Menstrual Period Jokes
18 menstrual period jokes and hilarious menstrual period puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about menstrual period that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Menstrual Period Short Jokes
Short menstrual period jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The menstrual period humour may include short menstruation period jokes also.
- I was going to make a pun about Elizabeth the 1st's menstrual cycle... But I don't like making period jokes, because not everyone gets them.
- My girlfriend made me watch a movie with her about how women struggled during their menstrual cycles in the 18th century. It was a period piece
- A woman lost so much menstrual blood she ended up unconscious for several weeks in a hospital. I hate it when I intend a period but end up with a coma.
- I'm writing a book about how Elizabethan era women dealt with their menstrual cycles. It's a period piece.
- Did you hear about the movie about the girl's first menstrual cycle set in the 1930s? It was a period piece.
- Why did Jimmy choke on his mother's menstrual blood? He wanted to end his life with a period.
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Menstrual Period One Liners
Which menstrual period one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with menstrual period? I can suggest the ones about menstrual cycle and menstrual.
- Menstrual cycle jokes aren't funny Period.
- My Girlfriend is writing a book about menstrual cycles. It's a period piece.
- They're making a movie about menstrual cycles in the 1800s. It's a period piece.
- I tried talking my gf about her menstrual cycles. "Period !" She said.
- What do you call a biker on her period? A menstrual cyclist!
Menstrual Period Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about menstrual period you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean girl period jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make menstrual period pranks.
Periodic abstinence as contraception can be successful, provided one meets three very strict conditions:
1. The woman must have a very regular menstrual cycle.
2. You must be able to count well.
3. And you must really love children.
Loosely translated from Herman Finkers. My favorite dutch comedian.
There was this really talented female painter
and one day she painted this magnificent painting inspired by medieval times of a ball. It was filled with lords and ladies dancing with each other, a table filled with food for the feast, fools entertaining, and men in armor standing guard. She was so proud of this picture she called her friend over to show it to her.
The friend saw it and said, "Wow this is really great! But I have just one question, why was this painted mostly in red?"
"Well I used my menstrual blood to paint most of it." The painter replied. Her friend just stared at her in horror. She continued to explain, "Its a period piece you see."