Legend Jokes
105 legend jokes and hilarious legend puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about legend that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Explore this collection of hilarious Legend Jokes! This set of jokes includes fun takes on the Legend of Zelda, myths, and more. Read on to get your daily dose of laughter with jokes like "Legend has it, Abdulla has Ringo wrapped around his little finger" and "Legend says the wind will never change direction".
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Funniest Legend Short Jokes
Short legend jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The legend humour may include short legacy jokes also.
- I used to like Mitch Hedberg jokes... I still do, but I used to, too.
18 years ago, today, we lost one of the greats.
R.I.P. to a legend. - What did the gamer say when his girlfriend asked what World of Warcraft and League of Legends were? "Wow, lol"
- Here is the best one liner from the legend, Mitch Hedberg My fake plants died because I did not pretend to water them.
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was originally intended to be for Wii U But mid-way through development they made the switch.
- Why do the french hate League of Legends? They have to wait 20 minutes before surrendering
- Knock Knock Who's there?
Lettuce who?
Lettuce pause this joke for a word from our sponsor, Raid shadow Legends - I see that software legend Photoshop is turning 25 this week. Actually, it's turning 38. It just looks 25.
- The most toxic substances known to mankind. 1. Arsenic
2. Cyanide
3. Polonium
4. Mercury
5. The League of Legends community - I get a lot of compliments about my feet... Some say they're legends!...
Leg. Ends.
I'll see myself out! - What do you get when you cryogenically freeze a genetic copy of basketball legend Kareem Abdul Jabbar? An ice Kareem clone
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Legend One Liners
Which legend one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with legend? I can suggest the ones about icon and label.
- Why are Americans bad at League of Legends ? They can't defend the tower
- Why are Americans so bad at League of Legends? because they can't protect their towers
- You play World of Warcraft AND Leage of Legends? Wow, lol.
- Why is America bad at League of Legends? Because we can't defend towers
- What did they call the man who knew how to read maps? A legend
- Did you hear about the Holy Cow? Some say he was legend-dairy.
- What do you call the work of a famous cow? Legend Dairy
- The legend once said that... Death had a near-Chuck Norris experience
- What do you call an Epic Cow? Legend Dairy
- Why is Legend of Zelda better than Star Wars? It has triple the force.
- How does Link from Legend of Zelda always die? Heart complications.
- why are your feet famous? because they're legends.
- My school did a performance called League of Legends. It was a play on wards.
- My cows milk won a gold medal at 15 shows in a row... It was legend dairy.
- Who called it Foot and not... A Legend.
Legend Has It Jokes
Here is a list of funny legend has it jokes and even better legend has it puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Why are Helium, Curium and Barium called the medical elements? Because if you can't Helium or Curium, you Barium.
(Heard it from Heimerdinger, League of Legends) - I hate how if a guy sleeps with a ton of girls hes a legend But when a girl does it, its my wife.
- I used to have a job explaining all those pictures and symbol they use on maps... ...man, I was a legend over there.
- There are people out there who don't know what World of Warcraft and League of Legends are WoW, LoL
- Mattel made Uno™ a "sequel" called Dos™ Legend says they started on the next one, but they disappeared without a Tres™...
- People always asked me why I made puns. I told them that we live in a world where a comedian either climbs to be a legend or lives long enough to start using puns... and I chose the ladder.
- My friends kept saying they saw Muhammad walking around town. They never found him. I guess he was just a turban legend.
- Playing Legend of Zelda has really improved my work ethic My boss says that I'm "Hylian Efficient."
- My granddad was something of a legend: he actually went down in history and on one occasion, fingered a girl in geography.
- The Legend of Zelda Joke Do you know why Ganon can't use the internet?
There's too many Links.
Legend Says Jokes
Here is a list of funny legend says jokes and even better legend says puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- British joke According to legend if at midnight you look in a mirror and say the words "workers rights" 3 times Liz Truss appears and takes them away
- A Legend is afoot Sorry, let me say that again: A Leg-end is a foot
- Legend say, Chuck Norris counted to infinity twice... Donald Trump tried to count to 10 and got stuck in a paper bag.
- How do you consider your dad? asked a teacher My dad is a legend for me! says a kid.
Why, Billy? asked the teacher.
Because I've never met him - Legend says you can't drown playing LOL.. ..Because people are too salty there
- Legend says when otter dies Her soul will go to the otter side
- I had an argument with a couple of "legends" today. It's safe to say they stood up for themselves.
- What did one league of legends player say to the other one? May the salt be with you
- A League of Legends players says to a Chinese man I have eaten more salt than you have eaten rice.
- The legend say: When a woman is giving birth almost can feel the pain of a man with the flu.
Legend Of Zelda Jokes
Here is a list of funny legend of zelda jokes and even better legend of zelda puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- You know what happens when you post a Legend of Zelda song on YouTube... A copyright strike is imminintendo.
- I was trying to think of a Legend of Zelda pun... But I don't want to tri and force it
- I heard a rumor that the next Legend of Zelda game is to be set in a Hyrule version of Spain. No one believes me They don't expect a Spanish Link decision
- I wish there was a "Where's Waldo" for "The Legend of Zelda" It should be titled "The Missing Link"
- What do you call a legend of Zelda fan theory? Head Ganon
- Did you hear about the Legend of Zelda gardening sim? You play as Link, the hero of Thyme.
- [OC] What is the Barden Bellas favorite Legend of Zelda game? A ca-rina of time
- If you die in Legend of Zelda, it's not canon It's Ganon
- Why was Link lost without his fairy? (legend of zelda) Because she was his "Navi-gator"
Entertaining Legend Jokes to Laugh Out Loud Fun with Everyone
What funny jokes about legend you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean chart jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make legend pranks.
A teacher asked in class: How is your dad?
A kid sits up and tries to answer: My dad is a legend for me!
- Why, Billy? asked the teacher.
- Because he doesn't exist!
George Washington and the Silver Dollar
According to legend, George Washington once threw a silver dollar across the Patomac River. You can't do this today because a dollar doesn't go as far as it used to.
What do you call a small hairy man of folk legend who's selfish during an o**...?
A k**...-hoggin' hobgoblin!
My girlfriend is so busted
she claims to be an atheist but yesterday I got home from work early and she was screaming "OH GOD! YES! YOU'RE SO GOOD!". So I sat smugly on the couch until she came out with my friend Steve. Then I was like "busted! you're not an atheist at all. I don't know what you did Steve but you are a legend"
What is the legendary chemical?
h**...-OH (Hydrogen Peroxide)
Wife told me she wants to have s**... in the back of the car...
She asked me if I could drive :-(
My new optician is a legend. This new set of glasses he gave me allows me to see a few years into the future.
Finally, I have 2020 vision.
Stevie Wonder is a legend, but did you see how hot his wife is?
Neither did he.
Legendary Skins in a Nutshell
Blizzard: Wanna hear a joke?
Me: Sure.
Blizzard: Legendary Skins.
Me: I don't get it.
Blizzard: Exactly
I have this friend, he's a real legend.
he's always telling me what the different symbols mean on maps.
I'm like a legend:
Nobody believes in me.
Why is a foot so awesome?
Because it's a legend
An honest politician, a hard-working civil servant and Santa Claus find a 100 dollar bill.
Who gets to keep it?
Santa does, the other two are creatures of myth and legend.
[ True Story / Legend ] A group of guys walk by Arnold working out on Venice beach..
One of the guys says "Look at this guy, I would never want to be that big".
To which Arnold replys, "Goode because you neva vill", as he finishes a pump.
In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus Christ saw every sin imaginable...
Meaning he saw some dude blasting rope to Waluigi h**... and still decided to save humanity. What a absolute legend.
You're about to deliver a great punchline to a blues-rock legend, but you pause for comedic timing.
Tom Waits.
Last night on a flight to Denver I finally joined the mile high club!
.....solo aviators division.
-Arj Barker is a legend.
The Inca people were one of the few who ever mastered hunting with owls, much like traditional falconry.
Legend says they learned calls to communicate with the intelligent birds, even to the point of planning attack strategies ahead of time.
And that's where we get the term Inca-hoots.
Its a real shame about Bary Chuckle
He always be a British legend to me, and to you.
Legendary comedian Steven Wright really became famous when he helped a woman give birth in a portable toilet.
He was known for his Bedpan delivery.
What do you do when you want to find a mythical location on a map?
Well legend has it...
IKEA visits with my dad are always really embarrassing. Every time we see a table he starts to explain about symbols.
He's like a legend!
My wife was leaving me because I made too many Legend of Zelda references
My wife was leaving me because I made too many Legend of Zelda references. She packed up her suitcase, and she walked out. As soon as she walked out of the door, I noticed that she had left her suitcase here. We live in a bad neighborhood, so she packed some pepper spray in it just in case. I quickly picked it up, ran out the door, and saw her. I handed it to her and said:
It's dangerous to go alone. Here, take this.
Legend tells of an incredible hero...
Legend tells of an incredible hero: Carto-Man. Half of his body is a regular human, but the other half is made up of a key from a map.
The man, the myth, the legend
Did you hear the story about the old milk?
It was legend dairy
Did you guys hear about the Sikh man who roamed the London streets at night, looking for children to eat?
Don't worry - it's just a turban legend.
My favorite Will Smith movie is the one where he is part of a map
I Am Legend
Which legendary soul singer had trouble peeing?
u**... Franklin
Why did the farmer cross the road?
To get his chicken back.
(Credit goes to my little sister. Did this one when she was eight. She's a legend.)
Just seen a French footballing legend playing a computer game
It was Thierry on Wii
My buddy just landed a job as a map explainer...
That dude's a legend