Kinetic Energy Jokes
6 kinetic energy jokes and hilarious kinetic energy puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about kinetic energy that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Comical & Quirky Kinetic Energy Jokes for a Roaring Good Time
What is a good kinetic energy joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
You have so much potential
But no kinetic energy, therefore you will never go anywhere in life.
Just thought of a physics joke in class
One day, Newton adopts a dog to play catch with his apple, naming it Theta. Busy with writing the *Principia*, Newton doesn't notice that Theta has been p**... all over the lawn. When he finally steps outside and sees the mess, he energetically graps his shovel and gets to work.
A visitor asked the neighbor, "Why is the lawn all messed up?", and the neighbor replied, "Oh, Newton's just expending energy. He's madcos(θ).
(Kinetic Energy=Fdcos(θ))
Why is the energy of motion called E-kinetic?
Because physicists can't understand E-motion.
In my Science class we were talking about Kinetic and Potential energy. I said outloud "No wonder my mom calls me Kinetic"
"Because I have no Potential"
I am not lazy
I just cant convert my potential energy into kinetic energy.
Let's convert our potential energy into kinetic energy.
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