Molecule Jokes
50 molecule jokes and hilarious molecule puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about molecule that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Are you looking for some fun jokes about molecules? Check out this article to get a good laugh! With jokes about water molecules, chemistry molecules, combinations of hydrogen and bromine, and even helium, you'll be entertained and informed.
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Funniest Molecule Short Jokes
Short molecule jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The molecule humour may include short chemical symbol jokes also.
- my 14 year old came back with this after his biology class Q. who was the Jewish prophet that led the water molecules across the partially permeable membrane?
A. osmoses - An Oxygen molecule go sees a doctor "Doc, Im suffering from terrible cramps" says the Oxygen Molecule.
"That's an easy fix," says the doctor, "Just eat some Potassium and you'll be OK!" - My molecules are threatening to go on strike because they've lost their charge They must have unionised!
- A molecule tells another: A free electron once stripped me of an electron after he lepton me. You gotta keep your ion them!
- Science joke What song does a gas molecule sing when it is attracted to another gas molecule?
"Because maybe, you're gonna be the one that saves me
And after all, you're my Van Der Waal" - Curiosity just found organic molecules preserved in rock on Mars. Big deal, if you go to my room right now you can find organic molecules preserved in a sock.
- Anybody here heard of Molecules? He's the smallest of the Greek heroes!
- What do you call a molecule with the structure bunny-O-bunny? An Ether Bunny!
- What did the Oblivion character say when he saw a molecule of magnesium sulphate? BY THE NINE DIVINES! A SALT!
- Why couldn't the molecule split up? It was in a legally bonding contract.
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Molecule One Liners
Which molecule one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with molecule? I can suggest the ones about substance and chemical.
- My girlfriend is like the temperature of a molecule. Doesn't exist by definition.
- Size of matter in descending order. Molecule > Atom > Proton > Quark > x on a mobile ad
- Yesterday I accidentally sent a n**... picture of myself to everyone in my address book. Not only was it embarrassing but it cost a fortune in stamp.
- 11 sodium molecules walk into a bar. The bartender says, "Hey Jude!"
- So a sodium molecule hits a chlorine molecule It was a salt
- What do you call 6.022 x 10^23 molecules of avocado? A guac-mole
- Molecule 1: I just lost an electron. Molecule 2: Are you sure?
Molecule 1: I'm positive. - Why Don't Jews Like Ions? They prefer their molecules free of charge.
- A fish made from two sodium molecules Two-Na
- A hydroxide ion and a nitric oxide molecule walk into a bar. The bartender says: "OH NO".
- Why did the 22140857×10^23 molecules of Methyl Acetate go to jail? It was a Mole-Ester!
- After the CO2 molecule left the car, it immediately took a nap it was exhausted
- Which prophet said "Let my molecules flow?" Osmoses
- What do you call a molecule of sodium carrying a gun? A salt with a deadly weapon
- Molecule Nitrous oxide
Water Molecule Jokes
Here is a list of funny water molecule jokes and even better water molecule puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Two water molecules are hanging out in a microwave. When someone comes along to turn the microwave on, one molecule looks at the other and says, ".... ...this is so exciting!!!"
- A water molecule feels quite lonely in a glass full of alcans She thinks that they ignore her because of her charme, but it's because of her charge
- What did the water molecule say to the oxygen molecule? Oh! Two!
Chemistry Molecule Jokes
Here is a list of funny chemistry molecule jokes and even better chemistry molecule puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- (Bad) Chemistry Pun teacher: why does bromine bond to this molecule instead of one of the other halogens?
me: because bromines before h**...-mines
(met with groans and laughs from the class)
Experience Instant Grins & Giggles with Playful Molecule Jokes
What funny jokes about molecule you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean mechanism jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make molecule pranks.
A chemist walks into a bar...
He says to the bartender, "Tonight all drinks are on me!"
The bartender says to him, "you must've had a good day today, what happened?"
"I finally found a way to make a stable molecule from a barium atom, two sodium atoms, and a sulfur atom!" the chemist proudly replies.
"Wow," says the bartender, "that's BaNaNaS!"
Two Molecules are Talking to Each Other...
The first one asks, "Why don't you like me?"
The water molecule says, "I'm sorry, but I'm just not that attracted to you."
The other cries, "Is it because I'm fat?!"
Santa walks into a bar followed by 3 hydrogen monoxide molecules
h**... h**... h**...
So an oxygen molecule walks into a bar... [biochem joke]
and goes up to the bar and orders a drink. As the bartender hands the Oxygen it's drink he notices the small molecule petrified with fear. He notices this and quickly realizes hemoglobin sitting alone in a corner booth with an obvious attraction to oxygen. The bartender looks and says to Oxygen "Don't worry, he's totally heme-less".
how does a DNA molecule give o**...?
helix it
Do you know why all the O2 molecules are intelligent?
Because an s**... one would be an Oxy-m**....
What's the scientific name of a f**... molecules?