
Manhole Jokes

30 manhole jokes and hilarious manhole puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about manhole that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Manhole Short Jokes

Short manhole jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The manhole humour may include short holes jokes also.

  1. Why are manhole covers circular? Because Rouleaux triangles are too hard to manufacture.
    What do you call 8 hobbits? A hobbyte.
  2. Why did the Christian convert quit his job at the sewer company? Because entering manholes was no longer his thing.
  3. How are a lid on a sewer and a pair of men's underwear the same? They're both manhole covers.
  4. There was a body of a man found in a manhole in New York. Authorities determined his death was a sewercide.
  5. Why are sewer covers called manholes? If they were called womanholes, guys would keep trying to get in.
  6. Why did it take a strong thief to steal a manhole cover? Because only he could pull it off.
  7. Blind people worry about running into things everyday. What do blind gay men worry about? Open manholes.
  8. Why does the NYC DoT regulate the packaging of mens underwear? Because they're in charge of man-hole covers!
  9. If you like double entendre... (Originally from CAH) Come back to my place and I'll show you a manhole.
  10. Did you hear about the guy who jumped off a tall building and fell through a manhole? He commited sewercide

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Manhole One Liners

Which manhole one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with manhole? I can suggest the ones about dig hole and rabbit hole.

  1. What do women and roads have in common? They both have manholes.
  2. If someone kills their self by jumping down a manhole... Is it sewercide?
  3. What did the man do after falling into a manhole? Sewer-cide
  4. One foggy winter night Jason walks into a bar Then a tree, and then into a manhole
  5. Did you see that open manhole down the street? Cause I don't
  6. Why are manhole covers round? Because manholes are round
  7. How do you stop a baby falling down a manhole?
    Stick a javelin through it's head.
  8. A gay construction worker went missing... They found him in a manhole.
  9. A mechanical engineer asks to his crush... Do have a manhole I could enter?
  10. Why are manholes round? They figured three squares was enough for the sewers to handle.
  11. What do you call a b**... plug being utilized by a guy? A manhole cover
  12. Do g**... refer to underwear as "manhole covers?"

Manhole joke, Do g**... refer to underwear as "manhole covers?"

Cheerful Fun Manhole Jokes for Lovely Laughter

What funny jokes about manhole you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean digging holes jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make manhole pranks.

A drunk man is shouting "twenty five" while

Looking at the open manhole infront of him....
Another man comes seeing the drunk man shouting
"Twenty five" again and again while looking inside the open manhole.he asks why he is doing that...
Drunk man doesn't replies....
He keeps shouting "twenty five" while ignoring what other man says.
Man gets curious whats inside manhole.he leans over to see whats in. But the drunk man kicks him inside the manhole....
Drunk man after that..." Twenty six......"

An US tourist visiting the USSR fell down the open manhole...

After he was helped out, he started complaining: why on earth such as danger was not marked properly? In the USA there would be red lanterns or at least some red flags. "How did you arrive in Moscow?" asked one of the Russians who helped him out. "Well, via Sheremetyevo airport". "Haven't you noticed the huge red flag on its main building?"

The police are interrogating a suspect

Cop: Where were you last night? And why are you covered in blood?
Me: I went out for a walk & tripped on a rabbit hole. Fell, got up. Tripped again on a foxhole. Got up & fell into a manhole. Cut my head on a rock.
Cop: Son, I think you're lying. Your alibi is full of holes.

A sewage worker has just started his first day on the job

He and his supervisor are standing over a manhole and the new guy begins to climb down.
Suddenly he looks up with a look of mild panic in his eyes and says,
"Wait, what happens if I fall in?"
His supervisor looks down and him and replies,
"Son, if you fall, u**... over you head."

How did the mansplainer get injured?

They said he fell down a manhole, but it was a well, actually.

Did you hear about the rash of manhole cover thefts?

They're calling it the Great Drain Robbery

Manhole joke, Did you hear about the rash of manhole cover thefts?