
Moving To Australia Jokes

18 moving to australia jokes and hilarious moving to australia puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about moving to australia that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Moving To Australia Short Jokes

Short moving to australia jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The moving to australia humour may include short australia day jokes also.

  1. An Englishman began procedures at the Immigration Department to move to Australia Immigration: "Do you have a criminal record?"
    British guy: "Is that still necessary?"
  2. Why is Sean Spicer moving to Australia? He's gotten really good at roaming around the bush.
  3. To all the "I'm moving to Canada" people out there, you're being ridiculous. You won't be far enough to escape the nuclear fallout. Shoot for New Zealand or Australia.
  4. Remember when Hollywood said that they'd move to Australia if Trump won? They lied as well as a politician. Guess we know who's the next president going to be.
  5. *Moves to australia* Now here's a story all about how my life got flip-turned upside down.
  6. I moved to Australia, I've never been so appreciated! I've had so many offers to "Get F**ked!"... I have the pick of the litter!!

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Moving To Australia One Liners

Which moving to australia one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with moving to australia? I can suggest the ones about australia convicts and thunder down under.

  1. Our new IT guy moved here from Australia... He comes from a LAN down under.
  2. Why do so many Kiwis move to Australia? To improve the gene pool of both countries
  3. "Dad, I don't wanna move to Australia" Dad: "Shut up and keep rowing"
  4. v**... Australia is in crisis Will any of you be moving downunder and helping out?

Moving To Australia Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.

What funny jokes about moving to australia you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean moving to texas jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make moving to australia pranks.

Not a joke but a real incident that happened to an indian acquaintance of mine when he moved to Australia for higher studies..

So he comes out of the airport and gets into the cab.
The Aussie cab driver asked where he is from ?
He replied 'India '.
The cab driver asked ' So did you come to die?'
He froze as it was the times when there were racial attacks by white Aussies on people of indian descent .
It was only few weeks later, he realised that the driver actually asked " Did you come today?'

Death Notice

An old man and his wife had just moved to Australia when the wife passed away after a s**.... While talking to the neighbour about her passing, it was mentioned that in their new country, it is common to announce deaths with a classified ad in that section of the newspaper. Well, the old man decides that's a great idea and heads back home to dial the newspaper.
"Hi there, I'd like to place a death notice."
"OK then. Firstly, sorry for your loss. Now what would you like it to say?"
"Have it say, "Ruth died.""
"Well, um, that's, um, somewhat blunt, but the minimum charge is for five words. Is there anything else you'd like to add?"
"OK. Let me think, um... "Ruth died. Toyota for sale.""

I wanted to move to Australia for a new job

The immigration officer started asking a few questions.
Officer : What is your name?
Me : Joke Teller.
Officer : How old are you?
Me : 22
Officer : Any criminal convictions?
Me : I didn't know that was still a requirement.

The Three Friends

In a small Irish town there were three good friends, and these friends would go every night, without fail, to the local pub and have a pint each. This tradition lasted for years and years until two of the friends moved to Australia to find work. Before leaving the three friends said to each other that they would have three pints each night to remember each other by. So then for the next several years, every night, the third man would go to the pub, order three pints, drink them quietly and then go home. Until one night he only ordered two pints. The locals were familiar with the tradition and were shocked at what happened. The confused bartender asked the man what was going on to which the man replied "Sure the wife's making me give up the drink"