
Medals Awarded Jokes

8 medals awarded jokes and hilarious medals awarded puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about medals awarded that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Happy Medals Awarded Jokes for a Lighthearted Night with Friends

What is a good medals awarded joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

My friend Ty came first in the Beijing marathon, but wasn't awarded the gold medal.

The Chinese refuse to acknowledge Ty won.

My friend Ty came first in the Beijing marathon 5 years ago, but still has not been awarded a gold medal.

China refuses to acknowledge Ty won.

My grandfather was complaining yesterday: your generation is so fragile with your participation awards ...

says the guy who lost the war and still wears medals

A man was awarded a medal for his humility...

Unfortunately, he got it taken away for wearing it.

The armed grenade was under a pile of chick peas, tahini and olive oil.

Captain Smith threw himself on top of it to save his men from the inevitable e**....
His medal for bravery was awarded post-hummusly

The guy who finished third in the shrimp eating contest

was awarded the prawns medal.

Did you hear michael phelps lost all his Olympic awards?

He hasn't won a race yet. I guess you could say the loss of his metal medals meddled his mettle.

There is only one award higher than the medal of Honor: The Chuck Norris Medal of Roundhouse.

No mortal man has ever earned it.

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