
Mirage Jokes

16 mirage jokes and hilarious mirage puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about mirage that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Mirage Short Jokes

Short mirage jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The mirage humour may include short illusion jokes also.

  1. People know I go to Las vegas a lot and they always ask if I saw the white tigers at the Mirage. I say, Only if they were sitting at the Let It Ride table.
  2. I was record shopping the other day in a hot store with broken A/C... Thought I saw an Oasis album, but it was just a mirage.
  3. What did the rich bearded s**... owner say when he was stranded in the desert and saw a mirage of an Arabian lamp and rubbed it? here in my mirage got this brand new labor genie here

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Mirage One Liners

Which mirage one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with mirage? I can suggest the ones about mirror reflection and mirror.

  1. What happens if you put a mirror in a garage? A mirage!
  2. What do you call a successful mirage? An optimal illusion
  3. What do you call a mirage with a lot of Instagram followers? A thirst trap
  4. What is it called when you think you see a popstar in the desert? It's a Nicki Mirage.
  5. What do you call a t**... in an oasis? A Mirage à t**....

Mirage joke, What do you call a t**... in an oasis?

Fun-Filled Mirage Jokes to Boost Your Mood

What funny jokes about mirage you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean magic mirror jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make mirage pranks.

Two men are lost in the desert

Two men are lost in the desert. They are both severely dehydrated and extremely hungry. While stumbling over a particularly large sand dune, one man spots a tin of fig-flavored altoids.
Desperate for any sustenance, he stumbles ahead and grabs the tin, but realizes it was only a mirage.
He turned to the man behind him and said, "I guess it was just a fig mint of my imagination."

Two genies in a deserted house..

A guy gets lost in a desert and stumbles upon a house s**... bang in the middle of the desert. After ascertaining that it wasn't a mirage, he enters the house and sees three doors and a lamp at the entrance of the house.
He rubs it and out pop two genies, who are very grateful and decide to grant the man three wishes.
"Before you open each of these doors, wish for what you want most and then open the door."
So he goes upto the first door, closes his eyes for a moment and then enters the room to find all kinds of riches.
He follows the same process and enters the second room and is greeted by the most beautiful women in the world all eager to please him in every possible way.
When he finally makes his third wish and enters the third room, a noose appears from the ceiling and within minutes, the man is dead.
As the two genies leave the house and traverse the desert, one of them turns to the other and says sadly, "I just don't understand. He didn't look suicidal. What was his third wish?"
To which the other genie replies, "Yeah I have no idea why he wished to be hung like a black man."
Obligatory addition: *And then the other genie fainted.*

Two men were lost in a desert...

Dehydrated and dying, the men see a mirage of hundreds and hundreds of tents up ahead. As they get closer, they realize it's not a mirage, but a huge market.
The men stagger into the marketplace, begging everyone around for water, but the first few tents sell only jelly.
Moving on into the market, the men beg and plead for water but the next tents only sell cake.
As the men move forward they're surrounded by hundreds and hundreds of tents selling icecream only, with no water in sight.
The men finally exit the cluster of tents still dehydrated, and dying.
The first man turns to the other and says, "Is it just me, or was that really odd?"
The other man replies, "Yeah. It WAS a trifle bazaar..."

A man woke up sobbing

"The world is a cruel uncaring void!" he cried. "Pleasure is fleeting but pain is eternal! Hope is a mirage! What cruel God made this reality!?"
Next to him, his wife stirred.
"Oh it Monday already...?"

I was going for a walk in the desert in Afghanistan.

Off in the distance I saw what I thought was a mirage but as I got closer I could see it's wasn't a mirage, Israel.
It was two men arguing, so I tried to calm the situation down but they turned against me. The one man threw Iraq, so Iran all the way home.
Agitated by the encounter I told my wife I wanted to get revenge for the assualt, but she calmed me down and assured me it Kuwait.

Mirage joke, What is it called when you think you see a popstar in the desert?