Nets Jokes
32 nets jokes and hilarious nets puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about nets that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Look no further for the perfect Brooklyn Nets joke! These funny and witty jokes will have Nets fans roaring with laughter. From Marlin bait to Koi, these jokes will be sure to have everyone talking! Make sure to read them all and share with your friends!
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Funniest Nets Short Jokes
Short nets jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The nets humour may include short network jokes also.
- Amber Heard's net worth is $2.5 million and she now has to pay Johnny Depp $15 million... Yeah, she's forever going to be in Depp!
- In light of the Net Neutrality debate, I want to say something to support my American friends. Thoughts and prayers.
- If I had a $ for every post I've seen today about Net Neutrality... I'd have enough money to view a post next year about Net Neutrality.
- When bill gates donates 30% of his net worth He is praised as a generous hero, But when I do it people tell me they don't accept donations under a dollar.
- Even now, all this time later, we have to remain calm about the Net Neutrality thing... Paying additional money to access certain sites will give you a sense of pride and accomplishment.
- With the outrage regarding the repeal of Net Neutrality, it is important to remember that there are two sides to this issue. The outraged side,
And the uninformed. - I heard Netflix and Yahoo are merging. They are moving their HQ to Jerusalem. They'll be known as Net 'n' Yahoo.
- Why is net neutrality so important? Somebody tell me, please! My ISP won't let me access the info for some reason.
- Personally I think removal of net neutrality will be great. It will offer our businesses new opportunities for development which will help the economy in the long run
- What did the fisherman do when he really liked a woman? He invited her over to net fish and krill.
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Nets One Liners
Which nets one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with nets? I can suggest the ones about internet and telephone.
- Everyone should calm down about that Net Neutrality thing... You guys seem so Ajitated.
- Man, if you thought No nut November was bad... Wait until No Net December.
- You really ought to hear this joke about Net Neutrality now. Or you'll pay for it later.
- 80% of Americans want net neutrality The other 20% are dead
- What's worse than no nut November? No net December.
Defend net neutrality. - Have you heard about the guy who wants to repeal net neutrality? What a piece Ajit.
- What was the first thing Hellen Keller noticed at the beach? The volleyball net.
- What did the fisherman and his girlfriend do last night? Net fish and krill
- I heard the Toronto Maple Leafs now have the milk board as their sponsor. Now they only have to put in 2% of the effort.
- How do you catch a butterfly on the spring equinox? With a butterfly-net-ting smile!
- Selling all of my old tennis equipment but I can't figure out What's the net worth?
- First we had No Nut November.... Now we have No Net December.
- How do you know if a fisherman is rich? Check his net income.
- Comcast supports net neutrality

Witty Nets Jokes for Laughter-Filled Fun with Friends
What funny jokes about nets you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean sock jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make nets pranks.
Marine Biologists
A team of marine biologists accidentally catch a porpoise in one of their nets. They about to let it go, when they notice it has feet! They study it and perform tests, and are now ready to release it. One of the biologists asks, "Why don't we cut its feet off?" To which the other replies, "That would defeat the porpoise!"
What Africa Really needs
If only Africa had more mosquito nets
Then every year we could save millions
Of mosquitos from dying needless from aids
\- Jimmy Carr
Medieval Yo Mama joke
Saw this joke today, it's from the 1400's
A young Florentine was going down to River Arno with one of
those nets in which they wash wool, and met a frolicsome boy,
who, out of fun, asked him what birds he was going to catch with
that net of his? "I am going to the Brothel's outlet," replied the
youth, "to spread my net there, and catch your mother." Mind
you search the place carefully," retorted the boy, "for you will be sure to find yours there also.
Why are fish no good at tennis?
They don't like getting close to nets
What are the s**... nets in Japan made of?
s**... prevention line of course!
A request for Fish Jokes
My girlfriend really likes and jokes and fish. But when looking for fish jokes on the web i did not find anything except:
"What did the magician say to the fisherman? Pick a cod, any cod"
"Why don't fish play basketball? because they are afraid of nets"
"What did the fish say when he posted bail? I'm off the hook!"
Does anyone have any good fish jokes to share?
Why do Africans use mosquito nets?
To protect the mosquitoes from AIDS.
Because of lack of mosquito nets in Africa, millions of...
mosquitoes each year die needlessly due to AIDS
Why do commercial fishermen use nets?
With only a rod you lose a fish in sea.
I think we should invest in mosquito nets for Africa
We can save millions of mosquitos from needlessly dying of aids
Please, donate to charities to provide bug nets to poor Africans.
With your help, we can save millions of mosquitoes from needlessly dying of AIDS.
What happens when a team nets five basketballs in Paris?
They cinq it!
If only we had more money for mosquito nets in Africa...
think of all the mosquitoes we could save from dying needlessly of AIDS.
Stocks in China have continued to plummet...
Fortunately at Foxconn they landed on the s**... nets.
The oldest joke in the world: "How do you entertain a bored pharaoh?"
You sail a boatload of young women dressed only in fishing nets down the Nile and urge the pharaoh to go catch a fish.
If only Africa had more mosquito nets...
We could stop millions and mosquitoes from dying needlessly of AIDS.
We really should donate more money into mosquito nets
Millions of mosquitos are needlessly dying of aids every year