
Lame Cat Jokes

3 lame cat jokes and hilarious lame cat puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about lame cat that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Rib-Tickling Lame Cat Jokes that Bring Friends Together

What is a good lame cat joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

Lame joke I made one night. What do you get when you mix a cat and a blender?

A visit from the cops.

Just some lame jokes!!

How do people at NASA organize a party??
They Plan-et!! bad i know! But you read the title..right?
Here's another...
Whats the type of music mummies listen to?
How bored are you that you're actually even reading these!!
One more...
How did I get out of Iraq??
I personally like this one a lot... And you're still here.. so i assume you liked it too... :D
Last one.. okay??
What did the cobbler say when a cat wandered into his shop??
You'll find the answer in the comments hopefully.. :P

One fine day, in the middle of the night...

*This is a humours verse I've known since I was a kid. I don't know where it came from, and my googling has failed me. If anyone else knows the origin, that would be great!*
One fine day, in the middle of the night,
Two dead men, got up to fight,
One lame man, rang up to call an ambulance,
The ambulance came, with two dead horses pulling it,
They ran over a dead cat, and nearly killed it,
Now the cat's in hospital, with nothing wrong with it.
Admission is free, pay at the door,
We'll give you the best seat, so sit on the floor.

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