
Menopause Jokes

10 menopause jokes and hilarious menopause puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about menopause that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Laughing through the transition of midlife, this article will explore how jokes related to menopause, male menopause, hot flashes, and even the “trickle of veins” can help us survive and celebrate these inevitable changes. From funny one liners to anecdotes, these comedic takes on the common experience of menopause will leave you in stitches.

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Comical Menopause Jokes to Spread Joy and Laughter

What is a good menopause joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

Why is menopause called menopause?

Because mad cow disease was taken

Did you hear about the English teacher who went to prison for so long she went through menopause?

She was most upset that there would be no period at the end of her sentence.

What does a menopausal Vietnam vet suffer from?

Hot flashbacks

How do you know your fridge is going through menopause?

It's all out of eggs..

Why did Bruce Jenner wait until age 65 to become a woman?

He wanted to avoid menopause.

My wife said I'm lucky because I don't have to deal with women issues; periods, birth control, menopause...

Yeah, but you get to live longer.

Why did the vampire couple divorce after 45 years?

She had reached menopause.

For men, having a bad breakup is like going through menopause.

It s**... until you realize you don't have anymore girl problems.

What do toilets get in their menopause?

Hot flushes.


I'm going to bed with a frozen turkey and tomorrow I will wake up to thanksgiving dinner
Anita Marie Echevarria Cynical Comic

Menopause joke, Menopause

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Menopause joke, Menopause