
Leeroy Jokes

6 leeroy jokes and hilarious leeroy puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about leeroy that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Leeroy Jokes to Giggle and Enjoy A Night of Unforgettable Laughter

What is a good leeroy joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

People today are so politically correct. You can't even say black paint,

You have to say "Leeroy, please paint my fence."

Apparently, even saying "black paint" is considered racist...

You're supposed to say, "Leeroy, would you please paint the fence."

A man from the Census Bureau knocks on an apartment door in the projects

A black woman answers the door and the man asks, "Excuse me, Ma'am, how many people live here?"
The woman replies, "Me and my 12 children".
"Wow" the man exclaims, "I had better go get an extra record sheet so I can write down all of their names".
"No, you won't need to" she says, "I named them all Leeroy".
The man stops for a second with a puzzled look on his face. "But Ma'am, how do you call them each to dinner?"
"I just yell 'Leeroy, time for dinner!' and they all come".
"But then how do you get them to go to bed?"
"Same thing. I just yell 'Leeroy, time for bed!' and they all get to bed".
"So what do you do when you want to speak to them one on one?"
"That's easy, I just call them by their last name."

There was this one lady, she named all her kids Leeroy. Another woman at the park asked her why. She said cause when I want them to do something I just say "Leeroy you better clean this up" or "Leeroy come to dinner" and they all do it. But what if one is in trouble the woman asked?

Why, then, I just use his last name.

This racism thing has gone too far

I mean you can't even say black paint anymore, you have to say "Leeroy, would you mind painting the fence"

Its such a shame todays world is so politically correct, you cant even say Black Paint anymore,

Instead you have to say "Leeroy please paint the porch"

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