
Mind Blown Jokes

23 mind blown jokes and hilarious mind blown puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about mind blown that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Mind Blown Short Jokes

Short mind blown jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The mind blown humour may include short mind blowing jokes also.

  1. I've always wanted to see a live performance of "Our American Cousin" My buddy Abe wouldn't stop raving about it. He kept talking about how his mind was literally blown.
  2. A time-traveling FBI officer informed JFK that the tenth next president of the US would be a reality TV celebrity JFK was mind blown
  3. My friend said he knew of a way to always win in Russian roulette I can't tell you what it was, but let's just say... My mind was blown
  4. Female = Iron Man Wait so is female also ironman
    Cause you know fe= iron and male=man
    Mind blown
  5. Mind=blown I once knew a h**... who was studying psychiatry. For $20 she'd blow your mind.
  6. I can guess how many times you've had s**...... 0!
    about 99% of you guys just had your minds *blown*

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Mind Blown One Liners

Which mind blown one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with mind blown? I can suggest the ones about blew mind and blown away.

  1. After the presidential debate, they debate about the debate. Mind Blown
  2. Just read an article on how JFK died. Mind. Blown.
  3. Me: hey do you want your mind to be blown? My dog: woof
    Me: we live on a ball
  4. Absolute mind blown that 50 Cents real name is Arthur Dollar.
  5. tyra banks "REAL ME" a reaction to alien cat? mind blown
  6. The description is false The title is false
  7. My mind loves its head It's getting blown all the time.
  8. Why do you hire a psychic h**...? So you can have your mind blown.
  9. Today I found out my neurologist is also a p**... Mind blown!

Cheerful Mind Blown Jokes for Unforgettable Laughter with Friends!

What funny jokes about mind blown you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean blow mind jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make mind blown pranks.

TIL The chicken crossing the road jokes real meaning

To get to the other side was also a comment on the afterlife, as in the "other side" as in knowing he'd die crossing the road. I'm 37, heard this joke so many times, and not once put this together till now. /mind blown