
Magnitude Jokes

13 magnitude jokes and hilarious magnitude puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about magnitude that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Magnitude Short Jokes

Short magnitude jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The magnitude humour may include short amount jokes also.

  1. A man walks into a bar, and orders 10 times the amount of drinks as everyone else. The barman says "now *that's* an order of magnitude!"
  2. A man walking into a bar and says, "I'll have ten times more beers than your next biggest drinker" The bartender replied, "Now that's an order of magnitude!"
  3. A man walks into a bar and orders 10 times more than anyone else that night the bartender says "wow, that's an order of magnitude"
  4. How do you walk a perfect straight line during the next 7.2 magnitude earthquake? Develop Parkinsons.
  5. I think Magnitude 10 earthquakes are the best comedians They can make the whole world crack up.
  6. Despite all the problems it has caused, this pandemic has given all of us direction And magnitude. We're all vectors.
  7. Order 66 ... If the citizens of Star Wars used Base 66 Numbers, Palpatine would have said:
    > Execute the Order of Magnitude!
  8. A man walks into a bar and says to the bartender, "Give me ten times the number of drinks everyone has in this bar"
    The bartender replies, "Whoa! That's an order of magnitude."
  9. California Earthquake Today there was a 4.8 magnitude earthquake reported in California.
    Taylor Swift was quoted as saying "Shake it, shake it off".
  10. What do you call a movie about a low-magnitude Iron ion that skips school? Ferrous Bueller's Day Off

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Magnitude One Liners

Which magnitude one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with magnitude? I can suggest the ones about mass and measure.

  1. Stone people say"big gay" I say "homosexuality of sizable magnitude"
  2. Magnitude 12 Earthquake Is your mom walking.

Magnitude joke, Magnitude 12 Earthquake

Quirky and Hilarious Magnitude Jokes to Let the Chuckles Begin.

What funny jokes about magnitude you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean scale jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make magnitude pranks.

The Mathematician and the Waiter

A mathematician and his partner go to a restaurant one Sunday lunchtime. The waiter comes over and takes the mathematician's order: -
'I'd like one chicken breast, 10 roast potatoes, 100 baby carrots and 1,000 peas, please' he requests.
'Why sir!' Exclaimed the waiter. 'That's an order of magnitude!'

Two seismologists have divided California into North and South to be monitored for earthquakes. A deadly magnitude 9 happens right in the middle

The North seismologist says: "why didn't you see the earthquake coming?!"
The South seismologist says: "It's not my Fault!"

A mathematician walked into a bar...

A man walked into a bar and asked the bartender to give him ten times as much as everyone else there.
So the bartender replies: "Now that is an order of magnitude."
(I didn't come up with this myself; I saw it somewhere and decided to put it here.)

Magnitude joke, A man walks into a bar