Melons Jokes
102 melons jokes and hilarious melons puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about melons that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Melons Short Jokes
Short melons jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The melons humour may include short watermelon jokes also.
- What do you get when you mix a broccoli and a melon? The saddest vegetable known to man: a melonccoli.
- What did the melon say to her fiancé when he asked her to run away with him? I cantaloupe.
- Why were the melons upset when they were denied a marriage license? Because it means they *cantaloupe*
- What do you have if life gives you melons? Dyslexia.
- What do you call a pessimistic melon? A cantaloupe
- Why was the fruit/vegetable hybrid upset? He was a melon-cauliflower.
- Did you hear about the two melons in love? They want to run away together but unfortunately they cantaloupe.
- If life gives you melons...'re probably dyslexic
- Two melons have a secret love affair... One melon says to the other, "baby, I love you so much. I just wanna sneak away and get married right now."
The other responds, "no, we cantaloupe." - What do you call two melons who can't be married? Cantaloupe
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Melons One Liners
Which melons one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with melons? I can suggest the ones about honeydew melon and cantaloupe.
- If life gives you melons, you might be dyslexic.
- What do you do when life hands you melons? Acknowledge you may have dyslexia.
- why don't melons run away to get married? because they cantaloupe
- What's half fruit, half dog and is rather sad? A Melon Collie.
...I'll get my coat. - How do you know when you're dyslexic? When life hands you melons.
- You know the saying, if life gives you melons? You might be dyslexic.
- If life gives you melons… You may have dyslexia.
- When life gives you lemon... ... a simple surgery can give you melons.
- If live gives you melons. You probably have dyslexia.
- I tried marrying a melon... But apparently we cantaloupe
- What do you call a sad community of melons? A melancholy melon colony.
- What did the melon tell her boyfriend when he proposed? Yes but we cantaloupe.
- When life gives you melons You're most likely dyslexic
- When life gives you melons You might be a woman
- What do you call a melon that can't marry abroad? A cantaloupe.
Uplifting Melons Jokes to have Hilarious Fun with Friends
What funny jokes about melons you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean fruit jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make melons pranks.
What do g**... and melons have in common?
Shopping for Melons
My wife sent me to the supermarket with a grocery list, but when I unfolded and read it, all it said was "melons".
I guess it was the honey dew list.
Ladies, If life gives you lemons, a simple operation can give you melons :p
Why do melons have traditional marriages?
Because they cantaloupe
The warning sign
There was a watermelon plantation which had been constantly spoiled by night thieves who were trespassing to steal melons. The owner came with an idea to repel the intruders: he put a warning sign on the plantation's fence: "Beware! Steal on your own risk! One melon below this fence is poisoned!"
The next day, there were no more missing melons and a short text added on the warning sign: "Now there are two".
The melons
Why did the melons get married in a church?
Because they cant-elope.
Why couldn't the melons get married?
Because they cant-elope
What did the Melon King say to the two young melons in love?
They can't-elope.
Melon love
Two melons in a romantic relationship were discussing their feelings for each other.
"Honeydew you love me?" asked the first.
"Yes," replied the second, "but we cantaloupe."
Why would two melons in love hate their parents?
Because they cantaloupe.
What kind of melons always have big weddings?
Why were the two homosexual melons protesting at city hall?
Because they cantaloupe
Tag line outside a Breast Implant Clinic:
If nature has given you "lemons"
we will re-arrange the alphabets & convert them into "melons" !!
When life gives you melons...
...make d**... ale.
Why don't melons marry on a whim?
They cantaloupe.
What Did Kid Davis Say To The Lesbian Melons?
you cantaloupe.
i just thought of this. probably not the first person to, but i certainly didn't steal it.
I always wanted to marry a girl with nice big melons...
Too bad she cantalope :(
Why do melons have fancy weddings?
Because they cantelope!
Why did the melons go to the marriage counselor?
Because they cant eloup
If life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. If life gives you melons...
You might have s**... daily!
Why were the two melons in love so frustrated?
Because they cantaloupe.
Why were the 2 in love melons upset?
Because they cantaloupe.
(The wife thought of this one... hopefully nobody else has posted it)
My friend told me he had the body of a Greek god. I had to explain to him that Buddha is not Greek.
Q: Why didn't the melons get married?
A: Because they cantaloupe.
Q: Why did the dinosaur cross the road?
A: Because chickens weren't around yet.
Q: What do you call a sad coffee?
A: Depresso.
Why do melons always have big weddings?
Because they can't elope.
What do romeo and juliet have in common with melons?
They both cantaloupe.
Why do melons always have church weddings?
Because they cantaloupe.
Why do melons always get married in a church?
Because they cantaloupe!
^^^^^^^I'm ^^^^^^^so ^^^^^^^sorry
Why do melons have expensive weddings?
They cantaloupe.
Why do melons have such extravagant weddings?
Because they cantaloupe
Why were the melons upset that they cant afford a wedding?
Because they cantaloupe
Why did the melons have a small wedding?
Because they cantaloupe.
When life gives you melons
You play with them
Being dyslexic hasn't stopped me from having a positive outlook on life..
Because when life gives you melons, make melonade.
Why do melons always ask their parents before getting married?
Because they canteloupe.
What do you call engaged melons on the TSA watchlist?
Why do melons always have traditional weddings?
Because they cantaloupe
A squash and melon are talking to each other
The squash asks for the melons hand in marriage. The melon says, "I'm very sorry, but I cantaloupe."
Why do melons hold the traditional ceremony of marriage in such high regard?
Because they can't elope.
Why do melons have large weddings?
Because they cantaloupe.
Why must melons always get married?
Because they can't elope
Why do melons need their parents' permission to get married?
Because they can't elope!
A farmer kept getting water melons stolen, so one day he puts a sign up that says 'one of these watermelons is poisoned' next day he gets up and goes out to work in his watermelon patch and sees another sign
'now there are two'
Some melons aren't married.
The can't elope
Why can't two male melons get married?
Because guys can't elope.
Why were the young melons mad?
They cantaloupe
What's the saddest part about the relationship between a melon farmer and the girl who is allergic to melons?
They cant-elope!
Why are melons stuck in arranged marriages?
Because they cantaloupe.
Why don't melons get married?
They can't elope.
Two Melons Fall In Love
The guy says, I love you so much, my sweet little honey dew. I don't want to wait. Let's run away to Vegas together.
The girl replies, No, baby. I cantaloupe.
Two melons are sitting in a field, talking about how much they love each other...
The first melon talks about how it wants a great big wedding, and how all their fruit and vegetable friends will be there to celebrate. The other melon wants them to run away together and have a 4-H judge do a quick ceremony. They argue passionately back and forth, when exasperated the second melon asks, "why do we even need to have a wedding?" The first melon replies, "don't be silly honey, we cantaloupe."
Did you hear about the two melons who are being pressured by their parents into having a traditional wedding?
They cantaloupe
Why do melons have to have wedding ceremonies?
Because they cantaloupe.
What do you call a group of sad melons?
A melon-colony.
Why were the two engaged melons upset their visas get declined?
They cantaloupe
Why are the melons breaking up?
Because they cantaloupe.
Where do melons go for summer fun?
John cougar Mellencamp
Melons are unable to run away and get married.
They can't elope
Why won't the melons get married?
Because they cantaloupe.
Why do gay fundamentalist teenagers like melons so much?
Because they cantaloupe.
When life gives you melons...
You are dyslexic
Why do melons always get married in church?
They cantaloupe
Why did the two melons have a large wedding?
Because they can't elope.
Why don't melons ever get married?
They cantaloupe
If life gives you melons.
You've probably got dyslexia
When life hands you melons...
You might be dyslexic
When life gives you melons
You may be dyslexic
Why can't melons get married?
They cantaloupe ^sorry ^I'll ^leave
If life is giving you melons...
You are probably dyslexic.
If life gives you lemons
A simple surgery will give you melons