Korean Jokes
142 korean jokes and hilarious korean puns to laugh out loud. Read ethnic jokes about korean that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Discover the best Korean jokes for a laugh! Read through a collection of K-drama inspired puns, Korean BBQ jokes, and more. Find the perfect joke from a range of topics like Korean food, Yang-Nonsense and the dark side of Seoul. Enjoy some laughs and discover why Kimchi isn't just a delicious dish.
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Funniest Korean Short Jokes
Short korean jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The korean humour may include short ping jokes also.
- North Koreans believe they live in the best country in the world because they're brainwashed by the government and the media. When every American knows that America is the best country in the world.
- What's the difference between North Korea and the US? North Koreans can't tell if their leader is seriously dead. Americans can't tell if their leader is dead serious.
- I asked my North Korean pen pal how it was like living in North Korea "I can't complain" he wrote back.
- Jay Leno walked past a painting of Simon Cowell surrounded by his dogs during AGT. And said: Cowell looked at the dogs like they were on the menu at a Korean restaurant.
- BREAKING: North Korean leader in a vegetative state following surgery. They've begun calling him Kim Jong Un-Responsive
- I don't get why Japanese people and South Korean people just can't get along. I mean, they're all Chinese.
- I asked my North Korean friend how it was to live in North Korea... He says he can't complain.
- I finally married my Korean wife whom I met in a penpal site few years ago.. She's my Seoul mate.
- North Korean submarine accidentally destroys another North Korean submarine Woops, wrong sub
- What do all North Korean's say when you ask them how their day was? "can't complain"
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Korean One Liners
Which korean one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with korean? I can suggest the ones about south korean and korean food.
- Why do North Koreans draw line so well? They have a Supreme Ruler.
- Why do North Koreans draw the straightest lines? Because they have a supreme ruler
- I asked my North Korean friend how it was there He said he couldnt complain
- Why is the North Korean dictator so evil? Because he has no Seoul.
- My Korean friend died yesterday So Yung...
- Unfortunately I lost my Korean friend the other day. So Yung.
- How do you stop a North Korean tank? Shoot the soldier pushing it.
- A father asks his child, "Could you please stop listening to Korean music?" "K, pop."
- My dad told me I was listening to way too much Korean Music. I told him, "K pop"
- Why are North Korean weekends so lame? Because theres only one party.
- I asked my North Korean friend how things were over there. He said he couldn't complain.
- Why do North Koreans hate jazz music? They don't have Seoul.
- Did you know that 80% of Korean businessmen have caddaracts? The other 20% drive Mercedes
- Why are North Korean Figure Skaters so good? It's all about the Execution
- Why does the north Korean navy have glass bottom boats? So they can see their air Force.
North Korean Jokes
Here is a list of funny north korean jokes and even better north korean puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Why is North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un so ruthless? He doesn't have a Seoul.
- I asked my North Korean friend how he liked living there. He said he can't complain.
- A South Korean asks a North Korean How's life? The North Korean responds Well, I can't complain.
- A North Korean man frequently sneaks to the South Korean capital to gamble for bakery goods for his family. He is the seoul breadwinner
- Being a North Korean is tough and all but hey At the end of the day, I can't complain.
- What's a North Korean farmer's favorite time of year? Breakfast.
- How do you clear a North Korean bingo hall? B 52
- I asked my North Korean friend how he was doing.... ...and he responded, "I can't complain."
- Before candles, what did North Korean communists use to light their homes with? Electricity.
- I asked a North Korean how his life was going... He said "can't complain."
South Korean Jokes
Here is a list of funny south korean jokes and even better south korean puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- TIL 50% of South Koreans have cataracts. The other 50% drive Rincolns.
- What do South Koreans call their spouses? Seoulmates
- Why are South Koreans better dancers than North Koreans? They've got Seoul.
- What do North Koreans lack that South Koreans do not? North Koreans have no Seoul.
- What does a South Korean call their lover? Their Seoul Mate.
- Why did the North Korean defect to South Korea? He did some seoul searching.
- What's the difference between North Korea amd South Korea? North Koreans have no Seoul.
Thought of this very early in the morning waiting to board a plane. - What did the South Korean flag holder say to the North Korean holder after the ceremony? Hey, let's grab some lunch! I bet you're starving!
- Why aren't there many North Koreans in the Olympics? Because anyone who can run, swim, or jump is in South Korea
- Korean joke The number of South Korea's boys band singers is enough to defeat North Korea's entire army.

Korean American Jokes
Here is a list of funny korean american jokes and even better korean american puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- What's the difference between North Koreans and Americans? The Americans had a chance to vote.
- How do an American and Russian communicate without a translator? Using Korean.
- There Are A Few Ways of Expressing Laughter in Type. American: hahahaha
Brazillian portuguese: huehuehuehue
Japanese: wwwww
Korean: kekekeke
Mexicans & Spanish: jajajajaja
Thai: 555555 - What's the difference between South Korean BBQ and American BBQ? South Korean BBQ has more Seoul
- What's the difference between a Swede, an American, and a Korean? Ask them to pronounce and define
Bae .
Korean Food Jokes
Here is a list of funny korean food jokes and even better korean food puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Have you tried North Korean food? Neither have they
- KFC in Asia?
Korean fried cat. - I really like ethnic foods, but the one type of asian cuisine I haven't had is North Korean food. Then again, neither have citizens of North Korea.
- I think I figured out why so many North Koreans are starving Not enough Seoul food.
- Have you ever had North Korean food? No? Neither have they.
- What do you call Korean soul food? Okra Gangnam Style
- What is a Japanese person's favorite Korean food? kimchi, because it makes them feel good. (I woke up at 4am for this.)
- I wonder what North Korean food tastes like... Oh wait, there is no food.
- Do you know what North Korean food tastes like? neither do they...
- My wife enrolled in a North Korean cooking school 2 years ago. "She must cook great Asian food by now."
"Actually, they've only just covered the life and teachings of Kim Jong-il."

Experience Instant Grins & Giggles with Playful Korean Jokes
What funny jokes about korean you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean north korean jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make korean pranks.
A North Korean Gymnast walks into a bar
his family is summarily executed.
They walk in the bar
A bartender is working at an upscale bar downtown when all of the sudden, an Englishman, a Dane, a Frenchman, a German, a Russian, an American, a Canadian, a Mexican, a Peruvian, a Brazilian, a Colombian, a Chinese, a Japanese, a Korean, 29 different Africans from all different African countries, and an Indian all walk in to the bar.
And the bartender says to them, sorry gentlemen, but you can't come here without a Thai.
^thanks ^SnW
What do you call it when a Korean plays kickball?
A Psychic
Why don't Korean captains wear hats?
Because they don't know what to do with cap sizes.
The Koreans were printing with movable type in 1403.
I was in 1402 and the noise kept me awake all night.
- from MASH
A North Korean soldier runs across the DMZ and yells to the US Army "Kim Jong Un is an idiot!" and gets thrown in a labor camp for 16 years by the government.
1 year for insulting the Dear Leader and the other 15 for revealing a state secret.
A Korean and a Jew
Jew: Hey... weren't you people responsible for Pearl Harbor?
Korean: Uh... that was the Japanese. I'm Korean.
Jew: Pffft, Japanese, Chinese, Korean. What's the difference?
Korean: Well wait, weren't you people responsible for sinking the Titanic?
Jew: Uh... that was an iceberg.
Korean: Pffft, Rosenberg, Goldberg, iceberg... What's the difference?
Recently asked my North Korean buddy how it was over there...
He said he couldn't complain.
A Saudi, a Russian, a North Korean and a New Yorker ....
A Saudi, a Russian, a North Korean and a New Yorker are walking down the street.
A reporter comes up to them and says,
Excuse me, what is your opinion about the meat shortage?
The Saudi says, excuse me , what is this word shortage?
The Russian says, excuse me, what's meat?
The North Korean says, excuse me, what's an opinion?
The New Yorker says, excuse me, what's excuse me?
A North-Korean officer pulls out a megaphone at the North and South Korean border and yells "Kim Jong-Un is an idiot!" and gets sent to 31 years in a labor camp.
1 year for insulting the Dear Leader and 30 years for revealing a state secret.
A young Korean couple are lying in bed...
When the guy starts f**... nonstop.
The girl, unable to take the smell, says, "Stop, that's disgusting!"
"Don't blame me", the guy says. "It's the dog."
"Oh, don't blame him", she says. "He was cooked perfectly."
What do you call a Korean with a dog?
For the record, I'm Korean and have a dog haha.
What weighs 20 times a North Korean?
Kim Jong Un.
In the latest federal North Korean election, Kim Jung Un won 100% of the vote.
A landslide victory against his sole competitor: "*Or else*".
An American, a Briton, and a North Korean look at a picture of Adam and Eve
An American, a Briton, and a North Korean look at a picture of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden and try to figure out what nationality they are.
The American says, "Look at how free and independent they are, they must be Americans."
The Briton says, "What are you talking about, look at how calm and reserved they are, the are obviously British."
The North Korean says, "You two are both missing the point. They have no clothes, no shelter, they only have and apple to eat between them and yet they are being told that they live in paradise. They're clearly North Korean."
Kim Jong Un walked into a bar
The North Korean media still said he got a gold for high jump
My Car spinning uncontrollably thru a crowd of people
And My Korean friend screams "Hit the Blakes" & I'm like "I can't be that selective"
Which of these three does not belong: (A) a lobster, (B) a flounder, or (C) a Korean man who has just been run over by a bus?
The answer is (B) a flounder.
The other two are crushedAsians.
My Korean friend died last week...
So Yung
I dated a half Asian girl
Her mom was Korean
Her dad was Korean
Her legs got ripped off in the car accident.
So I'm dating this half-Korean girl...
Her mother's Korean, her father's Korean, and her legs got ripped off in a car accident
If we replace all "Chuck Norris" jokes with Kim Jung Un....
We could write the North Korean Official Website.
Mexican self defense
A Mexican passed a Japanese man and a Korean man as they were discussing their favorite type of martial arts.
Japanese man: I practice karate, the defense arts.
Korean man: I practice Taekwondo, teaches defense and attack.
At this point the men notice the Mexican and ask him what he practices
Mexican: Judono
Men: We have heard of Judo but not Judono, what is it?
Mexican: Well, judono if I got a gun, judono if I got a knife...
I'm dating a half-Asian girl.
Her mom's Korean and her dad's Korean, and her legs got torn off in a car accident.
- Dan Mintz
My Korean friend passed away...
So Yung...
A Filipino, a Korean, a Laotian, a Chinese, a Japanese and a Vietnamese go to a fancy restaurant. "Sorry" says the Maitre d' ...
"You can't be seated without a Thai."
North Korean launches keep getting better and better
Heck, they even made it to the front page today!
I was talking to a North Korean about freedom
I told him, "You know what's the best thing about freedom? If I ever see President Trump, I can shout, 'Hey Mr. President, you're an a**...!'"
The North Korean answered, "I have that freedom too. If I ever see President Kim, I can shout, 'Hey Supreme Leader, Donald Trump is an a**...!'"
What do you call North Korean K-Pop?
p**... Style.
What's the difference between a abusive father and a Korean gamer?
Only one will stop beating you
What do you call an ancient Korean man?
Jurassic Park
Once the North Korean leader dies, who will take his place?
His next of Kim
My Korean friend died today.
He was So Yung.
What do you call a rap group of North Korean defectors?
[Pickup line] Are you the Korean peninsula?
Because I'm gonna split you in two
Why are North Korean jokes so good?
They have great execution
If Korean pop is K-pop
Then Korean Rap is k**....
There's a rumour that North Korean dictator, Kim Jong Un is dead.
But personally, I think he's just Kim Jong Un-well
What do you call a teenage Korean p**...?
Yung h**....
TIL Korean singers never say, "Yes daddy!"
They say, "K pops!"
A Canadian, a Swiss, a German, a Mexican, a American, a Korean, a Austrian, a Brazilian, a Estonian, a Filipino, a British, a Egyptian, a Icelander, a Jamaican, a South African, a Puerto Rican, a Chinese, a Latvian, a Moroccan, a Taiwanese, a Spaniard, and a romanian walk into a fancy restaurant.
The waiter stops them and says Sorry, you can't come in here without a Thai.
I am married to a Korean wife and she told me I get to name our son's English name
We live in Korea and gave our son my wife's last name 모 (pronounced 'mo').
I got to choose his English name so I said we should call him Lester.
So when I go around and introduce my child I could say
"This is our child 모 Lester"
The wife of Korean immigrant was bed ridden with a high fever.
She hadn't had consciousness for a while and she was a burning 40 degrees Celsius. Worried, the husband tries to call for an ambulance, using his broken English.
"911 emergency, how can we help you."
"Wife in bed. She so hot."
"Okay... good for you."
What's short and to die for?
A North Korean political joke.
I asked my North Korean friend what life was like there.
He can't complain.
My Korean girlfriend broke up with me
I guess she'll never be my Seoul mate.
After many years in America, the local Korean owner of a convenience store was asked how it was that his name is Patrick Murphy.
When I come to America, there was long line of immigrants from all over the world. When immigration officer ask man in front of me where he comes from & what his name he tell him, " I'm from Ireland & my name is Patrick Murphy!" Then immigration officer writes his name down and tells him to go on to next line.
Then immigration officer ask me where I come from & my name and I tell him, " I am from Korean and my name is Sam Ting!"
I asked a north korean how his day was
He said he couldn't complain
I asked a north korean what he had to say about the country
he said he can't complain
North Korean citizens believe they live in the best country in the world because the government and the media brainwash them.
When every American citizen knows that America is the best country in the world.