Nears Jokes
6 nears jokes and hilarious nears puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about nears that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Hilarious Fun Nears Jokes to Bring Joy & Laughter with Friends
What is a good nears joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
Why did the nearsighted woman fall into a well?
Because she couldn't see that well.
What does a near-sighted gynecologist and a puppy have in common?
A wet nose.
What does a nearsighted gynaecologist have in common with a puppy?
A wet nose
Skinny dipping
A farmer heads down to the pond carrying a bucket. As he nears the pond he hears voices. It's a bunch of girls skinny dipping. The girls hear him coming and all head down to the deep end. "We see you!" shouts one of them. "We're not coming out until you've gone". The farmer says "What? You think I've come all this way just to see a bunch of n**... girls? Sheesh. Nahhh, I just came down here to feed the alligator".
The death count nears 50 after scaffolding collapses and crushes fans at a rock music festival...
Eye-witnesses say there was a lot of heavy metal.
Line in heaven
A woman dies and finds herself in a line to get into heaven. As she nears St Peter she hears him asking people
"Please tell me how much money you made and what you did on earth"
Two people ahead if her she heard "I made 2 million a year and I was a CEO"
The person in front of her said "I made 180 thousand a year and I was an electrician"
When she got there she said "I made 12 thousand a year.. "
St Peter asked "and what instrument did you play?"
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