Knee Replacement Jokes
10 knee replacement jokes and hilarious knee replacement puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about knee replacement that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Amusing Knee Replacement Jokes to Make You Laugh with Friends
What is a good knee replacement joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
I lost both my legs below the knee in an accident...
... and for years, no matter how hard my friends and family tried to convince me, I fought on without prosthetic replacements.
In the end it became just too difficult, so I finally accepted defeat.
I didn't think my knee replacement surgery would help.
I stand corrected.
Old man visits his Doctor...
Old man: Doctor, my hips hurt and need to be replaced. My knees are sore all the time. I need a CPAP machine for sleep, my hair is falling out and I need new glasses.
Doctor: Do you remember all the mornings when you used to jog, all the deserts you passed on, all the salads you ate so you would live longer?
Old man: Yes, Doc, I remember.
Doctor: Well, this is it!
As they stood on top of The Eiffel Tower, watching a beautiful sunset, he got down on one knee and said, Honey?
She gasped audibly and said, Yeah?
He said, Help! My replacement knee is made of magnets.
Did you hear about the guy who had his knee replaced with a Magic 8-Ball?
He had a prophetic prosthetic.
What do you call it when the inventor of the ceramic knee replacement gets a metal knee replacement?
Did you here about that Leg Doctor
He shattered his entire left leg and had to get a metal replacement.
It was a really bad case of Iron-Knee
My grandmother recently had her knee replaced.
I suspect Colin Kaepernick has her old one.
A new company has started 3d printing knee replacements
They called themselves Cartilage World
What is the nearest replacement for a pair of woman earrings?
Answer: She already has it, her knees.
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