Misuse Jokes
23 misuse jokes and hilarious misuse puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about misuse that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Misuse Short Jokes
Short misuse jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The misuse humour may include short misplaced jokes also.
- The misuse of users' Facebook data has caused mark zuckerberg significant emotional distress. He asks that you respect his privacy during this challenging time.
- What do English teachers and my girlfriend have in common? They both yell at me for misusing the colon.
- Facebook is promising to protect users from data misuse. Meanwhile, Darth Vader is teaching CPR.
- For every one person that uses a Male Victorian Name correctly, another sixteen manage to misuse it. Now that sounds like a pretty Hiratio to me.
- Some worrying news for grammar n**..., a new study shows... that homophone misuse is at an awl thyme hi.
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Misuse One Liners
Which misuse one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with misuse? I can suggest the ones about misbehaving and misread.
- What do you call the misuse of a meme? A misdememer.
- I hate the misuse of Latin phrases... ...and vice versa.
- Every 40 seconds... A statistic is misused.
- I never misused the word ironic, ironic right? it's a bit of a paradox. THINK!
- What did the dead meme do when someone misused him? Rick rolled in his grave.
- People who misuse apostrophes can go to he'll. (OC)
- I often misuse common phrases People are always pulling me off for it.
- I hate when people misuse abbreviations smh my head
- You knows what's obviously annoying? People who misuse obviously.
- A woman once accused me of mansplaining... ...but she was misusing the word.
- People always misuse "ironic". It's so ironic...
- I hate it when people misuse the words your and you're . There so s**....
Humorous Misuse Jokes to Bring Fun and Laughter to Your Life
What funny jokes about misuse you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean misunderstanding jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make misuse pranks.
People often misuse the word "chivalry."
I looked up the rules of chivalry. Only one part is about respecting women. The rest is medieval battle etiquette.
The other day I didn't open a door for a women behind me. "I guess chivlary is dead," she said. Enraged, I challenged her to armed combat
Turns out I'm the better jouster.
Chivalry is alive but that woman is dead.