Luke Father Jokes
20 luke father jokes and hilarious luke father puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about luke father that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Luke Father Short Jokes
Short luke father jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The luke father humour may include short luke skywalker jokes also.
- What's the difference between Luke Skywalker and a black man? Luke Skywalker eventually finds out who his father is.
- How did Darth Vader know what Luke was going to get him for Father's Day? He sensed his presents
- I've been watching the Star Wars movies, and I realized something It's not that big of a shock that Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father.
I mean, they have the same no's. - Matthew 11, Luke 9 and John 12... ...are just three of the boys Father O'Reilly has to stay at least 50 yards from.
- Darth Vader "I am your Father" "Ha ha" says Luke, removing his costume. "I'm the bus driver!"
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Luke Father One Liners
Which luke father one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with luke father? I can suggest the ones about luke leia and daughter father.
- How did Vader know what he was getting for Father's day? He felt Luke's presence.
- Why did Luke Skywalker never really know his father? Because he was a child of da'force
- - "Luke, I am your father" \- "Really? But you're black"
- Luke: "How did my father die?" Kenobi: "Like an overly toasted marshmallow."
- No, I am your father! Hi, Your Father, I'm Luke!
- If Darth Vader was gay his partner would be all like, "Luke - I am your other father."
Heartwarming Luke Father Jokes that Make You Laugh
What funny jokes about luke father you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean father and son jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make luke father pranks.
When the Empire Strikes Back was being filmed, they considered getting rid of James Earl Jones and bringing in Hulk Hogan instead to be Darth Vader.
But they quickly decided not to when they realized the line "No Luke, I am your father, brother!" Was way too confusing.
A priest gives a young nun a lift home from church one day..
As he's shifting gears, he rests his hand on the nun's knee.
The young nun looks up at the priest and says, Father, remember Luke 14:10.
The priest withdraws his hand embarrassed.
Next time they stop at a light, he places his hand a little higher up on her thigh, again the nun says, Remember Luke 14:10, Father.
The priest apologizes, The flesh is weak.
So he drops her off, and when he gets home, he reaches for his bible and flips to Luke 14:10.
Friend, come up higher, then shalt thou have glory!
[religious] [nsfw] a priest is driving a nun home.
On the way, he puts his hand on her leg. Noticing this, the nun says, "Father, remember Luke 14:10." The priest apologizes and returns his hand to the wheel.
A few minutes later he tries again, sliding his hand higher up her leg. Again, the nun says, "Father, remember Luke 14:10." "The flesh is weak," he says, and withdraws his hand.
When the priest gets home, he opens his Bible to Luke 14:10 -- "Friend, come up higher, then shalt thou have glory."
Credit goes to the movie Miss Sloane, which I whole heartedly recommend :) plus she tells it better
A priest is giving a nun a ride home one day...
As they're in the car, each time the Priest goes to switch gears, he rests his hand on the nuns knee.
The nun looks up at the priest and says "Father, remember Luke 14 10."
The priest moves his hand away, embarrassed. The next time they stop at a light, he places his hand a little higher on her leg.
Once again, the nun says "Remember Luke 14 10, father."
The priest apologizes, "The flesh is weak" he says.
The priest drops the nun off, and when he gets home, he reaches for his bible and flips to Luke 14 10, which says.
"Friend, come up higher. Then shalt thow have glory."