
Molar Jokes

25 molar jokes and hilarious molar puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about molar that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Discover molar jokes, tinged with a hint of dentistry! Laugh out loud with jokes about molar mass, caries, and all things dental! Funny and educational, it's the perfect way to learn more about dentistry and make friends smile.

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Funniest Molar Short Jokes

Short molar jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The molar humour may include short moles jokes also.

  1. What do you call a two dentists that live on opposite sides of the world? Molar opposites.
  2. What's the difference between your dentist and a philosopher? Your dentist helps you solve molar dilemmas.
  3. People are saying Donald Trump is wearing dentures after he was slurring his speech yesterday. I think this calls for a molar investigation.
  4. What did Al Gore say when his third molar came through? "Well that's an inconvenient tooth"
  5. Why did the chemist wear gloves to brush his teeth? His mouth was 4 molar
    Post your favorite nerd chem jokes!
  6. How do you tell the difference between a chemist and a dentist? Ask them to define the world molar.
  7. I'm investigating the tooth fairy, and it's going well... I've managed to get a molar into her operation. I'm going to find out the tooth at the root of all this.
  8. Why do chemistry majors get their wisdom teeth removed? It's dangerous to have too many molars.

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Molar One Liners

Which molar one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with molar? I can suggest the ones about tooth and dental.

  1. What do you call a tooth in a glass? A one molar solution.
  2. One of my molars just said I'm handsome. I love having a sweet tooth.
  3. What animal is endangered by tooth decay? Molar bears!
  4. What did Al Gore call his ingrown molar? An Inconvenient Tooth
  5. Diabetes doesn't care about your morality It cares about your molarity
  6. I had to take out a restraining order against my molar... was abscessed with me.
  7. How do you measure the molar mass of guacamole? With Avocado's Constant.
  8. What is a dentist's favorite animal? A molar bear
  9. Which kind of bear can chew the best? A molar bear
  10. Where do moles go on Sunday mornings? Molar mass.
  11. What did the molar 1 say to the wisdom tooth? Ouch! Move, o**... get you extracted.

Molar joke, What did the molar 1 say to the wisdom tooth?

Cheerful Fun Molar Jokes to Brighten Your Day with Humor and Joy

What funny jokes about molar you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean rodent jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make molar pranks.

Molar joke, What did the molar 1 say to the wisdom tooth?