Little Spoon Jokes
17 little spoon jokes and hilarious little spoon puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about little spoon that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Little Spoon Short Jokes
Short little spoon jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The little spoon humour may include short big spoon jokes also.
- I was waitering the other day and a nice old man asked me for a little spoon so I gently lay him down and hugged him from behind
- Drinking coffee used to make my eyes hurt a little. Then I learned you're supposed to remove the spoon from the mug first.
- When my wife wants to cuddle in bed, I make her play the big spoon.. That way when she farts, she farts away from me. She's like my little jet pack.
- Do you prefer big spoon or little spoon? I prefer big spoon so I can get more ice cream per scoop as I cry to myself alone.
- Spooning with the GF this morning... and she says to me, "Am I the little spoon?"
I said "No, you're more like the cake tin."
Didn't go down well. - My little girl loves helping me when I'm doing the cooking, because I always let her lick the spoon. The sooner she's old enough to buy her own h**..., the better.
- Shopping for a new mattress and the salesperson s**... What kind of salesman refuses to be the little spoon?
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Little Spoon One Liners
Which little spoon one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with little spoon? I can suggest the ones about spoon and tiny hand.
- What does little spoon says to big spoon? What soup?
- What did the big spoon say to the little spoon? Wait, are your parents home?
- What did the big spoon say to the little fork? You are so tiney!

Loads of Fun with Charming Humor Little Spoon Jokes
What funny jokes about little spoon you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean little person jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make little spoon pranks.
True story: when I was a kid I used to mix up lyrics. For example, after watching Mary Poppins, I sang "a spoonful of medicine helps the sugar go down." -My dad thought is was SO funny I mixed that line up.
Little did either of us know, I was predicting my future diabetes problems.
Sports Day
It's sports day at a school for "special" kids. During the egg and spoon race, little Johnny falls and hurts himself badly.
One of the teachers freaks out and yells "call Johnny an ambulance, call Johnny an ambulance!"
All the kids immediately start pointing at Johnny and laughing saying "Johnny is an ambulance- Johnny is an ambulance!"
try the chili
A man walks into a restaurant. He asks the waitress for an order of chili.The waitress points to a man at the the table next to him and says, "sorry, that guy over there got the last bowl. Is there anything else I can get for you?
The man replies," let me think about it for a little bit longer, I was really looking forward to the chili." After the waitress leaves he looks over and notices the other guy's bowl is totally full and he's not even touching it. So he leans over and say," hey I noticed you haven't eaten much of that chili, you mind if I have some?"
The guy responds, " sure, have the whole thing."
So the man takes the bowl and starts chowing down. He gets about halfway when his spoon hits something hard. He looks in the bowl and sees a dead mouse and he pukes the chili back up in the bowl. Then the other guy leans over and says, " that's about as far as I got too."
An old one my late grandmother used to tell
In a Catholic school English classroom, a nun was giving the lesson.
"Today, children, we'll be talking about rhyme. Does anyone have a rhyme they'd like to share?"
Several little hands shot up. The nun pointed to the smallest girl, Sally, in the front.
"Hey, d**..., d**...,
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon.
The little dog laughed
To see such sport,
And the dish ran away with the spoon."
"Very good, Sally." said the nun. "Who else?" She called on a little boy, Jack.
"It has my name in it!
Jack, be nimble,
Jack, be quick,
Jack, jump over
The candlestick.
Jack jumped high
Jack jumped low
Jack jumped over
and burned his toe."
"Wonderful rhyme, Jack!" replied the nun. Now, in the back of the class sat Michael. Michael came from a loud Irish family and was known as a troublemaker. The nun had tried to pick the other students before him, but he was beginning to make a commotion so she sighed and called out "yes, Michael."
"I've got a rhyme for you, Sister" he said.
"Mary came from Boston, Mass. and went into the water up to her knees."
"Michael," began the nun, "that doesn't rhyme."
"Oh, I know Sister. But wait until the tide comes in."