
Muslims Jokes

114 muslims jokes and hilarious muslims puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about muslims that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Muslims Short Jokes

Short muslims jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The muslims humour may include short halal jokes also.

  1. It's funny how Jews, Christians and Muslims have fought each other for centuries. Hindus, on the other hand, never had any beef.
  2. A Black Guy, a Mexican, and a Muslim holding a Gay Chicken Walk Into a Bar Bartender says, "We don't do jokes in here."
    The chicken says, "Come on guys I know a place across the street."
  3. A Muslim guy killed 50 people in a mass shooting… Who says they can't integrate into American culture?
  4. Condoms 1272AD - arab Muslims invent the first condoms using the lower intestine of goats.
    1856AD - English farmers improve on the idea by first removing the intestine from the goat.
  5. When I found out my wife was having an affair, I was heartbroken. I turned to religion to cope. Now I'm Muslim and we're stoning her tomorrow.
  6. Dear Muslim refugees: just pretend to be Christian. That's what most Christians do anyways.
  7. Why did the Muslim take his Note 7 onto an airplane? Do I really have to answer that? Who doesn't bring their phone with them when they travel?
  8. A muslim walks into a gay bar The bartender ask what he'll be having. The Muslim replies, shots for everybody.
  9. A muslim man came into my shop and bought six smoke machines, so I phoned the police.. He's probably part of an extreme mist group
  10. I have a Muslim friend with a Note 7... It only gets awkward when he shouts "Allahu Akbar" when plugging it in.

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Muslims One Liners

Which muslims one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with muslims? I can suggest the ones about muslim women and muslim pork.

  1. Christians, Muslims, and Jews are always fighting, but Hindus never have any beef.
  2. In a world without Muslims, there wouldn't be a 911. We'd have to say CMXI instead.
  3. Happy ramadan to all my Muslim brothers and sisters! This month, lunch is on me.
  4. A Muslim walks into the U.S Just kidding
  5. Why do Jihadist Muslims only drink instant coffee? 'Cause they hate the french press
  6. A feminist and a Muslim walk into a bar. - comedy removed due to complaints -
  7. The Jews may be the "Chosen People"... ... But the Muslims are the "Randomly Selected".
  8. How would a Muslim describe Castro's gay, atheist lover? In Fidel.
  9. Where are Muslims going to pray when they go to Mars? Elon's Mosque
  10. If it wasn't for Muslims, we wouldn't have had 9/11... It would have been IX/XI.
  11. How do you blow up a Muslim's iPhone? Put it into airplane mode.
  12. Where do Muslim people go when they die? Everywhere
  13. During Ramadan, Sonic the hedgehog is a Muslim Because he's gotta go fast.
  14. You don't need to die as a muslim to get 72 virgins Just be a catholic priest
  15. What do you call a skinny Muslim A muSLIM.

Muslims Pray Jokes

Here is a list of funny muslims pray jokes and even better muslims pray puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Whenever my Muslim roommate goes to pray, I sit next to him with some apple pie and ice cream. Then both of us are in A La mode.
  • Where do Rastafarian Muslims go to pray? Ja-mecca
  • Where do Russian Muslims pray ? Mosque'O
  • Hey girl are you Muslim? Because you're about to pray to Allah deez nuts
  • Whenever my Muslim roommate goes to pray, I sit down next to him with some apple pie and ice cream. So that both of us are in A la mode.
  • What do you call a Muslim that only prays during the Summer? Sunni.
  • Where does a Muslim moth go to pray? The mothque.
  • Where do Muslim dwarfs go to pray? The mosquito.
  • Why is a praying muslim like apple pie with ice cream? Both are in *a la mode*.
  • What did the Muslim electrican say when he was praying? Allahu powerbar
Muslims joke, What did the Muslim electrican say when he was praying?

Comical Muslims Jokes to Spread Joy and Laughter

What funny jokes about muslims you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean muslim name jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make muslims pranks.

After my joke last week about the Holy Qur'an...

...I had tons of private messages from Muslims on this site. As an apology to them I would like to say this:
"Islam is a religion based on peace, love and respect, and this is the central message of the Qur'an. As such I offer a full apology for making the claim that it encourages s**... b**... and violence."
OK, there - I said it. Now can you please stop sending me death threats?

What's the difference between clothes and gay Muslims?

Clothes get hanged when they come INTO the closet.

The muslim

**If a muslim sees a woman he has to look down, but he's allowed one look. ( too see if there are any women in the room)**
Three muslims walk in to an airport full of half n**... women. Two of them immidiately look down , but one of them keeps staring at the women.
Yusuf: Khaled, what are you doing, look down
Khaled: Shut up, I didn't blink yet

How do Muslims order their hashbrowns?

Allah Carte

A cowboy, an Indian, and a Muslim are sitting in a bar..

the Indian looks up and with a single tear and says "My people were once many, but now we're few." The Muslim chuckles and says " My people were once few, but now we're many." The cowboy looks up and says "Thats because we haven't played cowboys and Muslims yet."

Apparently Muslims invented the c**....

As it turns out, Muslims in the middle east one day came up with the brilliant idea to use goat intestines as a suitable c**.... It wasn't, however, until in 1827 when the British perfected the idea by taking the intestines *out* of the goat first.

Two English Muslims go on holiday in Spain...

Two English Muslims go on a long holiday in Spain, and they're having a wonderful time until one day the weather turns and it rains for three days straight. On the fourth day, one of them looks out of the window in the morning.
"Ahmed, I think we can visit some of the local buildings today. We should bring an umbrella though."
"Ah, but Hissam, how is the weather looking on the forecast? Is it Sunni, or is it s**...'ite?"

Teacher said this one in class....Why are there no Muslims in Star Trek?

Because it's the future.

Why don't Muslims fill out online forms?

Because they refuse to Submit to anyone but Allah.

Its the Christians vs Muslims football game...

and the Christians score a goal. From his seat in heaven, surrounded by angels, God cheers.
after a while the Muslims score a goal. Again God cheers. The angels are now confused... "Whose side are you on, Lord?", they ask. "Niether", replies God, "I am just enjoying the game."
(modified from Catholics vs Protestants)

Why do Muslims hate h**...?

My friend told me this 'joke' after he found out I was Muslim.
Him: Why do Muslims hate h**...?
Me: Why?
Him: He didn't kill ALL the Jews.

Muslims are a bit like the weather...

They're either Sunni or Shiite.

Every religion has violent people...

... The Christians have The Westboro Baptist Church, the Muslims have the jihadists, and the Jews have the IRS

Why don't Muslims teach driving and s**... ed. on the same day?

They don't want to wear the camel out.

Why do Muslims love esprssso?

It's not so much that they love espresso. They just really hate the French press.

In the 1700s, Muslims invented the first condoms. They used goat intestines.

Then in the next century, Europeans took the invention to the next level. They took the intestines out of the goat.

Where can Sihks and Muslims buy headwear?

Turban Outfitters.

What's a Muslims favourite place to eat?

Allahu Snackbar

Muslims are a lot like breakfast eggs.

If they aren't Sunni side up, they're probably Shiite.

Isis and the Christian man

An ISIS member stopped the car of a Christian couple.
ISIS member: Are you Muslim?
Christian man: Yes, I'm Muslim.
ISIS member: If you are a Muslim, then recite a verse of Quran.
Christian man recited a verse from the Bible.
ISIS member: Ok yallah go.
Later his wife tells him: "I cannot believe the risk you just took.
Why did u tell him that we are Muslims?
If he knew you were lying he would have killed both of us."
"Do not worry! If they knew the Quran they would not kill people" answered the Husband.

Christians have the first name Christian, Muslims Mohammed, Jews Isaac, what boys name do atheist have?


How do you unite both the Catholics and Protestants in Ireland?

By sending in millions of Muslims

How do Muslims like their food served?

Allah Carte

I hear most Muslims are capitalists...

They're always going on and on about some Great Profit.

Donald Trump has cancelled a planned trip to Israel.

When asked why, Trump said, "They already have a wall and fear of Muslims. My work there is done."

Donald Trump & Ted Cruz are sitting in a bar...

Donald says to Ted
"What we need to do is kill 140 million Muslims & one smoking hot blonde woman."
Overhearing this the bartender asks why they need to kill a hot blonde woman.
Donald says to Ted, "See I told you no one would care about the Muslims"

I once saw an Arab on a flight....

I was kinda shocked when I saw him and looked on him with suspicion. Then he understood what I was thinking and approaching me, he said, "Not all Muslims are terrorists" and we laughed so hard that his grenades fell out of his pocket.

A town decided to form a clergy group to have Catholics, Jews, Protestants and Muslims gather to talk about various issues facing their places of worship.

The Rabbi went first and said they were having a terrible issue with squirrels. He said they were hanging around outside of church and aggressively begging for food. He said they were scaring their kids. The preacher said they were having the same issue, in fact, a few of the squirrels had actually gotten inside of the church and had done some damage to the roof. The Imam agreed saying that in fact one of the squirrels had bitten a few people at the mosque. The Priest then spoke up and said they used to have the same issue but had solved it. He said they took all of their squirrels, Baptized them, confirmed them, and now they only come around on Christmas and Easter.

What kind of w**... do muslims smoke?


Why aren't there any Muslims in Star Trek?

Because it's the future

Muslims were the ones that invented the c**....

Muslim's were the ones that invented the c**.... This was well before plastics so they used goat intestines. Then the British came along and stole the idea from the Muslims and improved it by removing the intestines from the goat.

How do Hawaiian Muslims greet each other?

"Aloha Akbar!"

My wife...

My wife just got kidnapped by a group of muslim cannibals.
I'm not worried though, I heard muslims don't eat pigs.

The difference between radical muslims and moderate muslims

Is that radical muslims want to cut your head off and moderate muslims want radical muslims to cut your head off.

I know Muslims can't eat pork.

Islam ok though?

There are so many closet gay muslims,

Isis just invaded Narnia.

How many Muslims does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Allah them

Geez guys Not all Muslims are ISIS...

Some are Al-Qaaeda or Taliban.

The weather in England is like the Muslims in Iraq.

It's either Sunni, or Shiite.

What do you call a trio of Muslims?

The Three Mosqueteers.

How do Muslims like to make their pizzas spicy?

They add halalapeño.

Some Muslims were having an argument on my street the other day...

I wanted to step in, but I was afraid it would blow up in my face.

How do the Muslims like their eggs cooked?

Sunni side up. I know this is a Shiite joke.

People are so divided in this country these days. I don't think either side really realizes that until we all come together, despite our differences; until we all tolerate each other and become one....

We'll NEVER get rid of all the immigrants and Muslims.

Mexicans and Muslims have a lot in common now...

If you've seen Juan, you've seen Amal.

Trump walks into the Oval office, turns to his administrative team and says, I want to organise the deportation of 10,000 Muslims and one kitten.

Everyone looks around the table and, after a long silence, Mike Pence says. Mr. President, why do you want to deport a kitten? Trump smiles and turns to the rest of the table. You see, no one cares about the Muslims.

I just watched an Imam trying to perform a tracheotomy on a Labrador while free-falling at 10,000 feet...

... I'm not sure extreme vetting for Muslims is such a good idea.

Banned oranges...

It's 2021 and I went to the supermarket to buy some oranges but couldn't find any. I went to another one but there were no oranges again...
I asked the store manager what's the matter
He said "Trump banned all the Muslims for what some of them did so the new president banned all the oranges for what one of them did".

Radical Muslims

I'm really hoping this thread blows up now...

If muslims want to get into the US, they can just pretend they're Christians.

You know, just like Republicans.

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin meet with guests at the White House

One of the guests asks: Mister President, what are you talking about with president Putin? – We are planning World War III.' - 'And what does it look like?' – Trump: We will kill 4 million Muslims and a dentist... The guest looks a bit confused: Why a dentist? - Putin claps Trump on the back and says, What did I tell you, Donald? No one will ask about the Muslims.

Do you know the best part about bacon?

It gets rid of both vegans and muslims.

Which rapper is the most acceptable to Muslims?

halal Cool J

The Muslims first invented the c**...

The Muslims first invented the c**... in the year 654 using a goat intestine. Christians expanded on this idea in 1364 by taking the intestine out of the goat first.
Thanks Reverse-Flash

Boy: Dad how come there are no Jews, Christians or Muslims in Star Trek?

Dad: Cause it's the future son

What do Muslims call holidays?


What do Muslims and stoners have in common?

They both get s**... after smoking w**....

Why don't Muslims have s**... Ed and drivers Ed on the same day?

Because they need to give the goat a break.

When is the best time for Muslims to run a race?

Ramadan. They fast during Ramadan.

Why couldn't the police catch Muslims during Ramadan?

They were going to fast.

Four great religious truths

Muslims don't recognize Jews as God's chosen people.
Jews don's recognize Jesus as the Messiah.
Protestants don't recognize the Pope as the leader of the Christian world.
Baptists don't recognize each other at h**....

Why are muslims so good at Fortnite.

Cause they always go to tilted towers.

A guy walks into a Muslim bookstore wearing a Make America Great Again hat...

As he was wandering around taking a look, the clerk asked if he could help the man find anything.
Do you have a copy of Donald Trump's book on his U.S. immigration policy regarding Muslims and i**... aliens?
The clerk said, Kiss my a**...… get out… and stay out!
The man said, Yes, that's the one.  Do you have it in paperback?

Why are there no Finnish Muslims?

All of them died out one year when Ramadan was in December

In 1272, the Muslims invented the c**..., using a goat's lower intestine.

In 1873, the British refined the idea by taking the intestine out of the goat first.

Why do Muslims believe the afterlife is more important than the current life?

If you lived in the Middle East, you would too.

I don't like the jokes about Muslims in this sub.

Most of them are poorly executed.

What do you call a bunch of Muslims on a low carb diet?

A Mosque-Keto

Two out of eleven jokes about religion are discriminatory towards Jews...

...the other 9/11, towards Muslims.

What do you call a group of muslims that turn into a giant robot?

A mecca

Do I know you?

Four Great Truths About Religion:
Muslims do not recognize Jews as God's chosen people.
\- Jews do not recognize Jesus as the Messiah.
\- Protestants do not recognize the Pope as the leader of the Christian world.
\- Born-Again Christians do not recognize each other at s**... clubs.

How many Muslims fit in a Mosque


Bacon is like f**...

The muslims can't have it.

A Muslim boy once asked his father: "why is it that Jews can't work on Saturday, Christians can't work on Sunday, but Muslims work on their holy day Friday?"

The dad looked down at his son and said, "God didn't need to force us to take a break because in His infinite wisdom He knew we'd never work that much to begin with."

How do Muslims social distance?


Muslims joke, How do Muslims social distance?

jokes about muslims