
Movie Reviews Jokes

10 movie reviews jokes and hilarious movie reviews puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about movie reviews that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Movie Reviews Funny Jokes to Tell Your Friends and Kids.

What is a good movie reviews joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

The Expendables 2 Review:

I haven't seen that much shooting in a movie since I went to watch The Dark Knight Rises.

There's a new movie out about Marie Curie.

It received glowing reviews.

I got kicked out of my book club meeting because I tried to review Tommy Wiseau's book adaptation of his movie despite never actually having read it.

I should have noticed how irritated the crowd was getting at my inaccurate speech, but I didn't read The Room.

Did you see the review for the scary movie about pogo sticks?

It has its ups and downs, but too many jump scares for me.

I wrote a review for the Fast and Furious movies...

Ok so all of the cars have this little fin on the back and...
Oops, I forgot to warn people, this contains spoilers.

Salt movie review

Gave me hypertension, 16/10.

Logan (2017) Movie Review

Bring your daughter to work day

"i write for a popular movie review website"

"Ah class, about time i met-a-critic"

I met Owen Wilson after the Warcraft movie & asked his opinion despite mixed reviews, he said,


I like movie reviews

You always catch something new the second time

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