
Move On Jokes

105 move on jokes and hilarious move on puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about move on that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Move On Short Jokes

Short move on jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The move on humour may include short let it go jokes also.

  1. Why did the non-binary prospector move West in 1849? Because there was gold up in them/their hills.
  2. Not to brag, but I defeated our local chess champion yesterday in less than 5 moves. Finally my high school karate classes came in useful.
  3. I've been dating this homeless chick for a while now and it's starting to get serious. She asked me to move out with her.
  4. A kid came out as bisexual to his dad and the dad said they have to move "This apartment has a strict no-animal policy.", he says. "Wait until they find out I have a bison."
  5. Why does Donald Trump secretly want to lose the election? Because if he wins, he'll have to move into a smaller house in a black neighborhood.
  6. King Charles will not make as many foreign visits as Queen Elizabeth did. Because the Queen could go any distance but the king can only move one space at a time.
  7. I recently discovered I can move my sister's daughters through the air with my brain but not her sons. I think I have telekinieces.
  8. Today in church they asked what a Bishop does Apparently move diagonally wasn't the answer they were looking for.
  9. A bishop walks straight up to the bar and the barman says You can't do that. Bishops can only move diagonally.
  10. I was recently asked if I believed faith could move mountains. Apparently "No, but I've seen what it can do to buildings," is the wrong answer.

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Move On One Liners

Which move on one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with move on? I can suggest the ones about moving forward and begone.

  1. Chess is banned under Islam They hate that the queen moves freely.
  2. I'm not sure faith can move mountains... But we all know what it can do to skyscrapers.
  3. What kind of eclipse is it when the sun moves in front of the moon? An Apocaclipse.
  4. When I moved into my igloo, my friends threw me a house warming party Now I'm homeless
  5. If I could rearrange the alphabet I'd move U Cause you're blocking the TV
  6. What do you give to someone who hasn't moved a muscle in over a year? A trophy
  7. I saw a cop pull over a U Haul today... Looks like he was trying to bust a move.
  8. I invented a car that moves only when the driver is silent... It goes without saying
  9. If I ever move to Prague, I'll open a burrito shop. And call it Bohemian Wrap City.
  10. Our new IT guy moved here from Australia... He comes from a LAN down under.
  11. If Hillary wins, I'm moving to... Benghazi. At least I know there, she'll leave me alone
  12. Why is Donald Trump moving to Egypt? To live in a state of de Nile.
  13. An ugly, broke, single man stood in my way So I moved the mirror
  14. Simba was moving too slowly So i told him to Mufasa
  15. Why did the Siamese twins move to England? So the other one could drive!

Fun-Filled Move On Jokes to Boost Your Mood

What funny jokes about move on you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean moves forward jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make move on pranks.

A man walks into an Indian restaurant.

The waiter asks, have you ever ordered here before?
The man replies, No, I haven't.
The waiter continues, We're a little different here. Before you order, I need you read and sign this form, and he hands a piece of paper to the man.
The man squints at the paper and reads the single sentence, We have naan at this restaurant. The man looked up, puzzled, and asked why he needed to sign this worthless statement.
The waiter replied, impatiently, Just sign the naan disclosure agreement and we can move on.

Americans always have something to complain about, then suddenly they'll move on. Remember when people were up in arms about cupcakes, bathrooms, statues, police, riots, clean water? So when you think this "Wall" thing will last forever, just remember...

People will eventually get over it.

On September 11, 2001, I was in geometry class.

On that day, we learned you can remove one side of a pentagon by intersecting it with a plane.

On a first date:

Her - So what do you do?
Me - I am currently working on eliminating all cancers.
Her - Wow, that's impressive!
Me - Then I'll move onto Capricons.

I saw this really fit girl in the nightclub last night and she was wearing a chessboard patterned shirt...

So, I made a move on her.

Animals can sense disasters before they happen.

That's why the neighbors dog barks whenever I make a move on a girl.

What does Bernie Sanders say when he gets a haircut?

Remove only the top 1% please.

A blonde, a brunette, and a red head just robbed a bank.

They run into a barn to hide from the cops chasing them. Each of them jumps into an empty burlap sack when the cops come in.
The cops see the bags so they inspect them. The cops shakes the red head's bag. "Woof woof !" Says the red head. So the cops move on, thinking that it's just the farmer's dog.
The cops shake the brunette's bag. "Meow!" Says the brunette. So the cops move on.
The cops approach the third sack and shake the bag. The blonde yells "potatoes!"

A blonde, a brunette, and a red head are running from the police....

.... they run into a barn to hide. The brunette hides behind a stall of cows, the redhead hides in the goat pen, and the blonde hides behind bags full of potatoes. The police come in and shine their flashlights on the cows. The brunette says "MOO!" and the police shine their lights on the goats. The redhead says "BAHH!", so the police move on to the potatoes. They shine their lights on them and the blonde says "POTATOES!!!"

Why did the wizards show up to battle empty handed?

Their weapons were at a staff meeting.
Yes, yes. Groan, downvote, and move on. It popped into my head and I shouldn't have to suffer alone.

"Donald says he wants to run for President and move on into the White House...

...why not; it wouldn't be the first time he pushed a black family out of their home" -Snoop Dogg

Interesting Parliaments.

Member of Parliament: Mr speaker, half of the members in this house are s**....
Speaker: Honourable member please withdraw that statement.
Member of parliament: My apologies Mr speaker, half of members in this house are not s**....
Speaker: Thank you, lets move on.

So this drunk guy stumbles up to a police officer

He said, "Officer, someone stole my car!"
The officer in disbelief asked him "Oh yeah where was it last?" The drunk replied "right on the end of this key."
The officer, clearly unimpressed and wanting to move on with his day said to him "Okay buddy, why don't you just take yourself down to the station. They'll have the proper paperwork for you to fill out there. But before you go, zip up your fly." The drunk looked down at his fly, and then back up at the police officer.
"s**..., they got my girl too."

I went to see a t**... Ventriloquist last weekend.

She was awesome. I didn't see her lips move once.

Wrote a letter today.

Might move on to numbers tomorrow.

Now that the tide pod fad is dying down

lets move onto the cotton candy in the attic.

Tractors (Long?)

A man really likes tractors and collects models all day, one day he decides to get rid of all the models and move on.
It just so happens he comes across a building filled with smoke and people running out, he runs into the building attempting to pull out others, people try to dissuade him.
"Don't go in!"
"It's OK, I'm an extractor fan!"

The LEGO Museum was hit by an earthquake.

Many were devastated that nearly all of the brick sculptures were destroyed,
but the staff were able to pick up the pieces and move on.

A man and his wife are in an art museum and come across....

A portrait of a beautiful woman covered only in leaves. Wife goes to move on to the next exhibit and husband is still there staring at the portrait she asks what are you waiting for?
Husband says... Fall

Wife talking to Husband.

Wife: Why is it that, in Chess the King can only move one space at a time, but Queens are free to move wherever they like.?
Husband: That's because the board looks like a kitchen floor.

The Vicar's Salary

At Sunday church the local Vicar explains that he must move on to
a larger congregation that will pay him more.
There is a hush within the congregation.
No one wants him to leave because he is so popular.
Fred Smith, who owns several car dealerships in Glasgow, stands up and
'If the Vicar stays, I will provide him with a new Mercedes every
year, and his wife with a Volkswagen mini-van to transport their
The congregation sighs in appreciation and applauds.
Sam Brown, a successful entrepreneur and publican, stands and says, if
the Vicar will stay on here, I'll personally double his salary
and establish a foundation to guarantee private secondary school
education for all of his children!'
More sighs and loud applause.
Agnes Jones, age 88, stands and announces with a smile,
'If the Vicar stays, I will give him free s**....'
There is total silence.
The Preacher, blushing, asks her:
'Mrs. Jones, you're a wonderful and holy lady, whatever possessed you
to say that?'
Agnes's 90-year old husband, Joe, is now trying to hide, holding his
forehead with the palm of his hand and shaking
his head from side to side, while his wife replies:
'Well, I just asked my husband how we could help, and he said, 'Fuck him'.

Two freinds are sitting on a bench, a deaf elderly woman and a elderly man.

While they are chatting, the woman speaking and the man signing, the man would stop and laugh, making a visible laughing motion that the woman sees.
The woman eventually asks what is so funny and the man signs backing, "Oh it's nothing."
They move on and the woman eventually says that her b**... has fell asleep.
The man signs that "I know, I could hear it snoring. Why do you think I was laughing?"

My wife always said,

If anything ever happens to her, I need to move on, find someone new and just forget about her when I'm ready.
Turns out 'anything' didn't include getting stuck in traffic on her way home from work...

[On a date] Her: So, what do you do?

Him: I'm working on eliminating all cancers.
Her: Wow! That's really impressive.
Him: Then I'll move on to Capricorns.

An Englishman, an Irishman, and a Scotsman were robbing a pet sore...

An Englishman, an Irishman, and a Scotsman were robbing a pet store.
Suddenly the cops show up and they all quickly hide in sacks.
The cops kick the first sack with the Englishman in and he goes "meow".
They move on and kick the second sack and the Scotsman goes "woof".
They then kick the third sack with the Irishman in and he says "potatoes".

A good psychologist once advised me to shut out all the negative people that remind me of my dark past and move on

It's been more than a month since I've gone to him and I am already starting to feel better

What square did the knight move onto A6 from?

The square that it was on B4

Melinda broke up with Bill through email

The email read as follows:
I think it's time for us to see other people and move on from each other.
Sent from my IPhone

Why couldn't the grape help his friend move on Saturday?

because he was in a jam

Prince Phillip Has Died...

So now the Queen and Keith Richards move on to the Finals

A substitute teacher enters the class and asks:

"What do we call it when a muscle moves in our body involuntarily?"
No answer comes from the students. After waiting for a while the teacher decides to move on with another topic, but he sees a reluctant hand rising from the back row. The teacher tells him to answer. The kid replies:
"A tick, sir"
"Very good, son! What is your name?"

Bros, friends, amigos... If she gives you this for her address, just go ahead and move on. Toss that cocktail napkin away. Move on. THere's other fish in the sea. (feel free to add to the list)

• Drinkand Dr.
• Vicious Circle
• West 943,185th Street
• Psycho Path
• Peoples Ct.
• Nofriggin Way

Someone once told me that I'm passive aggressive all the time

I told him to please move on in life.

I hate that whenever people talk about the Middle East, they compliment themselves.

We get it. You raq. Move on.

Young Bill

Young Bill was courting Mabel, from the adjoining cattle ranch.
One evening, as they sat on Bill's porch watching the sun go down over the western hills, Bill spied his prized stallion h**... one of his mares.
He sighed in contentment at this idyllic rural scene and figured the omens were right for him to put the move on Mabel.
He leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Mabel, I'd sure like to do what that stallion is doing."
Mabel whispered back, "Go ahead. She's your mare!"

A boxer loses his sight in a freak accident.

Not being able to compete again, all he can do now is training with his loyal training partner and hitting the bag. Since he can't see, he is required to remember and move only a certain amount of steps (both forward and backwards) to keep the distance. Suddenly his partner stops the session and the boxer asks why they stopped. His partner says: we stopped because you messed up the punch line.

While the Lord God put Adam to sleep to remove one rib

Bill Cosby put Eve to sleep to add twelve ribs

When life gets tough, I think about my parents...

I take it on the chin like my mum, and just move on like my dad.

A hungry lion ate my arms and legs

I cant put my finger on why I will never be able to move on.

How do you make a chimney sweep get a move on?

Just light a fire under his a**...!

Two inmates were caught having s**... and the deputy jailer was furious.

The lawyer representing the inmates told the jailer
"Why can't you let bi-cons be bi-cons and move on"

Everyone keeps telling me to "move on"

But it's negative 10 degrees outside
and she stole my hoodie

I'm currently trying to remove all Cancers.

Then I'll move on to Virgos.

LPT: The cure to madness is to move on and never dwell for too long.

Then you will be a nomad.

I just got awake from sleep, after 61 days

April Fools :D
got it ; 61 days ..earlier ..from today right, no ?
alright move on :|

Dear math,

I dont wanna help you find your "x" she left you, move on

Dear Maths, I am sick and tired of finding your "x"

Just accept the fact that she is gone and MOVE ON DUDE

What is under you, if you remove one letter on top of you, and if you remove two letters around you?


My girlfriend said she used to like "big d**... with big d**..." before she met me, and I thought she did well to move on from her type.

Anyway, it took me a few seconds, but I'm single now

Why do bishops move on diagonals?

They're not a cardinal.

My wife says if anything ever happens to her I should move on and remarry.

Today I found out, apparently "anything" does not include getting stuck in a traffic jam.

I was waiting for a girl to make a move on me, but it was taking her too long

Then I found out she was a Chess Player

Why did the pickle cross the street?

Because it was green.
Why did the tomatoe not cross the street?
Because it's a tomatoe. Tomatoes don't move on their own.

My wife said that if anything happens to her I must move on with my life

Apperently stuck in traffic isn't part of "anything".

What does the Mexican cartel do after every m**...?

They move onto the next Juan.

Wishful neighbor

A good neighbor dies and goes to heaven:
God: "Whatever you wish for i'll double that and give it your neighbor across the street"
The wishful neighbor: "Remove one of my eyes"

Why do the algebra books always ask you to "solve for X"?

I wish they'd just teach the X to move on and solve it's own problems.

Why are snail races so short?

Because they can only move one foot.

[WP] Three years after losing your wife, you finally agree to try and move on and attend a speed dating event. The first woman you see looks identical to your wife...

I'm worried about my notebooks man,

they all say "college ruled" they need to move on with their lives

How fast can you move on on a scale of Justin Timberlake to Taylor Swift?

I think I'm about an Adele.

"It's important to just accept the result and move on

#...possibly to another country."
_Frankie Boyle, (Scottish Comedian)_

A brunette, a redhead and a blonde are on the run from the cops...

They run down an alley and find 3 boxes and decided to hide in each.
The cops arrive to the first box, they kick the first and the brunette shouts
'' Woof Woof!! '' The cops decided it must be dogs and move onto the next box.
'' Meow Meow! '' The redhead exclaims, the cops shrug thinking it is cats and move on to the next box.
'' POTATOES '' yells the blonde.

What would Ched Evans do if his girlfriend claimed Batman r**... her?

He'd move on to a Spiderman costume

Why did the old pirate decide to give up a-plunderin?

He just wanted to move on, start a new chapter in his life. Sometimes things happen like this, and it's a nice reminder that we are all capable of change. Sure it's tough, some people in your life might move on from how they used to be - but this doesn't mean they don't love you anymore. The pirate may stop a-plunderin, but he's still the same person. He's still your friend. He'll always be there for you.

The media's relationship with Hillary is just like Bill's relationship with Hillary. The relationship is unwanted and forced, and they'll move on to the next person any chance they get.

3 guys are on a plane

First guy throws out an apple and the other two ask him why he threw it out and he said to see where it would land.
Second guy throws out an orange and the other two ask him why he threw it out and he said to see where it would land.
Third guy throws out a grenade and the other two ask why and he says to see where it would land
So they go to find their stuff they first see a boy crying and ask why he is crying and he says an apple hit his head so they move on.
They then come across a girl crying and ask why she is crying and she says an orange hit her head so they move on.
They come across a boy laughing and ask what's so funny and he says grandpa f**... and the house exploded.

So a guy gets shipwrecked on an island with nothing but a dog and a goat.

As time passes, he decides he needs some action, and, well, the goats not lookin half bad.
However, anytime the man tries to make a move on the goat, the dog gets jealous, snaps at him and won't let him by.
Eventually, another ship wrecks, this time carrying a blonde babe. Just absolutely gorgeous. The man looks to the heavens, thanks God for answering his prayers, then looks to the girl and says:
Would ya mind taking that dog for a walk?

A man died and went to Heaven.

He was greeted by Saint Peter at the pearly gates. He saw a wall of clocks that had names on them. He asked Saint Peter what they were for. He replied "They are lie clocks, and every time you lie, the hands move one minute." He showed him George Washington's clock, which was at 12:00, and he told him this meant he had never lied. He then showed him Bill Gates' clock, which was at 1:30, which meant he had lied 90 times. The man asked where Trump's clock was. Saint Peter said "It's in Jesus's office. He uses it as a ceiling fan"

Police chase

So a blonde, brunette, and redhead have just robbed a bank and are running from the cops, and they decide to ditch their car and hide in a barn.
The redhead hides behind a horse
The brunette behind a cow
And the blonde behind a rather large sack of potatoes.
As the cops come in, they investigate the stalls and first come to the horse stall
The redhead makes a neighhhhhh and the cops move one
They get to the cow stall, where the brunette goes moooooo
And when they get to the blondes stall, she has to think quick in order to save the group, so she simply replies poooootaaaaaatoooooo

f**... Cure

A lady walks into a doctors office. She says, " Sir I have a serious problem. I dont know when it started, but I lost control of my farts. Fortunately it doesnt sound or smell at all, but I f**... all the time. You must have not noticed, but I already f**... about 5 times since I walked into your office.
Doctor, silently listening, finally stood up and gave her few pills.
"One of these every day should fix you up in a week."
A week passed, and the lady returned.
She says angrily," I thought the pill was supposed to cure me, but it just made it smell horribly!"
The doctor, surprisingly happy with the result, says, "All right, lets move onto your ears then."

An old man is in a confessional booth

He says 'Father, please I must tell you something!'
The Reverend tells him to proceed
'Six years ago my wife died and I've been pretty lonely. Tonight I had s**... for hours for the first time since with four college students I met in a bar.'
'It is natural that you're feeling bad about sleeping with women who aren't your wife, it is okay for you to move on though.' The Reverend replies.
'Oh you don't understand Father, I'm not upset.'
'Then why are you telling me?'
'Trust me, Father. I'm telling everyone!'

Man and wife visit the super bull farm.

They are shown round the prize bulls. The manager shows them a great strapping beast.. this one is our gold medal bull he mates without fail every three days. The wife is impressed and nudges hubby.. nodding approvingly.
They move on and next the manager shows them the double gold medal bull. He is a beast! This one, the manager explains proudly can do the business every other day without fail.
Wow.. Says the wife, with sideways look at her husband .. I'm very impressed.
Then the manager shows them Rocky, the triple gold medal bull. Rocky here, he says patting the muscular r**... of a steaming hot stomping beast, is a every single day boy.. 365 copulations a year.
The wife looks at her sulking husband. Now that's what I call a super stud!
Yes.. he says, scratching his chin,
but I bet Rocky here doesn't have to sleep with the same old cow every night.

Hung like a baby....

There was a man and a woman who fell in love and decided to get hitched in Vegas. Before they walked into the chapel, the woman turns to the man and says: " Before we go through with this there is something you should know about me, I am flat chested"
The man responds: " Oh baby don't you worry about that. That does not make me love you any less. You are perfect the way you are"
The man continues: " While were on this subject there is something you should know about me, I'm hung like a baby"
The woman responds: "Oh honey, don'y you worry about that, you are still by fay perfect!"
The couple marry and move on to their honeymoon suite. The woman takes off her shirt, she is as flat as a washboard. The man takes off his pants. When the woman looked at him she fainted. A couple of minutes later the woman comes to. She asked the man: "You said you were hung like a baby!?"
The man replies: "I am, 8 pounds, 21 inches."

A brunette, a redhead head, and a blonde are running from the cops...

The girls quickly turn a corner and see three empty barrels, so they each jump into a different one.
Once the cops turn the corner, they see the barrels and they are suspicious about them so they kick the one with the brunette in it.
"Woof! Woof!" says the brunette.
"Just a dog in there" says one cop, so they move to the next one.
They approach the barrel with the brunette inside, and give it a jolt.
"Meow! Meow!" says the redhead
"Just a cat in there" says one cop, so they move on to the next one.
The approach the barrel with the blonde in there and shake it a bit.
"Corn! Corn!" says the blonde.

The buffalo theory of beer joke

A herd of buffalo can move only as fast as the slowest buffalo. When the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first.
This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members.
In much the same way the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Excessive intake of alcohol, we all know, kills brain cells, but naturally it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first.
In this way regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine.
That's why you always feel smarter after a few beers, and that's why beer is so GOOD for you!

A Husband Wonders How His Wife Would Move On If He Died

One day, a husband is wondering what his wife would do if he suddenly died.
"Darling," he says. "If I was to suddenly die I don't want to feel like you could never find love again."
His wife shakes her head. "Oh, it would be difficult at first but I think I would manage."
The husband thinks for a moment and asks, "would you let your new man use my things?"
"Which things," asks the wife.
"Hmm. What about my aftershave - you know, the one you really like. Would you let him use that?"
The wife thinks for a moment. "Yes, I don't see why not."
"Ok," says the husband. "What about my CDs. Would you let him use those aswell?"
Again the wife pauses for a moment before answering. "Yes, I can't see that would be a problem."
The husband nods in agreement. "Yes, that's fine. But what about my golf clubs? Would you let me use those too?"
The wife answers without pausing this time.
"Oh no darling, of course not. He's left handed."

Green side up.....

A newlywed couple is taking a tour of their potential first house with their realtor. The realtor shows them the first bedroom upstairs which is a kids bedroom. The realtor is going over the features when he suddenly walks over to the window, opens it up, and shouts "green side up!". The young couple just kinda look at each other and shrug their shoulders. They move on to the next room which is an office. Again, halfway though his description of the space, the realtor goes over to the window. He opens it and shouts, "green side up!". The couple again shrug their shoulders and they move on to the master bedroom. The realtor begins to describe the room and once again, opens the window and yells, "green side up!". This time the husband asks the realtor, "Why is it that every time we tour a new room you open the window and yell green side up?". The realtor replies, "Sorry about that, I have a crew of blonde women laying sod".

The Three Paddies Meet a Wizard

p**... Englishman, p**... Scotsman and p**... Irishman are walking in the woods when they stumble across an old s**... wizard down on his luck. "Wishes for a tenner!" shouts the wizard. "I'll give you anything you like, but I'm sick and tired of making knobs bigger, so don't ask!"
Without wasting a second, p**... Englishman hands the wizard a ten pound note. "I want my wife to be ten times more adventurous in bed."
The s**... wizard nods. "Uxor non inhibitoris! An easy one! It is done!"
p**... Scotsman counts out nine pound coins and two 50 pence pieces. "My wife and I are happy enough, but I'm terrified of becoming a grandfather before I'm 50. I'd be obliged if you could fix it so my teenage daughters can't get pregnant before they're 25."
The s**... wizard nods. "Filiae non fertilismus! Very wise! It is done!"
The s**... wizard turns to p**... Irishman, who has his hands planted firmly in his pockets and looks ready to move on. "No wish for you?"
"I'll save my tenner," says p**... Irishman, with a grin. "These boys have me covered!"

Two guys and one girl are stranded on a deserted island

To avoid agruments and fights, the guys agree each can have the girl every other week. They are basicly taking turns on having s**... with her.
This goes on for several months but one day the girl injures her foot.
Her foot barerly heals and several days later she dies of an infection.
For the guys, this was okay for a month.
But it started getting more difficult for them during the second month.
After 3 months it was inpossible for the guys to continue like this
so they decided to stop taking turns, bury her and move on with their lives

My grandfather passed away early this morning. To commemerate him, here is a favorite joke of his

A man and woman were on their honeymoon after a quick courtship. They met, fell, and love, and were quickly married. On their honeymoon, they decide to go for a horse ride through the beautiful mountain passes of Europe. As the horses were crossing a small stream, the wifes's horse mis-steps and jostles the her. Once across the stream, the man dismounts, walks over to the horse, and stares into its eyes. Finally, he states, "That's one." The man remounts his horse and they continue their ride.
A bit further down the path, the wife's horse stumbles when stepping over a fallen tree. The man dismounts, stares the horse in the eyes, and boldly states, "That's two!" He returns to his saddle and they move on.
As the afternoon sun began to set, the wife's horse once again lost its footing on a mossy slope. The man dismounts, moves to the wife's horse, and helps his wife out of the saddle. Moving to the front of the horse he stares it in the eyes and firmly says, "That's three," removes a p**... from his jacket, and shoots the horse dead.
The wife, quite upset at seeing the beautiful horse killed, says to her husband, "That's terrible, why would you do such a thing!"
The man stares at his wife and firmly says, "That's one!"

jokes about move on