Mars Bar Jokes
49 mars bar jokes and hilarious mars bar puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about mars bar that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Mars Bar Short Jokes
Short mars bar jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The mars bar humour may include short monkey bars jokes also.
- Freddie Mercury, Venus Williams and Bruno mars all walked into the same bar. They didn't planet.
- Venus Williams and Bruno Mars were sitting at a bar talking about where they were from.
The bartender said, "Hey - you two should write a book!" - I just found bacteria growing on my chocolate bar. I guess there is life on Mars after all.
- Freddy Mercury, venus Williams Williams Bruno Mars all happened to walk into the same bar. But they didn't planet that way.
- Bruno Mars, Venus Williams and Freddie mercury walk into a bar But they didn't planet that way
- New machine at the gym. They installed a new machine at my gym today, I managed to do 2 hours on it.
They do all sorts. Snickers, Kit-kats, Mars bars, you name it... - Did you hear about the man with a stutter who went to the shop for a mars bar? He came back with 50 packs of m and m's
- So, Mars Bars are just nutless Snickers, right? I guess you could say that they're infertile.
- Chocolate, icecream, cookies, mars bars, doritos, popcorn, milky ways, kit kats and lays! i wrote this joke to reach a wider audience.
- After finding a Twix and two Mars bars I began to realise that I'm just not cut out to be a Bounty hunter
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Mars Bar One Liners
Which mars bar one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with mars bar? I can suggest the ones about planet mars and will mars.
- What is Elons Musk favorite snack? Mars bars.
- What do you call wifi in space? Mars Bars
- What do you call pubs on Mars? Mars bars.
- What's the smallest drink you can order at a bar? A mar tiny.
- Where does a Martian go for a drink? A Mars Bar
- What's Elon Musks favorite candy? Mars Bars
- What's Elon Musks favourite thing to eat? Mars bars
- What is an alien's favorite candy? A Mars bar!
- What do astronauts eat? Mars bars, galaxies and milky ways
- What did the Snickers bar tell the Mars bar? Grab some nuts!!!
- How do you get out of jail in Mars? You eat the mars bars.
- Dude walks into a bar ...and drops dead from oxygen deprivation. It's a Mars bar.
- I had a third of a Mars bar the other day... All I wanted to do was rest.
Mars Bar Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.
What funny jokes about mars bar you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean mars jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make mars bar pranks.
Yo momma so fat you have to grease the door frame and hold a Mars bar on the other side just to get her through.
The Blonde Astronaut
One day three female astronauts, a brunette, a redhead, and a blonde, had a few drinks in a bar to celebrate their accomplishments. The brunette said, "We should be proud that we were the first female astronauts to land on the moon." The redhead said, "And we should be proud that we were the first astronauts to walk on Mars." The blonde added, "And we should be proud that someday we'll be the first astronauts to fly to the sun." "Don't be ridiculous," said the brunette. "If we got within a 100-mile radius of the sun, we would burn up and die!" The blonde replied, "I know, that's why we'll go at night, I'm not that s**...!"
After finding 5 Mars bars, 3 Snickers, a Flake and a packet of M&M's...
I think I'm going to give up on Bounty hunting.
Shakhter Karagandy (Celtic's Champions League opponents)
Apparently they've been given permission for their pre-match tradition of sacrificing a sheep, I'd like to see them progress given Celtic's pre-match tradition of sacrificing a Mars bar.
What's similar about a homosexual and a mars bar?
They've both been battered in a Glasgow fish shop.
Just been to the gym
Just been to the gym. They've got a new machine in. Only used it for half an hour, as I started to feel sick. It's great though. It does everything – Kit Kats, Mars Bars, Snickers, Potato Chips, the lot..
Just been to the gym and there's a new machine there.
I only used it for about an hour, as I started to feel sick, but it's great: it's got KitKats, Mars bars, crisps and everything in it
Jeff Wayne came home one day to find his wife bringing herself to c**... with a chocolate bar.
"The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one" he said.
After finding 3 mars bars, 2 twix some M n M's and a milkyway
i realised i wasn't cut out to be a bounty hunter.
The teacher says to little Johnny, "If you had twelve Mars bars, of which Sanjeet asked for two, Amir asked for one, and Leroy asked for three, how many Mars bars would you have left?"
"Twelve miss."
Elon walks into a Mars bar...
The bartender says: So what did you think about the new bar on Mars?
he replies: "Not much atmosphere"
Did you hear about the time Jeff Wayne caught his wife m**... with a chocolate bar?
The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one , he said.
Studying the nature of Mars
A NASA scientist walks into a bar and orders a beer. "How's work going?" the bartender asks. "It's frustrating. We've been studying the planet Mars and trying to figure out how it went from having a warm and wet habitat to a cold and dry one," the scientist says. "So far, we don't have an answer." "Maybe it got married?" the bartender replies.