
Med Jokes

51 med jokes and hilarious med puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about med that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Med Short Jokes

Short med jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The med humour may include short medication jokes also.

  1. I don't think my girlfriend likes my schizophrenia meds Because every time I take them she goes away
  2. I hate it when engineering students refer to themselves as engineers... Like you don't see med students calling themselves doctors or arts students calling themselves unemployed.
  3. Don't you just hate it when med students call themselves doctors? I mean you don't see engineering students calling themselves engineers or arts students calling themselves baristas
  4. Why did the mexican start taking anti anxiety meds? He was taking them for hispanic attacks
  5. A vegan, a med student, and a bitcoin trader walk into a bar Who tells you about it first?
  6. I hate it when engineering students call themselves "Engineer" you don't see med students calling themselves doctor, or art students calling themselves unemployed.
  7. i went to go tell my best friend about the new schizophrenia meds i got today... i literally cannot find him anywhere.
  8. I don't mind being back on my meds... I just think it's sad that at the same time all the dogs in the neighbourhood stopped talking to me.
  9. I went to the Med school library to get a book on abdominal pain. Someone had already ripped the appendix out.
  10. I thought my new ADHD meds would help my drinking and it works. Instead of a half dozen glasses of bourbon with only a sip or two drunk from them, I actually finish them all.

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Med One Liners

Which med one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with med? I can suggest the ones about chem and medic.

  1. My girlfriend dared me to take schizophrenia meds. Now she's gone missing.
  2. Accidentally took my cats meds Don't ask meow
  3. Meds To the person who stole my antidepressants, I hope you're happy now.
  4. To the man who stole my anti-depression meds. I hope you're happy now.
  5. You be claimin that pain meds don't work but Ibuprofen you wrong
  6. I've spotted six Pokémon today but I don't have the game so I may need new meds...
  7. What do you call a wicked doctor from the Middle Ages? Med evil!
  8. What do you call a C-average med school student? Doctor.
  9. What do you call a Med School student who graduates with all C's? A Doctor.
  10. I accidentally took my cats meds last night. Don't ask meow.
  11. What do you call a doctor who failed med school ? Dentist.
  12. OC - What's the binge show of choice for chubby pre-med cows Graze Anatomy
  13. A med school student walks into a bar... but he was not prepared for it
  14. I dropped my epileptic meds in the washer earlier. Now my clothes don't fit anymore.
  15. My son, who has ADHD, has been taking meds to help him run faster. He's now AD480p.

Med School Jokes

Here is a list of funny med school jokes and even better med school puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • [OC] Did you hear about the med school student who switched from nephrology to pediatric orthopedics? He went from kidneys to kid knees.
  • My sister graduated med school and is growing antsy at her minimal workload She just needs to have patients.
  • Im glad i dropped out of med school... I never had enough patients for it anyway.
  • What do you call someone who barely graduated from med school? Doctor.
  • Did you hear a med school is accepting animals as students? They're calling it the hippocampus.
  • If Laywers learn at pre-law but Doctors learn at pre-med, where do Teachers learn at? Pre-school
  • According to Jewish theology, at what point does a fetus become a person? When they finish med school.
  • Med school interviewer: So concealer, what are your extracurricular activities Concealer: I shadow
  • Question in Med school exam - Answer the following Question. When a young girl faints, you immediately touch and check her p - - s - Only the people who answered
    P U L S E,
    passed the exam
  • What do you call someone who got all D's in med school? Doctor

Pre Med Jokes

Here is a list of funny pre med jokes and even better pre med puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • How do you know if someone is in Pre-Med? Dont worry, they tell you.

Hilarious Fun Med Jokes That Will Have You Rolling with Laughter

What funny jokes about med you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean medicine jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make med pranks.

My mom was watching TV when an Ad for an Alzheimer's medication cam on...

She says to me "Grab a pencil and paper and write down this medication in case i get Alzheimer's so you know what med to give me." I said "Mom don't be silly. You have already written it down five times"

A sick man comes to a doctor. After an inspection, the doctor says "I have very bad news for you."

The man asks "What is so wrong?"
The doctor answers: "I missed all the lectures about your illness back in med school."

A doctor ordered a cadaver...

...for his med students to dissect. When it arrived, the doctor noticed it was missing an o**....
I guess you could say his package was de-livered. ^I'm^sorry

Two med students are walking down the street...

When they see an older gentleman limping in front of them. Every time he took a step his right foot would shake.
"I bet it is a degenerative nerve damage issue" says the first one.
"It looks more like a hip joint issue" says the second.
They argue for a while and then decide to ask the man what his problem is.
The gentleman listens to them and then he says:
"I thought it was only a f**..."

I don't get why engineering students call themselves engineers when they aren't yet

I mean people in med schooling don't call themselves doctors,
law students don't call themselves lawyers,
and art students don't call themselves broke

So what do you do?

*I sell prosthetic limbs to various countries.*
So you're like a med rep, but for amputees?
*I prefer international arms dealer.*

Why can't ethiopians take med pills?

Cause they can't take 'em with empty stomach.

My fiancé is a med student and was talking to me about her geriatrics class...

... and my first thought was "This is getting old real fast."

Unlicensed Proctologists

I heard on the news that some med school dropouts end up practicing proctology illegally. It's certainly frowned upon, but inevitably some unqualified professionals end up slipping through the cracks.

What type of test do you take...

To see if you get into grad school, you take the GRE.
To see if you get into med school, you take the MCAT.
What test do you take to see if you can be a politician?
Lie detector.