
Millennial Jokes

121 millennial jokes and hilarious millennial puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about millennial that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

This article offers up 31 Millennial jokes to make you laugh. From poking fun at the itchy trigger finger of the "good Millennial," to mocking renting instead of owning, you can't go wrong with a few of these hilarious tongue-in-cheek jokes. Discover how Millennials find shorthand for every situation, to their divine love for avocado toast. Get your meme game on and read this article for some Millennial-inspired hilarity!

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Funniest Millennial Short Jokes

Short millennial jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The millennial humour may include short baby boomers jokes also.

  1. I am getting so sick of millennials and their attitude. Always walkin around like they rent the place.
  2. A boomer, a millennial and a zoomer walk into a bar That's right- Gen X just got ignored again.
  3. There should be a millennial edition of monopoly where you just walk around the board paying rent, never able to buy anything.
  4. People often tell me I'm very old fashioned for a millennial I guess I'm just a late boomer.
  5. I'm getting really sick of millennials attitudes lately Walking around like they rent the place.
  6. I'm sick and tired of these millennial weathermen... In my day, only the raining champion got an award, but nowadays everyone wants a precipitation trophy.
  7. People say Millennials are entitled... but have you ever tried to tell an old lady her coupon has expired?
  8. I saw a millennial chick at the supermarket and thought she looked odd. Then I realised she can't even.
  9. I went to the backyard this morning and I saw a bird of prey eating avocado toast. It was a millennial falcon.
  10. 85% of Millennials struggle with figuring out the opposite of these words. Always

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Millennial One Liners

Which millennial one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with millennial? I can suggest the ones about young adults and 21st century.

  1. How do Millennials fireproof their homes? By never owning one.
  2. Saw a falcon eating avocado toast. Guess it's a millennial falcon.
  3. What do you call a bird born in the 90s? A Millennial Falcon
  4. what do you call Johnny Cash's millennial grandson Johnny Bitcoin
  5. How do you weigh a millennial? In instagrams.
  6. Millennials don't get this... Low college tuition rates.
  7. What do you call a bird with no responsibilities? A millennial falcon
  8. How can you tell it's a Millennial nursing home? All the residents have atrophy.
  9. What device did God use to communicate with millennials? A tablet.
    But not from Apple.
  10. Why do millennials prefer odd numbers? Because they can't even.
  11. What do you call a narcissistic spaceship? The Millennial Falcon
  12. What do millennials get for doing nothing? Atrophy.
  13. Millennials wont get this vaccines
  14. I asked a millennial hipster yoga teacher to leave the room... He said: "Nah a ma stay."
  15. Life: Why do people love me and hate you? Death: *scoffs* Have you met the millennials?

Millennial Generation Jokes

Here is a list of funny millennial generation jokes and even better millennial generation puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Millennials have such short attention spans Says the generation that got bored of going to the moon by the third time
  • Millennials being the first generation to grow up online should have been called Gen-E But Forrest gump ruined it for us
  • Next time someone complains about millennials Remind them which generation linoleumed over all those beautiful hard-wood floors.
  • I was born in 1988, so you might think I'm a millennial But please don't assume my generation. I actually identify as a baby boomer.
  • What is the ONE thing Millennials are better at than any other generation? Getting Molested
  • Millennial at least got one thing going for them They're going to outlive the generation that comes after them because they can control if they get their own vaccinations.
  • How do you make the Millennial generation less wussy?
  • The Millennial Generation is so egotistical All they talk about is MeMe.
  • It's ironic that Baby Boomers call Millennials narcissists When their parents referred to themselves as **The Greatest Generation**.
  • How will we create the next generation of fans for Star Wars icons like The Millenium Falcon? Millennials f**...'.

Millennial Avocado Jokes

Here is a list of funny millennial avocado jokes and even better millennial avocado puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Saw a bird eating a piece of avocado toast. Guess it was some kind of millennial falcon.
  • A zoomer was invited to his millennial friend's wedding, and was asked to give a toast. He didn't avocado.
  • I went to my backyard and saw a bird of prey eating avocado toast. It was a millennial falcon.
Millennial joke, I went to my backyard and saw a bird of prey eating avocado toast.

Millennial Snowflake Jokes

Here is a list of funny millennial snowflake jokes and even better millennial snowflake puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Why doesn't Santa have any millennial elves? Because there are already enough snowflakes at the North Pole.
  • As a millennial snowflake, if I can't win, I at least expect a ribbon for precipitation.
  • How Did the Millennial Know Xe Was a Special Snowflake? Xe got a precipitation trophy.
  • What do you call an obnoxious millennial? A: An Abominable Snowflake
Millennial joke, What do you call an obnoxious millennial?

Fun-Filled Millennial Jokes to Boost Your Mood

What funny jokes about millennial you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean midlife jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make millennial pranks.

And old timer is talking to a millennial and says, "Your generation is sure in trouble thanks to all this talk of computers taking all the jobs. Aren't you worried?" To which the millennial replied,

What jobs?

How many millennials does it take to change a light-bulb?

One, but he has to create a safe-space where the light-bulb can go to avoid being offended that it's being replaced.

A millennial walks into a bar

I only know this because he shared stats with everyone.

How many Millennials does it take...

to screw in a lightbulb?
None. Their parents will do it for them.

What do women in the Middle East and Millennials have in common?

If they go to college, they'll probably get s**....

how many millennials does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Enough to protest until the government does it for them

Did you hear about the millennial pharmacist that got fired?

They fired him because he didn't believe in labels.

millennial superstitions

If your phone drops in the toilet bowl, you will have seven years of frustrating eyebrows.

What do guns and millennials have in common?

You need to keep them in a safe space if you don't want them triggered.

During the election, Bernie teamed with Hillary to try and win over the millennials

Funny, considering they're age combined is a millennial itself

What do millennial stoners play during recess?

Hash Tag.

Study finds millennials are having less s**...

Because they are expecting their parents to do it for them.

What do you call a millennial acting like they grew up in the 70's

A hippiecrite.

Why is 6 afraid of 7?

Because 7 is a "politically correct" millennial that shames 6 for his "even-number privilege".

If I had a dollar for every millennial that complained about how much we baby boomers took from them...

...I wouldn't need their money to pay for my retirement and healthcare.

Wheel of Fortune

Me: I'd like to buy a vowel
Pat: Aren't you a millennial?
Me: *sigh* I'd like to rent a vowel

Dogs, Not Marriage or Kids, Motivate Millennials to Buy Homes

I don't know how they afford it though.
Dogs are expensive.

I'm just a conservative millennial

I like to party Alt-Night.

My grandpa told me, "You millennials are too dependent on technology...

.. so I plugged out his life support

What's the difference between my grandpa and a millennial antifa?

number of white supremacists killed.
god, these millennials are lazy!

How is the government pranking millennials?

By making them pay into Social Security.

Apparently incredulousness is increasing amongst millennials

I don't believe it for a second

Why do millennials love Animal Crossing?

Because it allows them to fulfil the dream of buying a house.

Give a millennial a smartphone and he'll live for a day...

... any longer than that and he'll become a mindless, soulless, social media zombie.

Hear about the game of Life Millennial Edition?

There are 27 different pegs for gender and only four squares: Debt, Rent, Destroy an Industry, and early Death from lack of healthcare.

[OC] You millennials are always complaining that we ran up trillions of dollars of debt for you. Why can't you just pull yourselves up by your bootstraps?

After all, we pulled ourselves up by your bootstraps.

How Many Baby Boomers does it take to explain a hippie joke to a Millennial?

"I'm offended"

How many millennials does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

99 to earn a PhD in electrical engineering and interview for the job, and one to agree to do it for the "experience".

If I had a dollar for every time older people complained about millennials...

...I could fix the economy they broke.

Someone told me that I have 'Millennial humor'

It's comments like those that make me want to shoot myself and then go into debt.

Say what you will, but today's young professionals are the ones that will eventually find the cure for cancer. I can see the headlines now:

"Millennials Killed Cancer"

You millennials and your obsession with public healthcare....

Back in my day we just died

Young Han Solo never bought his own ship...

He just rented a Millennial Falcon.

A dad complains "Millennials get certificates for anything..."

"My son got one last week just for dying!"

If a millennial asks you...

If a millennial asks you why people in old photos have red eyes

Tell them that they're too young to remember the d**... uprising of the 1980s

There are 3 types of rings common to the millennial marriage.

The engagement ring, the wedding ring, and tindering.

If a Millennial dies, they can be eulogized as such:

"They died doing what they loved. Dying."

My millennial son called me for the first time in a year and a half

I changed the Netflix password

So, What do you call a depressed space bird?

A Millennial Falcon

Did you hear about the millennial on Wheel of Fortune?

He tried to rent a vowel.

Amazeballs is millennial for "cool",

But it's also Native American for "hush puppies".

What kind of job do millennials typically prefer?

A r**....

What's the best way to smuggle avacado toast across the galaxy?

On the millennial falcon.

What is a millennial's favourite fragrance?

Scents of entitlement.

Why can't millennials take a joke?

Because the jokes always hit a little too close to their parent's house.

What did the millennial say when his friend played jaws on the piano?

That low key gave me chills

How many millennials does it take to change a light bulb?

That's racist.

How many millennials does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

None. They sit in the dark and cry while posting blank pictures to instagram

Finally Wheel of Fortune is modernizing to reach more millennials with new rules.

Instead of buying a vowel they have to rent it.

Wild falcons live to be about 13, so all the falcons in the wild today were born in the 21st century.

They're millennial falcons.

Straight to controversial, I know.

What did the millennial get on his wedding day?
A participation trophy wife.

How many millennials does it take to screw in a light bulb?

1 to hold the bulb and wait for the world to revolve around them!

What's the difference between Elvis and a millennial's spirit?

Some people still think Elvis is alive

Millennial joke, What's the difference between Elvis and a millennial's spirit?

jokes about millennial