drink. Bartender says "For you no charge".
A neutron walks in a bar....
It goes up to the bartender and says,"How much for a drink?"
The bartender replies,"No charge!"
A neutron flies into a bar and asks how much for a pint of Guinness.
The bartender says, "For you, no charge".
Walks into a bar...
A neutron walks into a bar and asks the bartender: "How much for a beer?" The bartender immediately replies: "For you, no charge".
So you've all heard about the neutron that walks into a bar, but what about...
A neutrino walks into a Mexican Restaurant. He orders a taco with extra chili sauce. The bartender comes up to his table with a taco and a gigantic bottle of super-hot chili sauce. He opens the taco, starts pouring sauce and asks:
"So how much salsa do you want, amigo?"
The neutrino answers:
A neutron walks in to a bar....
And orders a beer.
Bartender said it was free of charge
A neutron walks into a bar and asks "how much for a drink"...
The bartender says "For you, no charge".
A neutron walks into a bar and asks how much for a drink
The bartender says for you no charge
Chemistry joke
Proton and neutron were chilling in the nucleus one day, then proton asks neutron: Why you only hangout with me in here instead of electron?
Neutron replies: He was too negative to begin with.
A neutron walks into a bar
Takes some shots and asks the bartender for the bill
The bartender replies: For you no charge
A neutron walks into a bar
The neutron asks: "How much for a beer?"
The bartender replies: "For you, no charge"
A neutron walks into a bar
And asks the price of a drink
The bartender replies "For you, no charge"
My wife asked me if she looked fat in her new dress.
I told her: "You look like a beautiful shining star"
She replied: "Awhh..."
But then I added: "A neutron star" and she slapped me.
I was hoping she was too dense to understand the joke.
A neutron walks into a bar
He asks the bartender- "How much for a beer?"
The bartender looks at him and replied, "For you no charge"
Sry, not the best joke I could think off