Memory Loss Jokes
71 memory loss jokes and hilarious memory loss puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about memory loss that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Memory Loss Short Jokes
Short memory loss jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The memory loss humour may include short forgetful memory jokes also.
- My mum suffers with short term memory loss Hope it doesn't run in the family because my mums got it too
- My father suffers from short term memory loss I hope it doesn't run in the family because my dad has it.
- I asked my librarian if she had a book on short term memory loss... I asked my librarian if she had a book on short term memory loss...
- What do you call a show about two cokeheads with short term memory loss? Whose Line Is It Anyway?
- I've heard that head injuries can cause memory loss, but I still don't wear a bike helmet. I don't even remember the last time I fell off my bike.
- My mom suffers from short term memory loss. I hope it isn't congenital Because my mom's got it too
- A man goes to the doctor to report a serious memory loss problem Man: Doctor, I have a serious memory loss problem
Doctor: Hmm.. and since when did you have this problem?
Man: What problem? - My Mom Had Memory Loss. I hope I don't have it, as it runs in the family. You see, my mom had memory loss
- Psychiatrist: "How long have you had short-term memory loss?" Patient: "As long as I can remember."
- A man with short term memory loss walks into a bar. A man with short term memory loss walks into a bar.
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Memory Loss One Liners
Which memory loss one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with memory loss? I can suggest the ones about amnesia and bad memory.
- Alcoholism causes memory loss, liver diesase, And memory loss.
- Stay away from the marijuanas it can cause memory loss Or even worse, memory loss.
- Drinking can cause memory loss...or even worse Memory loss
- If you suffer from short term memory loss If you suffer from short term memory loss
- What do you call it when a shepherd can't find his ram? Memory loss.
- Alcohol can cause memory loss. But, it can also cause memory loss.
- Say what you will about memory loss... But, say what you will about memory loss.
- I just created a memory loss pill! At least, I think I did...
- If you suffer from short term memory loss I could've sworn I've done this already
- How many people with short-term memory loss does it take to... I'm sorry, where was I?
- Brett Favre reveals 'scary' memory loss says he is not going back to play Pro Basketball
- If you suffer from short term memory loss Wait, haven't I done this already?
- If drinking alcohol causes memory loss, what does drinking alcohol do?
- I just invented a memory loss pill! I think...
- So I heard this joke about memory loss yesterday.... But I already forgot the joke.
Ridiculous Memory Loss Jokes to Spark Fun and Laughter
What funny jokes about memory loss you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean dementia jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make memory loss pranks.
Patient to friend: "I saw the doctor to day about my loss of memory."
Friend: "What did he do?"
Patient: "He made me pay him in advance."
When I told the doctor about my loss of memory, he made me pay in advance.
"Having too much s**... can result in memory loss."
I read that on page 37, paragraph five of the New England Medical Journal on September 15th, 2014 at 10:37 am.
Having too much s**... can cause memory loss
I read it on page 37 in a medical journal in November 2006 at 4:19pm
Mental health hotline.
Hello, welcome to the mental health hotline.
If you have obsessive compulsive disorder, press 1 repeatedly.
If you are co-dependent, please ask someone to press 2 for you.
If you have multiple personality syndrome, press 3, 4, 5, and 6.
If you suffer from paranoid schizophrenia, we know who you are and what you want. Stay on the line so we can trace your call.
If you are delusional, press 7 and your call will be transfered to the mothership.
If you are hearing voices, listen carefully and a small voice will tell you which number to press.
If you are manic depressive, it doesn't matter which button you press. No one will answer anyway.
If you are dyslexic, press 96969696969696.
If you have a nervous disorder, please fidget with the pound button until a representative comes on the line.
If you have amnesia, press 8 and state your name, address, phone number, date of birth, social security number, and your mother's and grandmother's maiden names.
If you have post traumatic stress disorder, slowly and carefully press 911.
If you have bi-polar disorder, please leave a message after the beep. Or before the beep. Or after the beep. Please wait for the beep.
If you have short term memory loss, please try you call again in a few minutes.
If you have low self esteem, please hang up. All our representatives are busy.
Alcoholic to God
God meets alcoholic and tells him that he has been doing a lot of wrong things so has to suffer. He tells him he can choose one out of two diseases.
* Parkinson's disease (hand will shake continuously)
* Alzheimer's disease (memory loss)
After thinking for some, he replied that he will go for Parkinson's as it is better to spill half bottle of whiskey and drink only half of it than to forget where the whole bottle was kept.
What is amnesia?
Is it: A) memory loss
A) memory loss
3) The Battle of Hastings
I can't remember where I read this, but I heard too much m**... causes memory loss.
What is the issue with memory loss pills?
What is the issue with memory loss pills?
Studies have shown that smoking w**... causes short term memory loss.
Next thing you know they'll be saying smoking w**... causes short term memory loss.
In memory of my father, who died of blood loss because sadly no one could figure out his blood type.
As I stood beside him it was incredibly moving to hear him repeat, over and over, these inspirational last words: "Be positive, son! Be positive!"
Father, I don't know if you can hear me, but if you do, just know I will always remember to be positive.
My mom suffers from short-term memory loss
I hope it's nothing genetic because I'm worried since my mom suffers from short-term memory loss
Anything that has to do with memory loss starts with 'A'
A baseball bat slamming into a persons head.
I created a support group for people like myself who suffer from short term memory loss...
... I think
The doctor told me I have short term memory loss.
That's the bad news.
The bad news is that I have short term memory loss.
When I was drinking my coffee, I heard on the radio that caffeine causes memory loss.
Yeah, right. Next time, they're probably gonna say that caffeine causes memory loss.
Yesterday I got stopped by a cop with short term memory loss.
He kept asking me if I knew why he pulled me over.
What kind of jokes do people with short-term memory loss tell?
What kind of jokes do people with short-term memory loss tell?
If smoking m**... causes short term memory loss,
what does smoking m**... do?
Wanna hear a joke from someone with short term memory loss?
Yeah, what?
The joke
What joke
Now, I may have short term memory loss...
but at least I don't have short term memory loss.
Having too much s**... can cause memory loss
I read it in Men's Health Journal 2006 on page 73 paragraph 4 footnote 3.
Listen, because I won't tell you again - I'm suffering from short-term memory loss.
Ah, and one more thing - I'm suffering from short term memory loss.
If smoking w**... causes short-term memory loss...
Then what does smoking w**... do?
Did you know too much s**... can cause memory loss
I read that in a medical journal on page 34 at 3:23 pm last year on Wednesday November the 7th.
Did you guys know too much s**... can cause memory loss?
I learnt that in a medical journal, page 34. At 3:38pm on Thursday the 7th.
Fun fact: Having friends gives you memory loss.
I read this in a textbook on page 53 at 4:37 PM on Friday May 12, 2006
A man wakes up the mental ward
Relax, sir, you've just had ECT.
What's that?
Electrical shock therapy. After a shock to the brain, you have temporary partial memory loss. Patients often forget about the things that cause them stress and tension, allowing to them to relax and get better.
Now that you're awake, I'll call your wife in...
My what?
My friend told me excessive m**... can lead to memory loss.
It's the sixth time he's told me.
Having too much s**... can cause memory loss.
I read it on page 14 in a medical journal on the 14th November 2019 at 3.19pm
Thank you for calling the Psychiatric Institute of Mental Health
If you have an obsessive-compulsive disorder, please press button 1. Again. And again. And again.
If you have a multiple personality disorder press in rapid sequence keys 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
If you suffer from paranoia, we have to inform you that we already know who you are, what you do in life, and what you want from us. Please stay on the phone while we trace your call.
If you suffer from hallucinations, press the 7 on the big pink telephone that you, and only you, see at your immediate right.
If you are suffer from chizophrenia, please kindly ask your imaginary friend to press the 8 key for you.
If you suffer from depression, it doesn't matter which key you press, as there is nothing to do: yours is a basket case, and there is no cure.
If you suffer from amnesia, press keys in rapid sequence 2, 7, 5, 3, 9 5, 7, 5, 1, 6, 4, 9 and repeat out loud, in the following order, your name, surname, home address, mobile number, e-mail, social security number, bank account number, ATM pin code, date of birth, marital status, place of birth and your grandmother's maiden name.
If you suffer from indecision, leave your message before, after, or during the beep.
If you suffer from short-term memory loss press 0.
If you suffer from short-term memory loss press 0.
If you suffer from short-term memory loss press 0.
If you suffer from obsessive avarice we have to inform you that this call costs 500 euros per minute.
If you suffer from low self-esteem, keep waiting: all our operators are busy responding to people who are much more important than you.
If you are one of the Italians that voted for Berlusconi, please hang up. We cure the crazy, not the jerks.