Movie Star Jokes
111 movie star jokes and hilarious movie star puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about movie star that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Movie Star Short Jokes
Short movie star jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The movie star humour may include short pop star jokes also.
- Peter Mayhew will be reprising his role as Chewbacca in the next star wars movie! They said they wanted to cast the role to a veteran rather than a wookiee.
- Why did the Star Wars movies come out in the order 4 5 6 1 2 3 In charge of the sequence, Yoda was.
- What do you call it when there's a movie about the Guardians of the Galaxy before they met Star-Lord? A pre-Quill.
- My friend asked me if the next Star Wars movies were going to be in 3D "Yes" I replied "...but they R2D2."
- I once was asked to star in a movie for a million dollars but I declined. I don't have that much money.
- Star wars dad joke heard tonight Dad "Chewbacca seems kinda big for an ewok..."
Me "he's a wookie. "
Dad "he can't be, he's been in lots of movies now." - In honor of Father's day, a dad joke There is a rumor that a movie about a 17th century classical composers will be made. It will even star Arnold Schwarzenegger among others.
He'll be Bach - What's the difference between Mike Myers and Michael Myers? Michael Myers starred in a successful movie in the last decade.
- TIL the next Star Wars movie will debut a new droid with a comically-short attention span. Its name is 80-HD
- Matt Damon is to star in a new movie about a man who has accepted Jesus as his Savior or Redeemer. The Bourne Again Christian
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Movie Star One Liners
Which movie star one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with movie star? I can suggest the ones about celebrity and celeb.
- Why were the star wars movies released 4,5,6,1,2,3,7,8 In charge of planning Yoda was
- Why is Empire Strikes Back the best Star Wars movie? It's a perfect 5/7.
- I just bought a movie with 3.142 stars out of 5 It was a pi rated DVD
- I gave that movie 3.14 stars! Cause I pi-rated it.
- What do you call a movie with 3.14 stars? Pirated
- The Last Jedi was really good Definitely in my top 10 Star Wars movies
- I hear the new Predator movie will star.. Kevin Spacey.
- I'm so old... A good Star Wars movie came out AFTER I was born.
- The 2018 STAR WARS movie isn't part of a trilogy...'s a Solo film
- Movies you wish tom cruise would star in: Remission Impossible
- What do Indian movie stars play at the beach? Bollyball
- Have you heard about the new Star Trek Christmas movie? It's The Wreath of Khan
- The sun is in so many movies.. It's like one giant star!
- What do you call a shellfish Action movie star? Jean Claude Van Clam.
- Star Wars really beat me in movies.. Rogue One, Me Zero.
Movie Star Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about movie star you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean rock star jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make movie star pranks.
Yo momma is so hairy, when she went to the movie theater to see Star Wars, everybody screamed and said, "IT'S CHEWBACCA!"
Chuck Norris was in all the Star Wars movies, he played the force.
Chuck Norris will be the star lead in the remake of the movie "300" it will now be called "1"
You know Chuck Norris' pet lizard, right?
Last I heard, he was in the movie "Godzilla".
Oh, and his pet turtle starred in "Gamera" as well.
Yo Momma so fat and ugly that when she applied to become a movie star she got the part "Godzilla".
A blonde movie star is pulled over......
The cops walks up to the car and says "driver's licence please". The blonde says "What's a driver's licence?" The cop impatiently responds, "It's that square thing with your picture on it". "Oh!," exclaims the Blonde and she pulls out a square mirror and hands it to the cop. As the cop looks at it, she scratches her head revealing long flowing golden hair*. She then hands it back and says, "Sorry for the inconvenience, I didn't realize you were a cop."
I was with some friends and we started talking about movies.
One of my friends mentioned that the sets in old Westerns were often built slightly smaller than normal to make the leading man appear larger. I said that that would make sense because I heard that John Wayne, while filming a scene with his co-star, complained that the town wasn't big enough for the two of them.
So the pope coes to New York...
and flags a taxi. The taxi is extremely suprised to see the pope, and quickly ushers him into his cab. After a few minutes of silence, the pope says to the taxi driver "You know, being the pope, I've always have people drive me places, and I rarely get the chance to drive myself. Would you mind if I got behind the wheel for a little while?" Not wanting to say no to the pope, the taxi driver lets him drive. They get pulled over by the police soon after, since the pope was driving way over the speed limit. The officee walks up to the cab, is about to give them ticket, until he sees the pope. Not sure of what to do in this sitution, he calls his superior. "Sir, I just pulled over this guy for speeding, and he's *really* important. What do I do?" "Well who is the guy, the mayor?" "Nah, bigger than that" " Is he a movie star?" " No, way bigger than that" "Is he the president?" "No, he's bigger than that" "Well then who is he!?" "I dunno, but he's got the pope driving for him!"
If my love life was a movie it would be Demolition Man...
...starring Sylvester Still-alone.
Did you hear that Bruce Willis is going to star in a movie where he goes undercover as an elderly nun?
It's called Old Habits Die Hard
Ricky Gervais Tim Allen joke.
“What can I say about our next two presenters?” Ricky Gervais asked.
“The first is an actor, producer and director whose movies have grossed over $3.5bn at the box office. He’s won two Academy Awards and three Golden Globes for his powerful and varied performances, starring in such films as Philadelphia, Forrest Gump, Castaway, Apollo 13 and Saving Private Ryan. The other... is Tim Allen.”
Why were the Star Wars movies released in the order of 4,5,6,1,2,3?
{?Movie^} watch.. Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens-2015.. Online-Free.. Full. Movie. Stream. HD... Full-Movie.. Free..^KeNtHi
{?Movie^} watch.. Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi-1983.. Online-Free.. Full. Movie. Stream. HD... Full-Movie.. Free..^KeNtHi
It's about time someone broke their back tryna make a good Star Wars movie..'s been 32 years.
So since Donnie Yen is in the new Star Wars Rogue Squadron movie...
Will his ship be called the X-Wing Chun?
What critically acclaimed movie did Zeus star in?
The Godfather
Emily Blunt will star in a new crime movie where she hunts down hitmen who keep swallowing their targets and spitting out bigger versions of themselves.
It's titled Agario.
Just saw Star Wars IMAX this weekend. I have to say...
It was a solid movie. I give it a perfect score of 5/7.
If Arnold does star in the new Predator movie..
He would probably be sent back in time with his Expendables team to kill the Predator who was the actual John Connor.
I don't know why everyone is complaining about gender inequality in the film industry . . .
Just the other day I saw *several* movies starring women in a variety of roles, such as a teacher, a pizza delivery girl, and a naughty horse trainer.
Why didn't anyone get upset about the Jewish star on the Disney movie Frozen?
Because any Jewish princess knows being cold isn't anti-semitic. Its status!
You'll never believe what Hilary did in 2003
She starred in the Lizzie McGuire Movie.
I just starred in a movie about a guy who sells car parts
Don't worry, I won't give away any spoilers
Most people call the movie Rogue One
but I like to call it Star Wars Episode: PI because its between Episodes 3 and 4
I ran into a movie star the other day...
Now he's suing for assault.
A movie star, a fanatic, and a millionaire walk into a bar...
The bartender yells: oh my god, it's Tom Cruise!
What's a police officer's favorite Star Wars movie?
The Empire Strikes b**...
I'm a movie star when it comes to s**...
In the sense that none of my scenes last more than a minute.
Why is bread on a baby goose the same as a hollywood movie star?
they are both rye on gosling
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tom Cruise, and Bruce Willis said they wanted to star in a movie about classical musicians.
Bruce Willis said I'll play Mozart!
Tom Cruise said I'll play Beethoven!
Arnold said I'll be Bach
Star Wars was originally supposed to be an R-rated movie on account of one characters dialogue,
But luckily they bleeped all R2-D2's lines out.
What's a Catholic's favorite Star Wars movie?
Episode IV : A New Pope
Why does Star Wars Episode 4, 5, and 6 appear before 1, 2, and 3?
Because in charge of putting the movies in order, Yoda was!
Disney really gets the Star Wars fanbase...
After 3 movies, our expectations are now Solo...
Donald Trump is set to star in a sequel to the movie Dodgeball
Because if you can dodge a draft you can dodge a ball.
What do you get when you cross R. Kelly with a famous action movie star?
Peeanu Reeves
Did you hear they're going to be making a new alien versus predator movie
It's going to be starring an i**... immigrant versus bill Cosby
I don't understand why there aren't more black action movie stars.
I love affirmative action.
How do you know that the original Star Wars movie was uncut?
Because Luke and Leia are Force Kin.
I can't wait for this weekend's big Sci-Fi Rom-Com movie opening...
Star Wars: When Hairy Met Solo
I can't believe the score for the last Star Wars movie
It's SO-LO
A man walks up to the ticket counter at a movie theater with his family movie...
Four tickets for that Star Wars movie.
No, I said *four* tickets.
New Star Wars movie
They're making a star wars movie about Boba Fett's sister Mos Fett who is LGBT. She is a trans sister
Know the new movie Neymar is starring in?
Dive Hard
I just saw Star Wars Solo, a 250 million dollars movie, and thought:
Wow, it's so expensive to bore me.
After watching Star Wars for the first time my friend said that the movie was terrible. 15 minutes later hr got hit by a truck
Cops took my driver license
Tom cruise is going to star in a romantic movie about trying to stay a**... long enough to get his wife pregnant.
It's called 'emission impossible'
Was "Solo: A Star Wars Story" a good movie? Short answer: No!
Long answer: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
I love Star Wars.
Did you know movies highly rated by Rotten Tomatoes like the new Star Wars movies, the Harry Potter movies, and the Marvel movies are oscar-nominated?
Oscar likes trash!
Why didn't the movie star argue with the customer service clerk?
He didn't have a good counter act.
The local radio station was asking listeners to call on with their favorite Stars in Horror Movie
I was the first caller and said "Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman"! Aparently enunciation is EVERYTHING.
Will I understand A Star Is Born?
If I haven't seen any of the other Bourne movies?
I never imagined saying my favorite Christmas movie would star Will Ferrell...
but it looks like Elf rose over.
If Elon Musk starred in a superhero movie, no one would watch it
It would be 'boring'
All of my s**... escapades are like a big budget Star Wars movie
I hear the new Star was movie will include a Hispanic Jedi Knight.
I can't wait to see Obi Juan Kenobi make his first on-screen appearance.
What's a t**...'s favourite Star Wars movie?
Return of the Jihadi.
I just heard Paul Bettany is going to star in a standalone movie for the MCU which will begin filming later this year.
If the rumors are true, we're getting 2020 Vision.
Marvel and Tim Burton are making a movie together starring Johnny Depp.
It's called Wonkanda Forever.
Everyone: It's nice that Finn and Dameron team up again in the new star wars movie.
J.K. Rowling: Then they had a three-way with a Toydarian.
I couldn't get the new Star Wars movie to work on my TV
It didn't have its Adam Driver's license.
What kind of bird would make a great action movie star?
Steven Sea-gull
So I'm reading a book about a movie star that was born a woman but then comes out as identifying as male, but no one gets upset or judgemental about it, they just accept it and get on with their lives. It's a good book...
It's a real page turner