
Loft Jokes

15 loft jokes and hilarious loft puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about loft that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Laugh out loud with these loft jokes! Celebrate the lighter side of loft insulation by reading these funny jokes about attics and diaries. Get ready to relax and enjoy a fun collection of humor.

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Funniest Loft Short Jokes

Short loft jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The loft humour may include short attic jokes also.

  1. Just been up in the loft getting the Christmas tree down, and I found a present from last year which we must have forgotten to give to the kids...
    ...shame really, they would have loved a kitten.
  2. What's the difference between a bipolar person and a loft full of lemons? One's a bit erratic and the other's a bitter attic.
  3. Speaking of loft insulation I had a man ring the bell the other day and ask if I was interested in getting felt up in the attic, so I punched him in the face and slammed the door.
  4. Going through the loft and found some Xmas presents from last year A real shame about that dog for the kids...
  5. I've just found a Christmas present for my daughter in the loft. I'll take it up to her later.
  6. Wrote a joke. I wrote this joke- Where does Frankenstein's automobile go to rest..?
    Boris' Karl loft.
  7. I organised a little surprise party for a girl from work. She didn't show - so I guess I'll just go back into her loft and wait.
  8. My friend was showing me around her loft. She said, "It's a bit eratic."
    I said, "I know, there's lemon and lime peels everywhere."
  9. Getting the Christmas decorations out of the loft I found an old copy of the 1977 Radio Times, or as its called now, The s**... Offenders Register!

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Loft One Liners

Which loft one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with loft? I can suggest the ones about apartment and condo.

  1. Every time I enter my loft, something bad happens. I call it problemattic.
  2. I started a Boat building company in the loft... ...Sails have gone through the roof.
  3. There are some jews in my loft.. I should really tell them ww2 is over now!

Loft joke, There are some jews in my loft..

Experience Instant Grins & Giggles with Playful Loft Jokes

What funny jokes about loft you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean parlor jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make loft pranks.

I was clearing out my loft today when I found a catalogued list of paedophiles

Naturally I was baffled to find such a thing in my loft, so I did a double take, and realised it was a TV guide from 1973.

Timmy's April Fool's joke

The day is April 1st, and Timmy wanted to play an April Fool's joke on his mom.
His mom comes home from work, and Timmy rushes to her.
"Mommy! Mommy!" He says, frantically.
"What is it, Timmy?" She asks.
"Dad hanged himself in the garage!"
The mom screams, then rushes to the garage, but nothing is there. She walks back in the house.
"Nothing is in the garage." She says to him.
"April fool's!"
"Oh than-"
"He hanged himself in the loft."

A farmer is drinkin' in his barn one night...

and decides to go wake his wife. He grabs a goat and heads up to their barn loft, wakes her up, and says "Hey! This here's the pig I've been f**...' ". She replies, "But Earlie, that there's a goat.." "I was talkin' to the goat!"

Upon seeing a beautiful milkmaid, Thor appears before her in a flash of lightning...

Picking her up, he takes her to the hay loft where he proceeds to make ravenous love to her for thee days.
As the sun rose on the third day, he walked to the door and said "Woman! I must go. I have duties and I am Thor!"
To which she replied... "You're Thour? I'm not going to be able to thit down on that milking thtool for a week!"

A priest, a rabbi, and a hipster walk into a bar...

The hipster says "man, this set-up is soooo played-out. I'm not gonna ruin my cred by staying, so I'm outie 5000." He then gets on his fixed-gear bicycle and rides it home to his loft that he pays for with money from his trust fund. He reads Bukowski by tap light in his futon until he falls asleep. And he lived ironically ever after.

Loft joke, I started a Boat building company in the loft...