
Magic Spell Jokes

21 magic spell jokes and hilarious magic spell puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about magic spell that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Magic Spell Short Jokes

Short magic spell jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The magic spell humour may include short casting spell jokes also.

  1. I learned an evil magic spell to make readers feel great despair with only 3 words. Awkward childhood memories.
  2. If the Klu Klux k**... leaders are wizard, why don't they cast a spell to kill all those that oppose them? Because they don't have access to black magic.
  3. If the Klu Klux k**... leaders are wizards, why don't they cast a spell to kill all those that oppose them? I guess it's because they don't have access to black magic...
  4. Why does the k**... wear those pointy hats? White Wizard Hat: +10 to racist spells, -15 to black magic. It's all about the stats, man.
  5. If the leader of the k**... is a wizard, why can't they kill people with spells? They don't have access do dark magic

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Magic Spell One Liners

Which magic spell one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with magic spell? I can suggest the ones about magic trick and harry potter spell.

  1. Why couldn't harry potter feel the magic? Because he was having a dry spell
  2. What magic spell does Harry Potter use at the bar? Expecto Patronum
  3. How do you spell badly? With a broken magic wand.
  4. My car knows how to do magic! The only spell it knows is Expecto Petroleum
  5. What is a black man's favourite magic spell? Expecto Neglecto.
  6. What do you call an insect with magical powers? A spelling bee.
  7. ....magical blonde wizard wlaks ito a bra **blonde:** ...where's my spell checker?

Magic Spell Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.

What funny jokes about magic spell you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean harry potter spells jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make magic spell pranks.

Once there was a tribe ruled by an evil witch doctor.

Whenever someone spoke up against his reign, he used his magic to turn them into an apple. One day, a small group of tribesmen had enough and decided to steal the witch doctor's magic spell book and turn him into an apple. However, the book said that if the mass of the apple ever changed too much, the spell would be broken and the witch doctor would kill them all. So each morning, they carefully measured the apple to make sure it had not changed. Proving that...
a weigh a day keeps the doctor an apple.

An evil wizard..

There was an evil wizard who hated mathematics. One day he decided that he would end math once and for all, by capturing the 10 digits, and locking the away forever in his secret prison. So he cast his spell, and all the digits, from 0 to 9 were under his influence. He put them in his magic sack and rode off to the prison. When he reached the prison, he opened the sack. To his horror, there were not 10, but 9 digits there. After searching thoroughly he realized was the 1 that got away.