
Lower Class Jokes

22 lower class jokes and hilarious lower class puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about lower class that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Lower Class Short Jokes

Short lower class jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The lower class humour may include short working class jokes also.

  1. Leftists are acting like Trump is going to assassinate journalists, kill all homosexuals, and steal everything he can from the lower class... Like he's a communist or something.
  2. The only Physics Problem which could not be solved by topper of the class is, Find the force required to LOWER THE BAR of mass (m) and length (l) which is at a height (h).
  3. A guy types "lower case is for the lower class people" someone else replies with "I guess that makes you a capitalist"

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Lower Class One Liners

Which lower class one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with lower class? I can suggest the ones about upper class and middle class.

  1. What gets bigger the more you take from it? The lower class.
  2. Hey baby are you a Communist? Because i can feel an uprising in my lower class.
  3. Hey girl is your name Karl Marx? Cuz you're starting an uprising in my lower classes
  4. Are you the Proletariat? Because I feel an uprising in my lower class.
  5. Hey girl are you a communist? Because I feel a rise in my lower class
  6. I failed the high jump in gymnastics class today... Ever since then the bar was lowered
  7. LOWERCASE IS FOR THE LOWER CLASS That is an example of a capitalist.
  8. How do you make "Malabu" a lower class word, instead of a high class word? Chevy Malabu

Lower Class Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.

What funny jokes about lower class you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean lower than jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make lower class pranks.

Thought up this one in class today. (OC) "What did the one gravedigger say to the other as they lowered the body of a patronizing embezzler into his grave?"

"It's always nice to see a condescending con descending".

A beautiful female student was in danger of flunking her middle-aged male professor's course

It was near the end of the semester and she came to class in a short skirt and low-cut top. After the other students left the classroom she approached the prof.
"You know, I'd do *anything* to pass this class," she said flirtatiously.
The professor lowered his voice and looked down his bifocals. "Really?" he said, "Anything?"
"Yes," she said seductively. "Anything."
The professor drew near and whispered in her ear. "Would you . . . study?"

A father and her disappointing daughter

So there's a girl, who just graduated from High School as an honors student but just a few A's away from making Valedictorian. After her graduation, her father walks up to her and says "you've let me down."
The girl goes to medical school. Once again, she graduates near the top of her class but isn't the top of her class. The father walks up to her and says "you've let me down."
The girl was nominated for a big promotion in her hospital but was just a few marks away from securing it. Her father walks up to her and says "you've let me down."
Years pass. The woman has grown to hate her father. One day, she receives a letter saying her father had passed away. Forgetting all of her hate, she gets on the next flight to her mother's home.
As soon as she arrives, her mother hands her a letter detailing one final request from her father.
"At my f**..., I would like to have my daughter lower my body into my grave so she can let me down one more time."