
Marc Jokes

27 marc jokes and hilarious marc puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about marc that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Marc Short Jokes

Short marc jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The marc humour may include short mark jokes also.

  1. They say one in ten men are homosexual In my group of friends I'm pretty sure it's Marc. He's really cute
  2. When asked for his name by the coffee shop clerk, my brother-in-law answered, "Marc, with a C."
    Minutes later, he was handed his coffee with his name written on the side: Cark.
  3. Marc, with a C I said to the person at the coffee shop register. Cark is what they wrote on the cup.
  4. Do you know why they chose Marc Webb to direct The Amazing Spiderman 1 and 2? His name is Marc.
  5. Cars & s**... -Hey Marc, I bet your sexlife is like your Ferrari!
    "I don't have a Ferrari."
    -That's what i mean.

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Marc One Liners

Which marc one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with marc? I can suggest the ones about composition and barista.

  1. What does broke Marc Antony say? Friends, Romans, countrymen, I'm in arrears.
  2. What has four legs and goes "marc, marc?" A dog with a harelip.
  3. 1 of of 1 000 000 dropouts become Marc Zuckerberg And the rest of 99 000 become losers.
  4. What do you get when you cross Cleopatra with Marc Antony? Pharaoh-moans.

Marc joke, What do you get when you cross Cleopatra with Marc Antony?

Loads of Fun with Charming Humor Marc Jokes

What funny jokes about marc you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean brother jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make marc pranks.

March 11 is World Plumbing Day. I'd make a dad joke about it...

...but I'm drained.

A 90 year old man goes to the doctor.

Full disclosure, I got this joke from Tom Jones on Marc Maron's w**... podcast today. Tom's 80, mentally spry like he's 30, and he swears like a sailor.
90 year old man goes to the doctor.
Says Doctor, it used to be that I'd get these erections so hard that I couldn't even bend them with two hands! 16, 17, 18 years old, all through my twenties... 30, I could bend a little bit, 40s a little bit more. 50s and 60s I'm getting it to about a 90 degree angle, and now I'm 90 I can bend it in half!
I'm getting stronger, right?"

Man's March (on Washington)

Can be observed every day at 8am. Also known as going to work.

Why couldn't Marco Rubio register on a web forum?

The website required him to prove that he is not a robot.

You know you are fat when you hug a child and it gets lost.

The Women's March is organising a strike day where women won't do anything

Thank god I know how to make sandwiches

A marching band passed by this morning, shouting "Make America Great Again!"

Must be some Donald Trumpeters.

What do Marco Rubio and an AR-15 have in common?

They're both really easy to buy in Florida.

On March 27th, our math teacher burst into class and threatened to cancel Spring Break unless the one who's cheated on all their tests reveals themselves before next month

How are we supposed to catch a cheater in eight days?!

March 2023, one year into the Ukraine war

A scowling man said to himself as he walked: No hamburgers, no coffee, not even toiletries...
At this time, police in plainclothes came over and whispered to him: I warn you, if you slander great Russia under Putin's leadership like this, I will hit you with a p**... on the head!
The man looked at him and continued to talk to himself: Look, no bullets.

How did Marco polo cross Siberia?

He took it one steppe at a time.

Mr. Marcus was briefing his client, who was about to testify in his own defense.

"You must swear to tell the complete truth. Do you understand?" The client replied that he did. The lawyer then asked, "Do you know what will happen if you don't tell the truth?" The client looked back and said, "I imagine that our side will win."

Marcus Aurelius was a Roman Emperor, a very smart man and ahead of his time.

A strict disciplinarian he hated when his soldiers drank on the job but had no way of policing it. Until he realised that the offending soldiers would urinate much more than the sober ones. So he started to measure the output of the soldiers. Do you know what he used to measure it?
Roman Urinals

I think the March for Our Lives Movement is slowing down.

I mean, first they were running for their lives, now they're just marching.

Marcel Marceau and Charlie Chaplin were booked to perform at a benefit.

Naturally since they were both silent performers, their acts relied purely on physical humor. The night of the performance they were backstage comparing notes and discovered they had planned to do almost the same bits: man stuck in box; man pulling rope; man walking against the wind; etc.
I guess it just goes to show, great mimes think alike.

The way I see it, the March for Science has really turned out to be more of a parade for science puns than an actual protest.

And I'm totally Oxygen-Potassium with that.

The March for Life is all fine and well.....

But why are we forgetting the January and February for Life?

March forth is National Grammar Day

March forth, it is National grammar day on March 4th!

Can March walk?

**No, but April May.**

What comes after March?

April, fools!

Marc joke, What comes after March?