
Mush Jokes

73 mush jokes and hilarious mush puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about mush that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Mush Short Jokes

Short mush jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The mush humour may include short mussel jokes also.

  1. Avocado or Donald Trump? Avocado or Donald Trump for president?
    Well, one is a wrinkly old bag filled with green mush
    The other one is an avocado.
  2. What did one mushroom say to the other? Move over! there isn't mush room for the two of us.

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Mush One Liners

Which mush one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with mush? I can suggest the ones about mash and moss.

  1. What do you call baby sled dogs? Mush puppies
  2. What happened to the fungi who moved into a New York apartment? He didn't have mush-room
  3. Why shouldn't you live in a house with Fungi? Because there's not Mush-room!
  4. What do sled dogs eat? Mush
  5. Why are mushrooms small? Because there isn't mush-room.
  6. What do you call a sled dog with spots? A dal-MUSH-an!
  7. Why didn't the f**... continue to grow? It didn't have mush room.

Mush joke, Why didn't the f**... continue to grow?

Cheerful Fun Mush Jokes to Brighten Your Day with Humor and Joy

What funny jokes about mush you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean squash jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make mush pranks.

So two mushrooms walk into an elevator.

One turns to the other and says, "There's not mushroom in here is there?"

What am I?

I am a common object enjoyed by both sexes, normally about 8 inches long, with little hairs on one end, and a hole in the other. For most of the day I am laying down, but I am ready for instant action. When in use, I move back and forth and in and out of a warm, moist hole. When the work is finally done, a white, slushy, sticky mush is left behind and I return to my original position. Cleaning is normally done after I have finished. What am I? Why, I am your very own toothbrush!

What did the mushroom put in his bio for the online dating service?

Im a fungi

Why is the mushroom so fun at parties?

He's a fungi.

Why was the mushroom happy?

Because he was a fungi.

What did the mushroom say to the chef?

Don't eat me! I'm a fun guy!

Why was the mushroom a hit at parties?

Because he was a *fungi*

What did the mushroom say on his dating profile?

I'm a fungi!

If the mushroom was such a nice guy why didn't they have the party at his place?

Because there wasn't mushroom.

No mushrooms, no chives.

Bob Marley ordering a pizza.

I think I'm a mushroom

Everyone keeps me in the dark and feeds me b**....

What is a mushrooms favorite type of music?


What did one mushroom say to the other as he passed him on the street?


A mushroom goes into a bar

and orders a beer. The bartender says, 'We don't serve your kind here." The mushroom says, "Why not? I'm a fungi."

What did one mushroom say to the other?

You're a fungi to be with

What does a mushroom on a Harley sound like?

Shroom, shroom. shroom

Why was the mushroom invited to the party?

He had a connection to a guy who could get cheap beer when buying in bulk, and he had connections to a family member of the host.
Oh and he was a fungi.

What did one mushroom say to the other mushroom after being teased for losing a game of tennis?

That's poor spore-tsmanship.

Had some mushrooms this morning.

Breakfast of Champignons.

Why did the mushroom go to the party?

'Cos he's a fungi!
Why didn't he get in?
There wasn't mushroom!

Why is the mushroom always the first guy to the party?

Cause he's a fungi

What did the mushroom say when he wasn't invited to the party?

Oh come on I'm a fun guy.

What is a mushroom in a tent?

A Campingon.

Why was the mushroom the life of the party?

Because he was giving out free c**...

Why was the mushroom laughing so much?

Because he is a fun guy!

What did one mushroom say to the other?

"Dave, for the millionth time! You are not a freaking mushroom! No more drugs for you!"

What did one mushroom say to the other after spending the day with him?

You are a really fungi!

Did you know there's this mushroom...

There's this mushroom that if you fill up on once you will stay full for the rest of your life. Your very short life.

Why are mushroom hunters so selfish?

Because it's mycology, not yourcology!

Why does everyone like the mushroom?

Because he is a fungi.
Thanks to my niece for making me chuckle today.

Why did the mushroom farmer turn to crime?

Because he had no morels.

Took a mushroom to a party..

He was a fun guy.

What did the mushroom do when it broke its stem?

Sought aid (sauteed)

What mushrooms are easiest to move around?


Mr Mushroom just couldn't figure out why he wasn't popular at the party?

He thought he was a fungi.

A mushroom walks into a bar.

Bartender says "we don't serve your kind here" mushroom says "but, I'm on the menu!"

Why are mushrooms cool?

Cus there fungis

Why was the mushroom the life of the party?

Because he is a pretty fungi

Why did the mushroom go to the party?

Because he's a fun-gi

what did the mushroom say to the chef?

Shitake that knife away from me

What did one mushroom say to another after winning the taste tests?

We are Champignons!

One mushroom turned to the other mushroom and says...

What do you know about my father?
The other mushroom replies, not much, but I heard he's a fun guy.

Mushroom soup

I asked my mate what kind of soup he had in his flask.
He started clucking.
"Chicken?" I said.
"No," he replied, " Mushroom...but I can't make a noise like a mushroom."

why did the mushroom have a lot of friends?

because he was a fungi
(credit goes to the great comedian Mel B and the joke book she read it from)

A mushroom went to up to a clown

And asked to join the his act, the clown then refused to let him in because he was a mushroom. The mushroom then said "why not? I'm a fungi!".

A mushroom finds a boy

Mushroom:so I met this guy
Caterpillar:is he nice
Well he's nice and he's a real fun-gi

What room can no one enter?

A mushroom.

A mushroom goes into the hall of bad jokes and says I'd like to submit a joke of my people

The receptionist looks at him and says listen buddy we have so many bad jokes here that I'm not sure we can squeeze yours in. It has to be exceptionally bad, let me hear it.
Mushroom: so a shroom goes on a date with this girl and she says 'tell me about yourself' and he says 'well I'm a fungi!'
Receptionist: yeah that jokes bad but it's just not gonna cut it, we can't put it in,
We don't have mushroom.

A mushroom forager sank to new lows for his hunt.

He stole a car for transportation and trespassed on private property to hunt on. Nevertheless his hunt was unsuccessful. He had no morels.

A mushroom walks into a bar, puts down a $5 bill, says "Gimme a drink!"

Bartender says "Get outta here, we don't serve your kind!"
Mushroom says "Why not? I'm a fun guy!"

Did you know that mushrooms are really similar to frog p**...?

They're toadstools.

Why was the mushroom invited to the party?

He was a fungi.
Why wsn't the toadstool invited?
He was toxic.

Why did the mushroom want to goto a party?

Because he was sure he was a fungi

A mushroom walks into a bar.

Bartender says to it "We don't serve your kind here."
Mushroom says "But, why? I'm a fungi!"

A mushroom walks into a bar.

The bartender says sorry I can't serve you. The mushroom replies why not, I'm a fungi.

Two mushroom walk into a bar. One says to to the other "hey can i buy you a drink"

the other say " AHHHH, A TALKING MUSHROOOM!!!!"

Why was the mushroom invited to all the best parties?

He was a fungi!

My mushroom just cracked a hilarious joke

I have a feeling he is a Fungi

Why was the mushroom invited to the party?

Because he was a fungi!
But why was he asked to leave?
Because there wasn't mushroom…

Why did the mushroom get invited to the party?

Because he's a fun gi

Why did the mushroom stop going to parties?

He was tired of people telling him he was a fun guy.

Mush joke, Why did the mushroom stop going to parties?

jokes about mush