
Keychains Jokes

3 keychains jokes and hilarious keychains puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about keychains that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Keychains Funny Jokes to Tell Your Friends and Kids.

What is a good keychains joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

Drunk walks up to a beat cop

Says, "Ociffer, somebody stole my car!"
Cop says, "well where was it when you last saw it?"
Drunk holds up his keychain says, "it was right here on the end of this key!"
Cop looks the drunk up and down, points over the drunks shoulder says, " you'll need to go down to the precinct to fill out the paperwork, it's 4 blocks down that way."
Drunk says, "thanks ociffer." Starts to turn around to walk down there.
Cop says, "you'd better zip up your pants before you go in there."
Drunk looks down at his pants, says "oh man, they got my girl too!"

Why did the key-chain get sassy?

Because it got car-key.

Dad told me this one

This guy went Christmas shopping for his daughter. She said she wanted a Barbie. Typical right? Well he went to the toy store and went looking for a couple Barbies. He grabbed the Malibu Barbie, Katniss Barbie and the holland Barbie. As he was leaving the isle he saw a divorce Barbie. It had a $299 price tag so he asked the lady why is this one so much more than the rest. And the lady replied, "we'll for starters it comes with kens cars, kens house and kens testicals on a keychain."

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